Sound Proof
Vertical, Water-Cooled
4-Cycle Diesel Engine
Do not operate the generator/
welder, or any other appliance,
before you have read and
understand the instructions for use
and keep near for readily use
Table of Contents
1. Safety Guidelines ···················································2
2. Specifications ·························································6
3. Use ···········································································7
4. Parts ········································································7
5. Incorporated ···························································10
5-1.Eco Welding 10
5-2.Display 10
5-3.Frequency Change 10
5-4.Monitor Lamp
5-5.Remote Control (Option) 12
5-6.Earth Leakage Relay/Grounding 13
5-7.Slow-Down Feature 15
6. Initialization & Pre-check ·······································16
6-1.Checking Engine Oil 16
6-2.Checking Coolant/Water 17
6-3.Checking Fuel 18
6-4.Leakage Check for the above 18
6-5.Checking Battery 19
7. Operation ································································20
7-1.Start 20
7-2.Stop 22
8. Welding Operation ··················································22
8-1.Selection – Welding Cable 22
8-2.Polarity 23
8-3.Connection – Welding Cable 23
8-4.Welding 24
Generator Operation ·············································26
9.1.Output Range 26
9-2.Output Limitation 27
9-3.Operation 28
Simultaneous Use – Weld & Generate ··············30
Checking & Maintenance ····································31
Long-term Storage ··············································36
Trouble Shooting ················································37
14. Warranty Sheet (Type B) ········································39

Thank yo u fo r purc h a s ing Shi n d aiwa S o u nd Pr o of D i e s el En g i n e Ge n e r ator.
●This user m a nual wa s prepar e d to e ns u re t h e safe o p eratio n of t h i s equipm e nt. Ther e f ore,
the m a nufac t u r er of t h is eq u i p m ent s t rongl y r e com m ends t h a t the u s er fol l o w the
instr u c tions h e rein , t o avoid u n nece s s ary ac c idents a nd repa i r s .
● P l e ase operat e this equipm e n t a f t e r t h o r oughl y r evie w i n g a n d u n d erstan d i n g t h e co n t ents of
this m a nual.
● Plea s e attac h this m a n u al, i f the e q u ipmen t w i l l be s u b-lea s ed.
● Plea s e st or e this m a n ual n e a r the e quipm e n t for e a s y ref e r ence.
● F ollowin g c o n vers i o n wi l l be us e d t h roug h o ut t h e m anual to indic a t e t h e d egree of cauti o n s.
Even s o m e of t he it em s note d in
Please read every item and follow all the safety guidelines.
Dang e r : Can c ause s e r i ous i n j urie s o r death
Caut i o n : Ca n c ause m i nor in j uries o r dama g e to t h e equip m ent or o t her
prop e r t ies.
: Other types of caution
Caution』may lead to serious injuries.

1. Safety Guidelines
1. Safety Guidelines1. Safety Guidelines
1. Safety Guidelines
Danger: Suffocation from exhaust fume
● Exhaust fume from the engine contains many elements harmful to human.
Do not operate this equipment in poorly ventilated areas, such as inside a
room or in a tunnel.
Danger: Electric Shock
● Do not touch the output terminals during operation
● Do not insert metal objects (such as pin or wire) into receptacle
● Do not touch wires or electric parts inside the equipment during operation.
● Before connecting or disconnecting a load cable from output terminals, always turn the circuit
breaker to OFF position.
● Before connecting or disconnecting a load cable from output terminals, always turn the circuit
breaker to OFF position.
● Before connection or disconnection a welding cable from DC output terminal, stop the engine
and remove the engine key.
● Before performing any equipment check or maintenance, stop the engine and remove the
engine key. A maintenance person should always keep the key.
Danger: Burns
● Do not open the radiator cap while operating this equipment or immediately after stopping the
equipment, to avoid sustaining burns from hot vapor.
Danger: Injuries
● Close all doors and place locks during operating this equipment, to avoid injuries by
unintentional touching a cooling fan and fan belt.
Caution: Suffocation from exhaust fume
● Do not point the exhaust fume toward pedestrians or building.
Caution: Suffocation from exhaust fume
● Be sure to wear a fume proof mask in operation, because welding fume contains poisonous gas
and dust. Pay attention to the airflow direction and ventilation also in order to prevent from
inhaling the fume.

