Product Introduction and descrip tio n
ZW1101 Se nsor- 1pcs
Brac ket for C ontac t Magnet-1 pcs
Magn et-1p cs
Adhe sive ta pe for Magne t /sens or-2p cs
CR14 250 3.0 V Battery- 1pcs
Scre ws for br acket / sensor-4 pcs
Inst allat ion Operation man ual-1 pcs
Than ks for ch oosing the show hom e wirel ess doo r/win dow sen sor of th e home se curity dev ice.T his sen sor is a Z- Wave ™ enabl ed
devi ce (int eroperab le, two -way RF m esh net worki ng tech nolog y) and is f ully compa tible w ith any Z -Wav e™ enab led net work.
Ever y mains p owered Z-Wave en abled d evice a cts as a si gnal re peate r and mul tiple d evi ces res ult in mo re poss ible tr ansmi ssion
rout es whic h helps elim inate “ RF dead -spor ts”Z- Wave ™ enabl ed devi ces dis playing th e Z-Wa ve™ log o can als o be used w ith it
rega rdles s of the manuf actur er, and ou rs can al so be use d in othe r manuf actur er’s Z-Wave™ e nable d netwo rks. This s ensor
moni tors do or/windo w and sen d Z-Wa ve™ sig nal whe n door or w indow i s opene d and closed .
Notice: I f you ins tall the ent ire Z-Wave™ s ystem f or the fir st time , pleas e refer t o the ins talla tion guide o f Z-Wa ve™
Inte rface C ontro ller befor e insta lling Z W1101.
1. Uns crew th e screw f astening t he rear c over.
2. Sli de the re ar cover dow n.
3. Usi ng the sc rews or adhe sive ta pe to affix th e rear co ver on th e frame a long th e openi ng edge of doo r / windo w.
4. Ins ert a CR1 23A battery into the b atter y compa rtmen t and LED w ill sta rt to flas h slowl y,w hich means t he sens or has
not ye t been ad ded.
5. For a dding t o a network: Put the Z- Wave ™ Inter face Co ntrol ler int o addin g mode, a nd foll owi ng its
inst ructi on to add t he ZW1101 to your c ontro ller. To get in th e addin g mode, t he dist ance be tween sens or and co ntrol ler
is sug geste d to be in on e meter. Pres s the pro gram sw itch of Z W1101 for 1 se cond at l east. The LED o n the ZW1101 shou ld go
soli d, if not , pleas e try again. For rem oving f rom a net work: P ut the Z- Wave ™ Inter face Co ntroller i nto
remo ving mo de, and f ollowing i ts inst ructi on to del ete the Z W1101 from y our con troll er. Press the p rogra m switc h of ZW1101
for 1 se cond at l east to b e removed. For “As socia tion” : remov ing the c over of t he ZW1101 to g et into t he “Awa ke” mod e,
then p ut the Z- Wave ™ Inter face Contr oller i nto “As socia tion” , and fol lowin g its ins truction t o assoc iate th e ZW1101 wit h other
devi ce. Clo se the co ver back aft er “ass ociat ion” do ne, aft erwar d the ZW1101 w ill get i nto “Sleep ” mode fo r power s aving .
Supp ort one a ssoci ation grou p (5 node s).”Awa ke” mod e: it is to l eave th e “Slee p” mode by rem oving t he cove r of ZW1101, t o
allo w the Z-Wave™ I nterface C ontro ller to d o “add” , “remo ve”, “A ssoci ation ” and to re ply and rece ive the c omman ds
from c ontro ller.
6. Sli de back t he rear cove r and scr ew fast ening w ith the f ront co ver, the L ED shou ld go off.
7. Fix t he Magn et by usi ng the adhes ive tap e or fixin g screw s, loca te the Ma gnet cl ose to th e ZW1101 sensor t he dist ance
betw een the se two de vices shou ld be in 1. 9cm.
8. Ext ernal S witch : If your wind ow need s two sen sors fo r fully m onito ring. You c ould use an ex terna l switc h to conn ect wit h
the ZW 110 1 for ext endin g detectio n. The ZW1101 ha s 2 norma lly clo sed con tact te rmina ls. These can be u sed for
addi tiona l external s witch w ired co ntact s. The exte rnal sw itch wi ll send a n alarm repo rt (typ e:01, level :11) by open ing
the wi ndow/ door.
Step1.The magnet shal l be fix ed to c los e
to the specific area,and the dista nce
from sensor shall not be over 1.9cm .
Step2.Fixed with adhe siv e tap o r Scr ews .
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