Aluminum Trailers
Bundles Required for SLB46TBAL
69082 Literature Bag - Trailers - Brakes 1
6730200 Frame Bundle, SLB46TBAL 1
6704600 55” Tongue Assy w/2 Brakes 1
*ST185/80R 13C Tire / Galv. Dir Rim 4
*Check with your dealer/customer service representative for current tire/rim assembly
part number.
Bundles Required for SLR46TBAL
69082 Literature Bag - Trailers - Brakes 1
6815800 Frame Bundle, SLR46TBAL 1
6704600 55” Tongue Assy w/2 Brakes 1
*ST185/80R 13C Tire / Galv. Dir Rim 4
*Check with your dealer/customer service representative for current tire/rim assembly
part number.
Bundles Required for SLRB46TBAL
69082 Literature Bag - Trailers - Brakes 1
6736000 Frame Bundle, SLRB46TBAL 1
6704600 55” Tongue Assy w/2 Brakes 1
*ST185/80R 13C Tire / Galv. Dir Rim 4
*Check with your dealer/customer service representative for current tire/rim assembly
part number.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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Remove the hardware bag from the frame, remove parts and sort by size.
IMPORTANT: All hardware is stainless steel.
Use an anti-seize material on bolt threads when
assembling to prevent gaulding.
The tongue comes shipped positioned backwards
in the frame.
Remove the nut and bolt that holds the tongue in
place and discard. Remove the tongue from its
ship position and install correctly in the front tongue
Line the holes in the tongue with the holes in the
tongue channel. Install the 1/2” x 4” hex bolt in the
front cross hole and secure with a 1/2” lock nut.
Re move th e wire harne s s from the rea r of
the t o n gue. P l a c e th e w i re h a r n e ss an d
the brake line thr oug h the hol e provided in
the tongue cover plate. (See Detail J).
Se c u r e t h e t o n gue c ove r pl a t e w i t h t h e
same 1/2” x 1-1/2” hex bolt that secures the
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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back on the tongue to the tongu e ch annel of the frame. Secure with a 1/2” lock nut. Tighten both bolts just installed.
Plug the tongue wire harness ends into the frame harnesses by matching colors and ends. Push the extra wire either into the rear of the tongue
or remove the grommets in the side frame and place the extra wire in
the side frame. Replace grommets.

White Ground Wire Installation
Pl a c e the self-t a pping scr e w pr ovide d th r ough the
round metal ring on the white ground wire of the tongue
harness located at the rear of the tongue. Attach the
ground wire to the main frame by driving the screw in the
hole provided next to the tongue channel of the frame.
This will assure a positive ground for the lighting.
Locate the brass brake line coupling. Remove the plastic cap
and thread the brake line coming out the rear of the tongue
into one end of the coupling. Bend the line in a smooth gradual
radius being careful not to kink the line. Bend the line so it
can be mated to the brake line from the side frame. Once
aligned thread the side frame brake line into the other end
of the coupling. Tighten both lines into the coupling.
Locate the 1/2” x 5” hex bolt. Slip the bolt through a 1/2” flat washer
and through the last link of one of the safety chains.
Place the bolt with chain attached through the hole in the bottom front of the actuator mounted on the tongue. Place the
second chain on the the bolt threads extending through the
other side of the tongue. Place on another 1/2” flat washer
and hex lock nut. Tighten.
Locate the rocker arms. Note: Center bushing has a grease
zerk in it. Position the rocker arms up into the center channel welded in the center of the tandem spring bracket so
that the grease zerk is pointing down. Align the holes in the
channel with the rocker arm. Secure with a 3/4” x 4-1/2” hex
bolt and lock nut. Tighten. Repeat this process on the other
rocker arm and spring bracket. Grease the rocker, apply
grease through the zerk.
NOTE: The grease zerk is positioned down so that it is
accessible for servicing.
Position the axles so they are aligned with the trailer.