Caution: Injuries to eye and skin
● Be sure to wear spark protection glass (es), long-sleeve shirts, gloves, etc. in order to protect
eyes and skin from harmful spark in welding.
● Battery fluid contains diluted sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with eyes skin or on clothing.
If the acid comes in contact, especially with eyes, flush water with a lot of water and contact a
physician immediately.
Caution: Electric Shock
● Do not flush water onto the equipment nor operate it in the rain.
Caution: Explosion
● Do not use the equipment or charge the battery, in the case the battery fluid level is lower than
the LOWER level.
● Battery may emit some combustible gas, so keep it away from fire and sparks.
Caution: Fire
●The equipment run on Diesel Oil. When refueling, always stop the engine and keep away from
fire. Moreover, always wait until the engine cools down before refueling.
● Always wire any drip of Diesel fuel or lubrication oil. Do not use this equipment when any leak is
found. Repair it before use.
●Tem per at u r e a r o u n d m uf f le r a nd e x h a us t c an g e t ex tr e m e l y h i g h . Ke e p an y
in f l a mm ab l e it e m s ( su ch as f ue l , ga s , pa i n t , et c . ) a wa y f ro m t h e e qu ipm en t.
● Always operate this equipment on flat surface, at least 1 meter away from any objects (wall, box,
● Always operate this equipment on flat surface and at least
1 meter away from any objects (wall, box, etc.)
● Do not connect AC output to any indoor wiring.
● A l wa ys w a i t u nt i l t he eq u i p m e nt c o o ls do wn , b e f o re p l a ci ng an y c o v e ri n g
ma ter ia l f or s t o r ag e.

Caution: Burns
● Do not touch the engine and muffler during operation and immediately after stopping the equipment,
for the temperature can reach extremely high.
● When checking engine oil or changing oil, always stop the engine, and wait until the engine cools
down. If you open either the oil gauge or the oil plug during operation, hot oil may cause some
● Be sure to wear leather gloves, apron, shoe covers, eye protection glass (es) (mask), safety shoes,
and safety cap and long sleeve shirts, because welding splashes spatters.
Caution: Injuries
● When lifting the equipment, always use a lift hook. Do not lift the handle, for it may cause the
equipment to drop due to handle breaking off.
● When carrying the equipment by truck, fix it strongly to keep the equipment from sliding as roping
two points of handle.
● Always place the equipment on a flat and stable surface, to keep it from sliding. Be sure to lock the
wheels for with wheel type.
● When starting the engine, turn off the connected equipment
● And set the circuit breaker to『OFF』position.
● Do not move the equipment during operation.
● When performing equipment check and maintenance, always stop the engine.
● Do not operate the equipment if the equipment are modified or parts are removed

■Location of warning labels
When any warning label becomes unreadable or damaged, place a new label on the appropriate location.
When ordering a new label, use the following part number.
1. Suffocation from exhaust fume (No.19402-00106)
2. Suffocation from welding fume (No.19402-00107)
3. Electric Shock (No.19402-00102)
4. Electric Shock
5. Injuries
6. Burns
7. Burns
5 5
5 5

2. Specifications
Model DGW310DMC DGW310MC
Generating Method Rotating Field
Rated Current
Rated Load Voltage
Rated Duty Cycle
Rated Speed
No Load Voltage
Welding generator
Rated Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Rated Speed (min-1) 3000/3600
Phase 1-Phase 3-Phase
Rated Voltage (V) 100/110 200/220 200/220
AC Generator
Fuel Tank Capacity (L)
Dry Weight
Full Weight
Power Factor 1.0 0.8
Rated Output (kVA)
Rate Continuous
Model Kubota D722
Method Vertical In-lined Water Cooled 3 Cylinders Diesel Engine
Rated Output
Fuel Diesel Fuel No.JIS2
Lubricant API Class CD or better
Lubricant Volume (L) 3.8(effective1.4)
Coolant Volume (L) 3.0(including sub tank 0.6)
Starting Method Starter Motor
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
Adjustable Range (A)
Welding Rod (φ)
Adjustable Range (A)
Welding Rod (φ)
Adjustable Range (A)
Welding Rod (φ)
(%) 100
min-1) 3000/3600
Receptacle1.5kVA×2 and
output terminal
(L) 0.719
(kW{PS}/ min-1) 11.7{15.9}/3000 14.0{19.0}/3600
338 (348 w/wheel) 333 (343 w/wheel)
382 (392 w/wheel) 377 (387 w/wheel)
30~160 30~160
70~280/85~310 35~280/45~310
1410 (1280 Canopy Length)
MAX 85
(Output Total)
760 (870 with wheel)

