Shimpo MT-200 Instruction Manual

MT-200 Combination Contact/Non-Contact Pocket Tachometer
Operation Manual
Laser radiation may be harmful to the human eye. Avoid direct exposure of human eyes to laser light. Eye damage can result.
Never point the unit at another person.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Avoid indirect exposure via reflective materials such as glass and mirrors.
When using the master wheel, do not use an extension shaft as the wheel may come off of the shaft and cause damage or injury.
Although the tachometer is able to achieve higher measurements than what is listed, the master wheel has a maximum speed limitation of 5000 ft/min (for safety reasons).
The MT-200 Combination Contact/Non-Contact Pocket Tachom­eter
with microprocessor technology possesses the precision
of the standard Shimpo Tachometer line, yet within a compact, pocket-style enclosure.These battery-operated tachometers fea­ture the same rugged, high quality components that have made Shimpo tachometers the benchmark in the industry. The MT-200 provides users with the capabilities of measuring and recording speeds of rotational, linear and surface plus total length in both contact or non-contact modes. The user-friendly, value-packed units feature memory storage; quick selection unit’s button; length functions; retrieval of last, maximum and minimum values; plus each unit comes standard with a free N.I.S.T. calibration certifi­cate. Each unit ships in a protective carrying case which includes a cone adapter, funnel adapter and 6” circumference wheel.
SPECIFICATIONS Display Range: RPM Non-Contact: 6.0 - 99,999 RPM Contact:
6.0 - 25,000 RPM; Revolutions (total) Non-Contact & Contact: 1 - 99,999; Speed Using 6” Cir. Wheel: meters/min: 0.1 - 3,809.8; yards/min: 1.0 - 4,166.4; inch/min: 36 - 99,999; feet/min: 3.0 ­12,499; Length Using 6” Cir. Wheel: meters: 0.2 - 99,999; yards:
0.2 - 99,999; feet: 0.5 - 99,999 Accuracy: Revolution: 6.0 - 599.9 rpm: ±1 rpm ; 600 - 99,999
rpm: ±0.006% of reading ±0.5 digit; