Aluminum Trailer - 15000 Bunk
SLB150TAL Alum Trailer w/Bunk
3310056 Jack 2000 lb. Drop Leg w/Mtg Hdwe
*LT235/85R16D Tire /Galv Mod Rim
5110578 Titan II Actuator w/Components
62340 Lit Packet - Trailers
6627100 Frame Bundle - SLB150TAL
6813500 Hdwe Box for Tandem/Tri Alum
68141 Brake Kit 8” Alum TriAxle
*Check with your dealer/customer service representative for current tire/rim assembly
part number.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0004000
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Tire Size and Carrying Capacity Chart
Tire Size ............................LT235/85R16D
GVWR ...............................18,252 lb.
Carrying Capacity ............15,000 lb.
Axle ...................................Tri-Axle - Brakes
Refer to the tire side wall for correct tire pressure.

Diagram A
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Breakaway Switch
Diagram B
Slide the tongue into the tongue channel weldment on front crossmember. Secure the tongue with a 5/8” X 7” stainless steel hex bolt,
5/8” stainless steel at washer and 5/8” stainless steel hex lock nut
with nylon insert.
Secure the tongue to the tongue plate on the frame using two (2)
5/8” X 5-3/4” X 6-1/2” square u-bolts and four (4) 5/8” stainless
steel hex lock nut with nylon inserts.
Coupler / Safety Chain:
Mount the coupler onto the tongue (matching the hole pattern) using four (4) 5/8” X 1-3/4” stainless steel hex bolts and four (4) 5/8”
stainless steel hex lock nuts with nylon inserts.
Mount the safety chains to the front of the tongue using a 1/2” X
1-1/2” stainless steel hex bolts, followed by a 1/2” stainless steel at
washer and safety chain. Secure this assembly on the inside of the
tongue using a 1/2” stainless steel hex lock nut with nylon insert.
Repeat the above instructions on the other side of the tongue.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0004000
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Diagram D
Battery Boxes
(one mouted to each side frame)
SD Control Module
Wiring Instructions
The attaching hardware for the actuator and the battery boxes on
the aluminum trailers is stainless steel. They require that you use
the appropriate size nuts with the nylon inserts.
• Open the box containing all the items required for installing the
electric over hydraulic brake system.
The wire harness for the brake system and lighting is pre-wired with
mating plugs to simplify the connection process. Also the rear portion of the tongue harness has been installed at the factory.
• Place the wire harness supplied in the box into the front of the
tongue so the large round 7 prong plug remains out the front of the
• Pull the wire harness into the tongue and route it out the top of the
tongue through the large hole provided.
• Pull all of the wire ends with bullet plugs and mating plugs out
the hole in the top of the tongue including the white wire with the
grounding ring.
• Connect the single bullet ends of the brown, yellow and green
wires of this wire harness to the mating plugs of the factory installed
wire harness for the rear section of the tongue. These wires are
extending out the hole in the top of the tongue and are taped there
during shipping.
• Once attached these wires can be placed down inside the
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0004000
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• The white wire with the grounding ring will be attached later
when the battery boxes are fastened to the side frames. This white
grounding wire is used only for a grounding system for the trailer
lights and has nothing to do with the brake system which has its
own grounding system pre-wired in the harness.
• Locate the two wire plugs: brown and yellow, and brown and
green at the rear of the tongue. Mate these plugs with those of
the side frame wire harnesses and plug together making sure they
have a good connection. Place any excess wiring inside the rear
of the tongue.
• See Diagram B. Locate the breakaway switch that is already attached and wired into the main wire harness just installed in the
front of the tongue. Position it so it is approximately 3” behind the
coupler. Mark the mounting hole location. Drill a 13/64” pilot hole
in the tongue. Insert the ¼” self-drilling screw provided and secure
in place.
Battery Box Installation Instructions
Locate the battery boxes. Note that there are two battery boxes and
two batteries. They are both required to power the brake system in
the event of a disconnect from the tow vehicle.
1. Attach the two battery boxes to the front of the side frames mating the holes in the battery boxes with those pre-drilled in the side
frames. Mount them to the side frames using ¼” x 1” carriage bolts
and ¼” lock nuts. Place the grounding ring attached to the end
of the white ground wire to one of the screws before the nut is
threaded on. Once all bolts are installed, tighten.