Position the brake axle so that the disc brake calipers are
on the back side of the axle. The brake axle must always
be mounted as the rear axle to give you the best braking
pos s i b le. T h e re i s no r i ght a n d l e f t to t he a x l e
without brakes. It can be mounted either way.
Plac e the springs on the topside of the sprin g pads
welded to the axle. (See chassis diagram on Page 4).
Note: The hook end of the spring must be to the rear
of the trailer. Place a spring clamp on the top center of
the spring. The 1/2” x 6-1/2” U-bolts are placed down
over the top of the spring clamp, spring and axle.
Place the spring and axle U-bolt plate onto the ends of the
two U-bolts. Secure in place with 1/2” lock nuts. Do not tighten
securely until the adjustments can be made. Repeat on the
other spring.
Place one of the spring bracket bushings (Ref. #35) into the
rear of the spring bracket and secure with a 9/16” x 3 1/4” hex
bolt and hex lock nut. Repeat in other spring bracket.
Position the rear axle under the frame, then hook the hook loop of
the spring around the bushings just installed. If the axle is positioned
too low, the hooks will not hook around the bushings.
Raise the front of the springs up so they align with the rear
hole in the axle rocker arm. Secure in place with a 9/16” x
3-1/4” hex bolts and lock nuts.
Install another spring bracket bushing in the front hole on
the rock arm assembly. Secure with a 9/16” x 3-1/4” hex
bolt and lock nut. Tighten.
Hook the hook end of the springs mounted to the front axle over the
bushing in the rocker arm assembly. Swing the front of the
spring up and attach the front mounting hole in the spring bracket with another 9/16” x 3-1/4” hex bolt and lock nut.
Tighten all axle U-bolts and spring bolts.
Cut the tape securing the brake line hose to the axle.
Remove the brass plug from the port in the brass block on
the right brake caliper. Thread the brake hose male end into
the port from which the plug was removed and tighten. Place
the other end of the hose up through the hole in the brake
line clip bracket (Ref #29). Secure with the hose clip.
Remove the plastic cap from the end of the frame brake line
coming out of the black plastic tube in the side frame by the
axle. Uncoil the brake line so that it will reach the end of the
hose just attached to the brake line clip bracket. Thread the
brake line fitting into the brake line hose. Tighten. All bleeding to the line can be done through the bleeder on the right
caliper. For bleeding instructions see the ShoreLand’r Brake
Cut the tape securing the brake line hose to the axle.
Remove the brass plug from the port in the brass block on
the right brake caliper. Thread the brake hose male end
into the block and tighten. Attach the brake hoses from the
axles to the spring bracket with the brake line clip brackets
as shown in Detail U. Once the brake hoses are secured
with the hose clips, the lines can be attached.
Identify which brake line hose that the side frame brake line
tubing will be connected to. In a dual axle installation it can
connected to either one. When identified, locate the brass
tee connector. Screw the male port of the tee into the brake
line hose. Tighten. (See Detail W.) Connect the side frame
brake line into the top port on the tee. Connect the two axles
together using the 40” brake line. Thread one end of the line
into the remaining port in the brass tee. Route the line over to
the other axle, form a loop in the line and connect the other
end into the brake line hose for the second axle.
Fill the actuator reservoir with brake fluid and bleed the line
per the instructions in the ShoreLand’r Brake Manual.
The axle is already bled at the factory during assembly.
Allremainder bleeding of the line can be done through the
bleeder on the right caliper.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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Tire And Wheel Assemblies
Mount the tire and wheel assemblies using the 1/2” fine
threaded tapered lug nuts provided. Tighten to 80-90
ft/lb. of torque using the rotation pattern as shown in the
Shore Landr’s Owners Manual. Re-torque the lug nuts
after 50 miles of driving and then periodically thereafter.
Note: All nuts and bolts must be tightened before towing.
Single Axle Brake Assembly
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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Tire Size and Carrying Capacity Chart
Tire Size ST185/80R13-C
GVWR 5920 lb.
Carrying Capacity
Axle Brake
4600 lb.
Refer to the tire side wall for correct tire pressure.
Dual Axle Brake Assembly
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003629
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