Shure 706 User Manual

The Features
you find most useful.. . pre-fader monitor.. ,200-watt power amp.. .exclusive FEEDBACK FINDER'" and PATCH BLOCK'"
The Reliability
you need for demanding, continuous operation
The Quality ...
you've come to expect from Shure
Introduction.. Controls Connectors Indicators
Input Channels Aux Inputs Status Indicators Headphones DB Peak Indicators FEEDBACK FINDERT" Graphic Equalizer. Master Controls Speaker and Power Panel PATCH BLOCK'" Rear Panel
Maintenance Troubleshooting Specifications Speaker Systems Speakers and Accessories Guarantee Shipping Instructions
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To prevent a source of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or extreme moisture.
Introducing the Shure PRO
MRST€RTM Power Console Model
.a portable, high -power, 8-input monophonic mixer­amplifier combining the power and versatility demanded by professional users with the ease of operation of a much smaller, simpler unit. The result of years of design concept study and evaluation, the PRO MASTER handles any sound job dependably, and with the very highest quality. It combines superior performance with a relatively modest price. It is ideal for such diverse applications as schools, churches, hotel and motel meeting rooms, nightclubs, audito­riums-anywhere good sound is vital, regardless of room size. simultaneouslv
The PRO MASTER is an all solid-state unit, employing
'the latest developments in highly reliable integrated
circuit, discrete component, and printed wiring technology It's easy to set up and operate-no rate power amps, equalizers or reverb are required. And connecting accessory equipment is fast and convenient. The PRO MASTER is full of features for super performance and super convenience-the unique FEEDBACK FINDER'" helps maximize gain before feedback, makes feedback location and suppression fast and easy.. .exclusive PATCH BLOCK'" rear panel shows you where complex circuits using simple patch cords.. .efficient "wind tunnel" power amp design has temperature warning and shutdown LED indicators. Its versatile control panel is human-engineered for ease of operation: an experienced user can always get the most from it, even in the dimmest auditorium, meeting room, or club, and a beginning user can operate it effectively, with minimum indoctrination and with complete confidence. It's packaged in a hand­some, rugged, lightweight, molded case complete with carrying handle and line cord storage.
In combination with Shure's PRO MASTER Speaker Svstems, vou've aot a sound reinforcement svstem tiatat's ide'al for every application. Need more bapabil­ity? The PRO MASTER is super-expandable-use accessory mixers or power amps, stage monitor speakers, effects devices, whatever you need can easily be added. And it's all backed by Shure's tra­ditional quality and reliability. It's the sound you need
.when you need it.. . and where you need it.
you're patching, helps you construct
Just look at these features-
Full 200-watt power amplifier Six high-impedance and six balanced low-
impedance mic inputs and PA (power amp) inputs
Six input channels for microphones and aux level sources with full controls: volume, attenuation, quency equalization, effectsheverb, and monitor
High- and low-impedance inputs may be used
Two additional aux channels with volume controls Full master controls: monitor, volume, effects send,
reverb return, and reverb high- and low-frequency eaualization
Outputs for all needs: monitor, effects, headphones, aux, mic, and speakers (2)
Two common mix buses: mix output and equalizer out~ut
Balanced mic output for "house" systems
Unique FEEDBACK FINDER with LED readout
instantly identifies feedback frequency bands 10-band graphic equalizer with minimum phase,
combining-type filters. Lowest filter is -12 dB/ octave cut-only switch; others are
Exclusive PATCH BLOCK rear panel shows you where to patch-jacks are located right in the block diagram
Built-in reverb unit with provisions for external onloff switching and external effects devices
Regulated 24 Vdc simplex supply for powering condenser microphones
Bright red power amp peak output level, power amp overload, power-on, temperature warning, and shutdown
Protected against damage from open- or short­circuits on inputs or outputs
Protected against heat damage by ultra-reliable cooling fan and automatic thermal shutdown circuit
Protected against radio frequency interference and line noise
Operates on as low as 100 Vac (at reduced output) Rugged molded ARMO-DUR case with carrying
handle and line cord storage
two aux inputs
213 dB adjustable
indicators show input clipping,
Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.; listed by Canadian Standards Association as certified
Controls Connectors lndicotors
(Orange marks on contios ~ndlcite hasic
nitiai settnnsi
Independently controls channel monitor level
to monitor output. Adjust for desired monitor
mix when using a monitor system.
Controls amount of reverberation and lor external effects on channel. Adjust for des~red amount (use low settings for vocals, higher settings for instruments).
Sets channel treble boost or cut for desired tone
Sets channel bass boost or cut for desired tone shaping.
Indicateswhen Input signal istoo high. Adjust INPUT
Adjusts input attenuation for channel. Suggested phones or amplified instruments -12 to -30; normal vocals
-24; distant
Allows individual setting of channel input for desired signal mix. If setting is consistently low (1 or
. .
ATTEN until only occasional flashes are
init~al sett~ngs: condenser micro-
or high
to -12; loud vocals
miking 0.
to lo), adjust INPUT
In oddition.