3. Use
● Arc Welding
● Electric Tools and Home Appliances
● Power Supply to lights
Damage to the property and secondary damage
●Do not use other than the above purposes
●Never use it without consulting with medical equipment
obtaining confirmation in Hospital.
4. Parts
doctor, hospital and
Output Change SW
Welding Terminal A
(Upper10A、Lower 50A)
Starter Switch
Display Change SW
Slow Down SW
Frequency Change SW
Welding Terminal B
Front Door
Grounding Terminal
Under Plate

3P Output Terminal
Fuse(Upper10A、Lower 50A)
AC 1-P 100V output
AC 3-P 200V out
ELCB grounding terminal
Fuel lever /Strainer
Air Cleaner
Sub tank
Oil gauge
Oil inlet
Fuel drain plug Oil drain plug
Water drain plug

Fuel lever /Strainer
Fuel drain plug Oil drain plug
Air Cleaner
Sub tank
Oil gauge
Oil inlet
Water drain plug
Oil filter
Fuel inlet
Lift hook
Exhaust gas outlet

5. Incorporated
5-1. Eco Welding
The equipment is incorporated in Eco Welding Feature that is aiming at performing
The low noise, the lower fuel consumption and the low gas emission than those of conventional models.
When you turn the selector switch to Eco, you will be able to weld with Max 4.0mmφ rod at the slow
down speed.
●When welding is performed, do not turn the output selector switch which causes the burnout of the
●Eco is designed for welding only. The breaker activates to TRIP, in case it is used for AC Output
5-2. Display
The equipment is incorporated in Digital Display. It displays『Voltage』,『Hour』,『Speed』successively,
by changing the display selector switch.
●During operation, voltage meter always displays the voltage in 200/220V, 3-Phase both at the
5-3. Frequency Selection
Selector either 50 or 60Hz by the selector switch on the front panel, in accordance with the load
5-4. Monitor Lamp
The equipment incorporates monitor lamps as 『Water Temperature』,『Battery Charging』 and『Oil
Under normal condition, when the starter switch is turned from『STOP』to『REN』, the lamps of,『BATTERY
CHARGING』and『OIL Pressure』 turned To ON and all the lamps turn to OFF after the Engine starts.
When abnormality happens in running, monitor lamps flicker
And the engine stops automatically.
In the case the automatic shutdown is engaged, turn the starter switch to STOP once, and then restart
breaker position『ON』 and『OFF』.
the engine. When the automatic shutdown is engaged again, check which lamp turns ON or OFF and
point out where the abnormality is.

(1) Water Temperature Monitor Lamp
Danger: Injuries
Close all the doors and place lock during operation, to avoid injuries by unintentional touch of cooling
fan or fan belt.
Danger: Burns
●Do not touch the engine and muffler during operation and immediately after stopping it, for
Caution: Burns
When the water temperature rises abnormally, the water temperature lamp flashes and the automatic
shutdown will be engaged.
When this happens, check water tank and replenish if needed.(Refer to『6-2. Check the water
If the water level is normal, there may be possibility of overload. Always use the equipment within the
rated duty cycle and output power.
(2) Battery Charge Monitor Lamp
When the battery charge becomes unable during operation, the monitor lamp flashes and the automatic
shutdown is engaged.
Please consult with our authorized distributor or service section.
●The monitor cannot detect battery degradation or insufficient battery liquid.
Be sure to check battery liquid level periodically.
(Refer to『6-5. Battery Check 』)
(3) Oil Pressure Monitor Lamp
Danger: Injuries
●Close all the doors and place lock during operation, to avoid injuries by unintentional touch
of cooling fan or fan belt.