Basic Driving
Make sure you have completed the details described under “mounting”.
For the standard unit push on the accelerator lever with your RIGHT thumb to start
moving forward.
To STOP gently release the accelerator lever.
Practise these two basic functions until you are proficient in their use.
Steering the Q.T. Scooter is easy and logical. Just be sure to remember to give a
clearance when turning so that the rear wheels clear any obstacles.
When turning always turn your Q.T. Scooter to a LOW speed.
If it is a tight turn (entering a doorway or going around a blind corner) STOP your
Q.T. Scooter. Turn your steering column in the direction you wish to proceed whilst
still in the stationary position. Then apply the power gently to move forward The
Q.T. Scooter will move gently and with complete stability.
requires your attention
Always turn your Speed dial to SLOW before reversing.
Push the accelerator lever with your left thumb.
Remember, when you reverse steer you turn in the OPPOSITE direction to the way
you want to go. Always take your time.
The Q.T. Scooters are not designed for use in loose gravel, sand or soft grass. Your
scooter is also not designed to be used in wet
weather or rain.
The stability of your scooter is governed by several factors such as the seating
position of the occupant, the angle of the slope, your height and weight. When
approaching an incline, do so directly, avoid driving up on an angle. Where ever
possible avoid making turns on any incline or decline. When going down a slope set
the speed setting to SLOW, this will ensure there is a safe controlled decent. When
the thumb levers are released the scooter will slow to a stop.
Do not turn off the control key whilst the unit is in motion.
Please follow all the guidelines and your scooter will perform admirably over many