Control precedes VOLUME ("pre-fader") and other channel controls; not affected by VOL-
EQualizers, or EFFECTSIREVERB. Only
UME, affected by INPUT independent monitor
This channel send control follows the INPUT ATTEN, VOLUME and EQ controls. Can be used simultaneously with reverb and external effects devices, or as a second monitor ("post-fader") to the EFFECTS OUTPUT jack
Adjusts channel 213 dB at 10 kHz on all out­puts except monitor; does not affect monitor output.
Adjusts channel 2 13 dB at 100 Hz on all out­puts except output
Lights approximately 3 dB prior to clipping of preamp or input channel equalizer. For optimum signal-to-noise ratio, adjust INPUT ATTEN for occasional flashes (no light may mean noisy operation; constant light means distortion).
Adjusts gain of preamplifier to permit channel to accept microphone level signals, direct instrument pickups, or high level aux signals from amplified instruments or tape recorders; almost any input device can be accommodated.
Affects all outputs except monitor; does not affect monitor mix.
ATTEN, allowing totally
monltor; does not affect monitor
Both inputs may be used at the same time with
similar microphones (one high and one low
impedance), allowing up to 12 microphones
Provides for connection of high-impedance microphones, direct instrument pickups, keyboards, amplified instruments, tape
recorders or other high-level sources to channel input.
Provides for connection of low-impedance
dynamic, ribbon or condenser microphones and other low-level inputs to channel input.
(Don't use when high-level source is used on HI IMP input.)
Can be used with line matching transformer
A95FP) to allow two low-impedance
(Shure microphones on channel (not recommended for two condenser microphones).
Also may be used to power most condenser
microphones such as the Shure
~dc simplex power supply voltage
activated by rear-panel switch.
SM81; built-in
Rux Inputs
Channels 7 and 8 are aux level inputs, providing additional input capabilities for tape recorders, synthesizers, amplified instruments, back­ground music sources, preamplified phonographs, or other mixers. These channels have AUX INPUT phone jacks, VOLUME controls for channel input mix level. To play a stereo tape in mono, connect the left tape channel to AUX INPUT 7 and the right tape channel to AUX INPUT 8. If equalization, HI IMP input channels with proper input attenuation.
These inputs can also be used for the return signal from an external effects dev~ce (delay, echo, etc.) driven by the EFFECTS OUTPUT
When an additional mixer (such as the Shure connected to channel submaster control
The orange control marks indicate basic or initial settings
POWER-lnd~cates application of ac voltage to power supply when rear-panel ON-OFF switch is turned on.
TEMP WARNING-Lights when unusually high temperature of 70°C
(158°F) is reached on the output transistors. Indication may be due to blockage of air louvers, dirty air filter, or operating the console at a high
output level with a low load impedance (too many speakers or a
clrcuited output). Indicator will turn off when transistor case temperature drops below 70°C. If indicator lights, it is advisable to identify the cause and make corrections to avoid shutdown.
SHUTDOWN-When indicator is on, power amplifier is turned off (all other circuits remain on). The console may shut down for one of the following
(check forthiscondition by turning the consoleoff and turning it (3)
airflow blockage due to fan failure or air passage obstruction.
reverbleffects and monitor are desired, use two of the first six
M68, M67 or SRIOI) is
or 8, the aux channel volume control becomes a
Stotus lndicotors
excessive temperature due to inadequate cooling (see TEMP
dc voltage on speaker lines due to power transistor failure
settlng the
backon), or
Heo dphonss
A %inch phone jack is available for connection to a pair of stereo head-
phones. The jack is wired to the power amplifier. The signal level to the headphones follows the MASTER VOLUME control. The headphones allow the console to be used as a mixer for tape recording. The speakers can be disconnected to avoid feedback.
Controls Connectors Indicators
Peak Indicatorsg
DB PCAH Indicators
Are connected to power amplifier outputs and Indicate peak output level. 0 DB PEAK equals approxlmately 25 watts to a 4-ohm load. A 6 dB
is a 4-tlmes power change; therefore.
