June 1942
brations in industrial fields. The piezoelectric element is a grafoil bimorph Rochelle salt crystal unit
with special-process moisture-proofing. The crystal
element is inertia actuated, which principle eliminates
the need of a stationary reference body in vibration
measurements. The isolated mounting used in this type
of actuation gives a maximum protection against breakage of the crystal. The assembly is enclosed in a
cast aluminum case.
The output voltage Is proportional to the vibration due to acceleration throughout the linear range
of the instruments, giving a relative measure of the
stresses set up by the vibratory motion. Model 61B
has a linear voltage-acceleration characteristic up to
approximately 1000 cycles per second, a frequency
range which is suitable for general vibration studies.
Model 62B has a voltage output about four times that
of the 61B and a linear characteristic extending to
500 cycles per second. The latter model is recommended
for applications such as the direct energizing of
headphones or oscilloscopes, which require a relatively high output voltage. Both instruments are responsive beyond the linear range, to frequencies up to
approximately 3000 cycles per second. Modification of
the frequency characteristics is possible through use
of simple circuits,
flexibility of the devices.
Each instrument is equipped with a complete set
of adapters Including an extension rod, ball-tip,
point-tip, and mounting bracket.
sign, inspection, and In many other fields. Some of
these applications are suggested below:
Industrial Research and Design: Determination of
optimum shapes and material distribution in high-speed
rotating members, motor windings, and hydraulic equipment. Research in vibration isolation materials, construction of vibration-proof rooms, vault protective
systems, etc. Noise reduction of automobile and airplane structures, gearing, bearings, etc.
Manufacturing and Inspection: Balancing of rotors, adjustment of gears and impact devices, uniformity of air-gap pull, smoothness of surfaces; vibration in machinery, building structures, transmission
lines, antenna towers, etc.
Servicing and Surveying: Location and elimina-
tion of sources of vibration, loose pistons and bear-
ings; servicing refrigerators and air-conditioning
systems; isolation of machinery, tracing leaks in
water-pipes, tanks, and hydraulic structures, geodetic
surveying for oil and mineral strata, etc.
pickup shank. Wherever it can be used conveniently,
the screw itself will give sufficient support. Other
accessories included am a ball-tip, point-tip, and 8"
Copyright 1938, Shure Brothers, Chicago
Models 61B and 62B Vibration Pickups
are piezoelectric instruments for
the measurement and analysis of vi-
extension rod. Special. setups for production testing
may be easily constructed, but care should be taken to
resulting In a greatly increased
Models 61B and 62B Vibration Pickups
have innumerable applications in
scientific research, industrial de-
Each pickup is equipped with a sta-
tionary mounting bracket and a screw
for the 1/4" - 28 thread in the
transmit vibrations approximately along the axis of
the pickup shank.
ductor rubber-jacketed shielded cable. If necessary,
the length of cable can be increased considerably
without excessive output loss. Low-capacity high insulation-resistance shielded cable should be used.
Shielded crystal microphone cable having a capacity of
25 to 50 micromicrofarads per foot, and a leakage
resistance of 200 megohm-feet of more, is recommended. All joints should be well-shielded to avoid
hum pickup.
but the cable connector box, while reasonably moisture-
proof, will not withstand immersion in water. (For
underwater work specially constructed Instruments are
available). The pickup should not be subjected to extremely violent shocks or vibrations, nor allowed to
attain temperatures in excess of 125° F (51.7° C).
Extension rods of sufficient length will usually permit low operating temperatures near hot machinery.
or more. The green-coded conductor should be connected to the "high" or grid side of the amplifier
input, and the shield (black conductor) should be
connected to the ground or chassis of the amplifier:
(See Fig. 2).
high as 20 volts or more when measuring vibrations of
large amplitude. Under such circumstances, the device
should not be connected directly to the grid of the
tube without the use of a volume control or some other
type of voltage divider. A convenient way to attenuate the output voltage and avoid tube overloading is
to shunt the pickup terminals with a condenser as indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 2. A 0.05 microfarad shunt condenser will usually reduce the peak
Fig. 1. Illustration of Models 61B and 62B
Each instrument is provided with a 7' single con-
The crystal enclosure is entirely water-tight,
The full output of the pickup may reach peaks as
Models 61B and 62B
Vibration Pickups
Vibration Pickups and accessories.
