Shinwa BM 6018AS, BM 6018AM User Manual

13 5x 90 mm 封 面
Baby Monitor Operating Instructions
Please read th e user manua l carefully
before you use f or your safe ty and correct
operation, a nd please ke ep it
使用前 请仔细 阅读本 说明书
以确保 安全和 正确使 用
并请妥 善保管 以供日 后参考
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
FCC Statement
Thi s equ ipment ha s been test ed an d found to co mply with the limi ts fo r a Class B dig ital devi ce, p ursuant t o part 15 of the FCC ru les . Thes e limits ar e des igned to pr ovide reason abl e protect ion again st ha rmful int erferen ce in a reside nti al instal lation. T his equip ment gene rat es, uses an d can radi ate r adio freq uency ene rgy a nd, if not in stalled a nd used in ac cor dance wit h the instr uct ions, may c ause harm ful interf ere nce to radi o communi cat ions. How ever, ther e is no guaran tee t hat inter ference w ill n ot occur in a p articul ar installatio n. If this equipm ent does cau se harmful interfer ence to radio or televis ion receptio n, whic h can be determin ed by turnin g the e quipmen t off an d on, t he user is en courage d to try to cor rec t the inter ference b y one o r more of the f ollowin g measur es:
-Reori ent o r relocat e the recei vin g antenna .
-Increa se the sep aration between the equipmen t and rece iver.
-Conne ct th e equipme nt into an ou tle t on a circui t diff ere nt from tha t to wh ich the rec eiver is co nne cted.
-Consu lt th e dealer or a n experie nce d radio/T V technic ian for help . To assu re co ntinued c omplian ce, a ny change s or modification s not expressly appr oved by the party respon sible for comp lia nce could v oid the use r’s a uth ority to op erate thi s equipm ent . (Exampl e- use only s hie lded inte rface cab les when con nec ting to com puter or pe rip heral dev ices).
Radiation Exposure Sta tement
This dev ice c omplies w ith FCC rad iat ion expos ure limit s set fort h for a n uncontr olled env iro nment and i t also comp lie s with Par t 15 of t he FCC RF Rul es. Operat ion i s subject t o the follo win g two condi tions: (1) Th is device m ay not caus e har mful inte rferenc e, an d (2) Th is device m ust accep t any i nterfer ence rece ive d, includ ing i nterfer ence that m ay ca use undes ired oper ati on.
The c ame ra should b e install ed an d operate d with a minimu m dis tance of 20 c entimet ers b etween th e radiato r and your b ody.
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
The m anu facture r is not resp ons ible for an y radio or TV interf ere nce cause d by unauth ori zed modif ication s to th is equipm ent . Such modi ficatio ns co uld void th e user auth ori ty to opera te th e equipme nt.
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Shinwa In dustrie s(C hina) Ltd . declare s tha t this device i s in co mplianc e with the es sen tial requ irement s and other re lev ant provi sions of Di rec tive 1999 /5/EC.
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
The product can not be used as a chil dre n's t oy. Keep the product out of reach fro m chi ldr en. The cable may cause potential safety hazard to children. Use only approved accessori es an d bat ter ies . Do not connect incompatible prod uct s. Your d evi ce is n ot water-resistant.keep it dry. Follow any restrictions. sw itc h the d evi ce off in aircraft, near medical equipment, fue l, ch emi cal s, or b lasting areas. All wireless devices ma y be susceptible to int erference, which could affe ct pe rfo rma nce. Power adaptor warning: “Use o nly p rov ide d pow er adaptor Caution: Risk of explosion if b att ery i s rep lac ed by an incorrect type. Dispose of us ed ba tte rie s acc ording to the instructions Do not dispose of electrical pr odu cts i n the g ene ral waste and ensure the used produ ct or b att eri es ar e disposed safely according t o you r loc al au tho rity and regulations. Please do not use the product for i lle gal m oni tor ing or recording. Our company will n ot un der tak e any r elative legal liability that caused b y ill ega l use .
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
警 告:
勿将本 产品 作为 儿童玩 具玩 耍。 请保持 一定 距离 或放置 儿童 不易拿 取到 的地 方。 电线可 能会 对儿 童带来 潜在 的安全 隐患 。 本产品 不防 水, 请保持 干燥 。 请遵守 限制 使用 的规定 :在 医院/加油 站/飞机/化 学品 易 燃易爆 品周 围请 保持关 机。 请使用 原装 适配 器和电 池。 废旧电 池的 处理 及产品 报废 处理请 遵守 当地 法律法 规。 请勿将 本品 用于 非法监 控或 录像。 由非 法使 用引发 的法 律问题 ,本 司不 负任何 责任 !
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
Power on/off
Installed and remove the bat ter ies
Place/Remove Micro SD card
Operate instruction
摄像端 监控端 如何开 关机 如何注 册/注销 如何充 电 电池如 何安 装拆除 Mic ro S d卡如何 安装 拆除 按键说 明
目 录
01 02 03 03 04 04 04 05
10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13
13 5x 90 mm 内 页
Operating Instructions
Baby Monitor
The care for ch ild ren f rom f ami ly is the most considerate for every famil y. Shinwa baby monitor is designed specially for your c hil dre n. It w ill g ive you unlimited free space and let yo u tak e car e of yo ur children’s eve ry ac tio n. It s upports the function of video recording (AVI) , whi ch ca n rec ord children’s every funny action in their happy growth. I t wil l hel p you r chi ldren grow-up under your protecti on in a c omf ort abl e environment without any inf lue nce b y any i nte rference.
2.4GHz wireless digital sig nal t ran smi ssi on, with 2.4” colorful LCD, portable and sm all , eas y to ca rry ; Microphone equipped insid e of ca mer a, wh ich h elp you hear your children’s voi ce, i t can monitor multiple images simultaneously and p lay m usi ce.g . lul laby by remote control.
Power Switch
USB port
+ 15 hidden pages