General: Model 737A "Monoplex" is a high output
Super-Cardioid Crystal Microphone employing the patented
Shure "Uniphase" principle. The Super-Cardioid character-
istic allows highly satisfactory operation under adverse conditions of background noise and reverberation where a conventional microphone would be practically useless.
The "Monoplex" contains a diaphragm-type element
combined with acoustical networks which cause cancellation
of sound pressures for sounds incident from the rear.
crystal is “Metal Seal” covered to withstand adverse clima-
tic conditions. The case is pivoted at the rear and may be
conveniently pointed in the direction of the desired sound,
or pointed upwards for non-directional horizontal plane pick-
up. The rich satin-chrome case is designed for improved
acoustical performance and modern appearance.
The microphone is provided with a detachable plug and
a 15 foot (4.6 m) single conductor shielded cable.
Applications: The model "737A" "Monoplex" is ex-
cellent for high quality public-address communications, all
types of recording, and similar applications.
The true wide-range uni-directional characteristic of the
"Monoplex" creates an easy solution to the feedback problem in reverberant locations, facilitates orchestral placement,
permits good utilization of space in small recording or broadcasting studios, and allows a practically complete exclusion
of unwanted noises.
By pivoting the microphone upwards, a 360° non-direc-
tional horizontal plane characteristic is obtained which is
useful for group or roundtable pickup.
Frequency response is from 60 to 10,000 cycles over a
wide range angle at the front, yet practically unaffected by
sound approaching from the rear. Rear response is down
approximately 15 db permitting more volume without feedback which simplifies microphone and speaker placement and
greatly improves systems using conventional microphones.
Connections: The microphone cartridge element is
connected across terminals 2 and 3 in the microphone receptacle. The microphone case is connected to terminal I.
In the cable plug, pins 1 and 2 are connected to the
shield of the cable, and the inner conductor is connected to
number 3 pin. Therefore, one side of the cartridge element
is grounded to the case and shield while the microphone is
in operation.
The inner conductor or “hot” lead should be connected
to the grid of the first tube in the amplifier across a load
resistance of 5 megohms. Input resistances as low as I
megohm may be used if necessary, but higher values are
recommended because of the better low frequency response
which will result. The shield or ground should be connected
to the chassis. See Fig. A. The shield, chassis or amplifier
should be securely connected to a water pipe or similar
ground to prevent shock hazard during operation of the
amplifying system.
Added lengths of connecting cable will be accompanied
by a decrease in output level. There is no frequency dis-
crimination introduced by the cable, regardless of length.
Most modern high-gain amplifiers have a sufficient margin
of gain to make up for output level decreases due to addi-
tional cable lengths. If the amplifier does not have the
necessary gain a pre-amplifier at the microphone or near
the main amplifier is suggested. Pre-amplifiers with low im-
pedance output are recommended if the main amplifier
system has a low impedance transformer or mixer input.
Cable should be of high quality and low capacity. The inner leads should be soldered and insulated. Metal braid
sleeve or a serve of fine wire should be soldered between
the shields of the cables to complete the shielding.
Fig. A. Connections for Model 737A Microphone.
Copyright 1947, Shure Brothers. Inc.
27830 (8-61)
crystal microphones.
No polarizing voltage is required for
Printed in U.S.A.
Crystal microphones may be seriously damaged if accidentally connected to loudspeaker or power supply outlets
carrying high voltage. Check your connections carefully.
Shure crystal products are suitably moisture-protected
to withstand the action of all ordinary atmospheric conditions in temperate climates. Rochelle salt crystal deteriorates
rapidly when a temperature of 135° F. is reached. It is, in
general, not safe to store or subject these crystals for prolonged periods of time to temperatures in excess of 115-
120° F., or to extremely high humidity as this may result in
a progressive deterioration of the crystal.
When used near a radio transmitter, use minimum length
of cable consistent with placement requirements. Careful
grounding of the cable shield is advisable.
As a precaution against mechanical vibration pickup, the
unit is floated in sponge rubber inside the microphone case.
No special precautions, beyond ordinary care are necessary in the operation of the "Monoplex" Microphone. It
will operate efficiently and dependably under all ordinary
Acoustic Considerations: The expression "Super-
Cardioid type response" simply means that the polar char-
acteristic of the microphone approximates a modified car-
dioid of revolution. There is a wide, useful pickup angle at
the front of the microphone. The rear response is down of
the order of 15 db over a broad range of frequencies and
reduces pickup of random energy by 73%.
The Shure "Monoplex" employs the same type of acou-
stic phase shifting network used in the highest cost Shure
Microphones. The true uni-directional "super-cardioid"
characteristic of the "Monoplex" allows highly satisfactory
operation under adverse conditions of background noise and
reverberation where a conventional microphone would be
practically useless. By directing the rear side of the micro-
phone towards the audience or other source of interfering
sound, pickup can be concentrated on the desired source.
The microphone can be placed close to reflecting surfaces
without objectionable effects if the rear side of the microphone is toward the reflecting surface. This is particularly
valuable in small studios or rooms.
It is desirable to experiment with microphone placement
and orientation in order to secure the greatest benefits
from the uni-directional characteristic.
Specifications: Voltage Sensitivity: 2.25 millivolts per
microbar at end of 15 foot (4.6 m) cable across 1 to 5
megohms. This is equivalent to 53 db below 1 volt per microbar.
RETMA Microphone Rating GM (Sensitivity) -153 db.
RETMA Standard SE-105, August, 1949.
Internal Output Impedance: Equivalent to a 1000 micromicrofarad condenser.
Recommended Load Impedance: 1 to 5 megohms.
Cable 15' Single Conductor
Net Weight, Less Cable
Packaged Weight 2-1/4 Ibs.
Satin Chrome Plate
1-1/8 lb.
Guarantee: Each microphone is guaranteed to be free
from electrical and mechanical defects for a period of one
year from date of shipment from the factory, provided all
instructions are complied with fully. In case of damage, re-
turn the microphone to the factory for repairs. Our guar-
antee is voided if the microphone case is opened.
Frequency-Cycles per Second
Fig. B. Front Response-Frequency Characteristic Model 737A Microphone.