SD Control Module Mounting Instructions
Locate the SD control module. Position the SD control module so
the mounting holes in it align with the holes pre-drilled in the side
frame. Secure the SD control module to the side frame with two- ¼”
x 1” carriage bolts and hex nuts. Tighten.
1. Place the batteries in the battery boxes. Remove the protective
covers from the battery terminals.
Locate the battery wire harness supplied in the kit. Connect it to the
batteries by connecting the wire harness spades with the red coating to the positive post and the white or black wire to the negative
post of the battery.
2. Route the wire harness from one battery to the other and then
over to the SD control module. Place on the battery box covers.
Bleeding of the Hydraulic Brake System
1. Check to make sure brake uid has been added to the system
as recommended above.
2. Pull the cable on the breakaway switch installed just behind the
coupler. This will pull a pin out the switch automatically activating
the switch. The actuator will now draw its power from the batteries
installed on the trailer. The actuator will continue to run until the batteries are drained. You will be able to hear the actuator motor run.
3. The proper procedure for bleeding the brake system is to start at
the caliper that is the greatest distance from the actuator. Loosen
the bleeder screw and allow the air to escape from the system until
brake uid starts to ow. Allow it to ow until the brake uid being
expelled is free of any air bubbles entrapped in the lines. Attaching
a clear hose on the bleeder screw will make the air bubbles more
visible during the bleeding process.
3. Attach the battery wire harness to the mating molded plug of the
SD control module. Snap together to hold in place.
Electric Over Hydraulic Actuator Installation
1. Locate the brake actuator Place one each 5/16” lock washer on
the three 5/16” x 1” hex bolts. Attach the brake actuator to the actuator offset bracket with three 5/16” x 1” hex bolts. Tighten. Attach
this assembly to the side frame with four 1/4" x 1" hex bolt and lock
nuts. Tighten.
Note that the SD control module should be located between the
hydraulic actuator and the front of the trailer frame.
2. Snap the mating plugs from the wire harness to the respective
mating plugs from both the SD control box and the actuator according to the instructions provided with the electric over hydraulic kit.
See the wiring schematic on page 20 of the manual provided with
the actuator. Make sure they are completely snapped together and
locked to assure a positive connection.
Brake Line Tubing Connection
1. Locate the brake line installed at the factory and is routed to the
newly installed actuator.
2. Carefully bend and route the tubing with smooth round curves
over to the port in the actuator.
3. Thread the brass brake line elbow tting into the actuator port if
not already installed.
4. Thread the frame brake line into the brass elbow in the port of the
actuator shown. Tighten.
Close the bleeder screw and tighten.
4. Check the reservoir uid level to make sure that the actuator
does not run low on uid during the bleeding process. Rell if nec-
essary. There is a possibility that more air can be introduced into
the system if the uid level is not kept sufcient in the reservoir.
5. Repeat the process used in step three on the caliper that is the
next greatest distance from the actuator. Continue until all of the
brake calipers have been bled.
6. Once the system is bled, When all air is removed, close the
bleeder screw. Push the pin back into the breakaway switch. This
will stop the actuator motor.
7. Rell the reservoir with uid replacing any that may have been
used during the bleeding process.
8. Test the brake system to see if it is bled properly. If brakes function properly the bleeding process is complete. If they do not operate properly, repeat the above steps and test again.
9. Brake uid levels in the reservoir should be checked occasionally to make sure your brake system never runs out of brake uid.
See the Titan BrakeRite Actuator Installation and Instruction
Manual for further information and operating instructions.
In- Cab Controller
Locate the In-cab controller supplied with the kit. Remove the instructions and install the unit in the tow vehicle using the instructions supplied.
Filling the System with Brake Fluid
Fill the reservoir on the actuator with an Arctic-SAEJ1702 or
SAEJ1703 brake uid or a uid that is comparable. Remove one
of the reservoir caps located on the actuator. Only one cap has
to be removed. Add uid until the reservoir is full. Bleed the brake
Always test the brake system at slow speeds each time you start
towing to make sure the brake system is functioning properly.
Should you experience a situation where you do not have brakes
or they are malfunctioning, see your local ShoreLand’r dealer immediately to rectify the problems.
system following the procedure for bleeding the brakes. It may be
necessary to add uid to the reservoir during the bleeding process.
Once the system is completely bled, rell the reservoir. Replace
the cap and tighten to seal out any moisture that may enter during
normal use.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0004000
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