-36 dB represents a 6 100W output. These Indicators are also used to provide an instantaneous readout of feedback frequency (see FEEDBACK FINDER). (Note that when the FEEDBACK FINDER is activated, the DB PEAK band the signal level
indlcators-frequencies are shown below
equal~zer controls-and do not indicate the
mW output and +6 dB a
are converted to frequency
PA (Power Amplifier)
Overload Indicator
L~ghts when the power ampllfler exceeds approx~mately level (caused by clipping overload or any
Imperfect signal ampliflcatlon) The lndlcator 1s sensltlve to line volt­age and speaker load ally be corrected by
lndlcator remains on the speaker load may be Improper or a
the speaker cable may be shorted actlvatlon Under normal
level of
dB on the DB PEAK ind~cator or
condltlons The overload condtioncan gener-
turnlng down the MASTER VOLUME control If
It may remaln on durlng SHUTDOWN
th~s Indicator corresponds to a
result~ng ~n
watts to a 4-ohm load
Graphic Cqualizer
Is a 10-band fully comb~nlng m~n~mum-phase octave type normally connected to the power at 63 125 250 500 Hz 1 dB1octave cutoff fllter The graphic equallzer permits adjustment of the sound system frequency response for a tonal balance ate to the performance and a reduction In the tendency toward feedback It can also be used to adjust an audio playback system frequency response to compensate for
response that can alter the natural sound of the recorded
ampl~fler Input It provldes 13 dB boost or cut
2 4 8
and 16 kHz plus a BELOW63 Hz 12
in electrical and
The graphlc equallzer can also be used to produce disco-type sound by moderate amounts of low- and high-frequency boost
Note that certaln amount of skill and tlme. It is preferable to use acommerc~ally
Equallzatlon Analyzer System, followed by feedback tunlng uslng the bu~lt-in FEEDBACK FINDER and Indicators (see next section). IMPORTANT Don't unnatural and qu~te unpleasant sound
No Indicator Hzfilter swltch, any low-frequency problems lhkely to be encountered can be 63 Hz equallzer or move the
boomy' or
nolse are causlng power ampllf~er overload Since the graphic equallzer controls may overemphasize or remove
desirable program (~ncluding feedback) by careful m~crophone and speaker placement before
equalizat~on by ear for proper sound qual~ty requires a equalization analysls system such as the Shure M615AS
overequallze! Too much
1s provlded for eltherthe 63 Hzfllter control or BELOW 63
eas~ly removed by adjustment and lhstenlng tests Reduce the
extremely low-frequency noises such as 'pop' or wind
materlal you should minlmlze acoustic problems
swltch to BELOW 63
can result In
the sound is
The FEEDBACK FINDER uses the LED lndlcators to provide a qulck and easy means of determlnlng the freauencv (octave bandocation, of the most ~rominent feedback tones The ara~hic eaualizer can then be usedto reduce the system response at these frequencies to suppress feedback Connect all speakers and microphones and place them controls and lndlvldual Input channel controls to the lnltlal (orange mark) posltlons Turn the FEEDBACK FINDER swltch to ON The DB PEAK lndicators are now connected for the feedback ind~cator functlon Adjust the MASTER VOLUME to just below feedback If necessary turn down the FEEDBACK FINDER THRESHOLD control from the 10 DB PEAK frequency band with a lit LED Reduce the equalizer settlng in thls band untll feedback stops Repeat the last two steps until the feedback sound becomes a equal~zer control has been set to -10 IMPORTANT Don t overadjust the equal~zerl Too much equaliza­tlon can result In unnatural sound Wlth practlce the FEEDBACK FINDER can be used to equalrze for feedback
When completed perform a and IMPORTANT This console has a
wlthout allowlng feedback to reach ear-spl~tting levels A clrcult at the power ampllfler Input limlts the
FEEDBACK FINDER When using the graphic equallzer for stage
system is performed after the house system and wlth the maln speakers off The monitor speakers must be
In thelr f~nal house system except use the adjustments If more than one performer's microphone stage mlcrophone person must stand excessive low-frequency signals are not usually deslrable for stage mon~tors, ~t may be advisable to set
equal~zer FLATIBELOW 63 switch of the monltor channel to BELOW 63, the 63 Hz control to -10, and
the the 125 Hz control to
EQuallzer controls uslng the procedure adequate level and system lntell~g~b~lity may be improved if deslred by a sl~ght increaseof equal~zercontrols in the 1 kHz to
kHz range provldlng the deslred level can be maintamed w~thout feedback If feedback or ringing 1s encountered at any mlcrophone location try nearest speaker
ind~vidual Input channel MONITOR. EFFECTSIREVERB and EQ controls to 0 Set all other
lndlcators Increase the MASTER VOLUME unt~l feedback just occurs and note the h~ghest
if necessary make sl~ght adjustments to the equal~zers to prov~de the most pleasing sound
to approxlmately 13% (26 watts) of full rated output To Insure full power operatlon the
foroperat~on In thefeedbacksuppress~on procedure NOTE Dur~ng thls procedure a
In front of or hold (slmulatlng a performer) the mlcrophone belng equalized Slnce
~ntelllglb~lity Make a s~m~lar check of all other mlcrophones belng fed to the mon~tor
pos~t~on to the point where room background noise does not lhght any
the aud~ence to ear-spl~tting feedback levels lhstenlng test uslng program materlal s~mllar to the planned performance
power-l~miting feature whlch permits FEEDBACK FINDER operatlon
be returned to the OFF pos~t~on after setup
relatlve to the mlcrophones used Use the same procedure as for the
lndlvldual MONITOR level and MASTER MONITOR controls for level
In thelr proper posltlons for the performance Set master
monltor speakers, feedback
1s involved select the lead performer or center
descr~bed Conduct a volce test and check for
the positlon of and/or the dlstance to the
of a number of tones or until one
of the monltor
+ 11 hidden pages