Pontoon Trailer
PT2547TB Pontoon Trailer
69082 Lit Packet - Trailers - Brakes
69890 Brake First Axle Hose Kit 8” Disc
80627-_ _ Frame Bundle - PT2547TB
*20.5X8x10E Tire/Rim
69677-_ _ Tongue Assy 90” Pontoon Disc
*Check with your dealer/customer service representative for current tire/rim assembly part number.
ShoreLand’r offers its product line in painted nishes. When
ordering parts, it is important that you specify the nish or
color you have on your product. The 5-digit number along
with a 2-digit space _ _, note that the parts can be purchased
in various nishes.
00........ Galvanized
03........ Black
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003946
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Tire Size and Carrying Capacity Chart
Tire Size ............................20.5X8x10E
GVWR ...............................6080 lb.
Carrying Capacity ............4700 lb.
Axle ...................................Tandem Axle Single Brakes
Refer to the tire side wall for correct tire pressure.

Diagram A
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003946
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Note: When installing the tongue in the trailer, the side marker
lights will have to be mounted to the tongue. They are shipped in a
bag that is attached to the tongue. Insert the wire harness from the
side marker light into the larger hole in the side of the tongue, then
route the wire harness to the rear of the tongue. Attach the bezel
with the rivets provided. Plug the side marker light into the two female ends of the wire harness just pulled through on the large side
hole. Snap the light assembly into the bezel. Repeat on the other
side marker light.
Secure the tongue into the frame by placing a ½” x 4” cross bolt in
the front of the tongue channel. Locate the tongue cover plate as
shown in Diagram A, Detail A. Feed the wire harness and brake line
if applicable through the hole in the tongue cover plate. Position the
tongue cover plate so the mounting hole aligns with the hole in the
rear bottom of the tongue. Place a ½” x 1 ½” hex bolt downward
through the tongue cover plate, tongue and tongue channel. Se-
cure both mounting bolts with ½ ange lock nuts. Tighten.
Plug the tongue wire harness ends into the frame harnesses by
matching colors and ends. Push the excess wire provided either
into the rear of the tongue or else remove the grommet in the side
frame and place the excess wire in the side frame. Replace grommet just removed.
(See Diagram B, Page 4)
Insert a 3/8” x 1 ¼” hex bolt through a 3/8” at washer and then into
the end link of one safety chain. Insert the bolt into the front bottom
hole punched in the tongue. Place another 3/8” at washer on the
bolt and secure with a 3/8” ange lock nut. Tighten.
Remove the small parts from the frame by cutting the banding. Remove the bolt bag and sort all the nuts and bolts by size.
(See Detail B in Diagram A, Page 2)
Note that the bunk system is adjustable for width to t most center dimensions of the pontoon tubes. Determine the centers of the
bunk support system that ts the pontoon tubes for the pontoon
that is going to be placed on the trailer and position accordingly.
Position the carpeted bunks so approximately 10” extends past
the back of the rear bunk saddle support. Attach the bunks to the
brackets using the ¼” x 1 ½” lag screws provided. Position the second bunk so it is just to the front of the rear bunk just installed.
Repeat this process on the bunks on the other side of the bunk
saddle support and then on the other side of the trailer.
(See Diagram B, Page 4)
Locate the proper length tongue. Insert the rear of the tongue into
the frame tongue channel until the mounting holes line up. Locate
the wire harness. Unwind and insert the end with the two plugs that
mate with the frame harness into the hole and route out the rear of
the tongue. Place a rubber grommet around the wire in the hole on
top of the tongue.
Repeat this process on the other safety chain.
Locate the brass brake line coupling. Remove the plastic cap and
thread the brake line coming out the rear of the tongue into one
end of the coupling. Bend the line in a smooth gradual radius being
careful not to kink the line. Bend so it can be mated to the brake
line from the side frame. Once aligned, thread the side frame brake
line into the other end of the coupling. Tighten both lines into the
If brakes are going to be installed, the line should be installed inside
the tongue at this time.
Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003946
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