1. Introduction …………………………………..1
2. Included Parts List ……………………………1
3. Gauge Outline .……………………… ……...2
4. Dimensions……………………. … … ……… .3
5. Specifications……………...…… … ………...4
6. Preparation Before Test………… … …….7
7. Testing...………………… ………… ………. .. 8
8. Attachments… ….… ………… …… ………..8
9. Maintenance……………………… …… …….9
1. Introduction
The MFD Series Analog Force Gauge with compact size are easy to operate and
convenient to carry. They display the units of lb and kilogram at the same time. The
PEAK/TRACK knob allows the user to easily switch between peak load testing or
continuous load testing. The MFD’s are excellent products which are widely applied
in electric, electric appliance, hardware, automobile parts, lighter and ignition system,
light industry, mechanical, textile and a many more for testing of compression or
tension, insertion force, or destructive analysis. Please read the manual carefully
before using this instrument.
2. Included Parts List
(b) When vertically placed to use, especially when installing attachment, do not apply load as
needle will move from the dead weight result of the attachment. Re-zero dial so zero [O] is
aligned with needle. This tares the attachment load for proper test results.
If often exceeding max allowed capacity the internal operation spring will gradually wear and
lead to incorrect test performance. Please do not overload to maintain life of the machine.