(Approximately 1/3 actual size)
The pickup should be connected to
the grid circuit of a vacuum tube
across a load resistance of ½ megohm
No. 163
Fig. 2.
voltages to a safe value without affecting the fre-
quency characteristic. In measuring vibrations of
moderate amplitudes, this precaution may not be neces-
For most applications, a low or medium gain amplifier will be satisfactory. The pickup may be very
conveniently connected directly to conventional type
cathode-ray oscilloscopes. In cases where the output
Is sufficiently high, the vibration pickup may be used
directly with high-impedance headphones, the crystal
type being especially suitable.
The use of transformers is not generally advis-
able in conjunction with crystal devices.
used for point-to-point exploration, while the round-
tip is useful in checking surfaces for smoothness.
Remote parts of machinery may be reached through use
of the extension rod.
The maximum output of the pickup is obtained when
the direction of the displacement coincides with the
axis of the pickup shank. When the extension rod is
ponent of vibration along the line of action of the
In hand exploration and test set-ups, only enough
pressure should be applied to the pickup to keep it
Recommended amplifier connection for
crystal vibration pickups.
firmly In place. Excessive pressure may alter the
amplitude of vibration observed and give erroneous
readings. The instrument should never be subjected
to exceptionally violent vibrations.
suggested operating arrangements of the pickup with
head-phones, oscilloscope, wave analyzer, or amplifier
and meter.
actuated crystal are in close relationship to the
stresses set up in vibrating bodies, the amplifier
meter readings will be roughly indicative of the average vibrational stress. A calibrated cathode-ray
oscilloscope In conjunction with the pickup will serve
as a convenient means by which the values of vibra-
tional components may be estimated from visual ob-
In addition to permanent mounting
arrangements, the pickup may be held
in the hand. The point-tip may be
the readings obtained will represent the com-
temperatures exceeding 125° F. An extension rod of
sufficient length may be used to keep the pickup at a
safe distance from hot devices.
put of the 61B Pickup is very nearly proportional to
vibration acceleration up to approximately 1000 cycles
per second, and has a value of about 5 millivolts per
one-millionth inch total displacement at 250 cycles
per second. The voltage output of the 62B is approximately 20 millivolts under the same conditions, and is
essentially proportional to acceleration up to about
500 cycles per second. The total frequency range of
both pickups extends to about 3000 cycles per second.
The block schematic diagrams of Fig. 3 give some
The instruments should not be allowed to attain
Fig. 3.
Suggested indicating arrangements
for vibration pickups.
Since the forces developed in the inertia-
Frequency response curves for constant amplitude vibration are shown
in Figs. 4 and 5. The voltage out-
Fig. 4.
proximately equivalent to that of a .005 microfarad
altered, depending upon the particular conditions. As
a general rule, frequencies above 1000 cycles per
problems, the effect or the rod is usually negli-
modified, if desired, by means of simple electrocal
networks described in the Appendix, page 3. In all
Typical frequency-response characteristics
of Model 61B Vibration Pickup.
(Applies to Fig. 2 without Condenser)
The internal impedance of the instrument is ap-
condenser and hence the low frequency characteristic
is dependent upon the terminal resistance employed, as
Indicated in Figs. 4 and 5. The reduction in low-
frequency response obtained by connecting the pickup
to a low terminal resistance is a decided advantage in
some cases. For general applications, a terminal re-
sistance of 1-megohm is suitable. For studying very
low frequency vibrations, a 3 to 5 megohm termination
should be used.
When the pickup is used with the extension rod,
the actual motion transmitted to the pickup may be
second will be attenuated. Since frequecies below
1000 cycles per second predominate in industrial
Frequency characteristics of the pickup may be
cases, the complete circuit, Including the network
Itself, should be fully shielded to prevent hum pick-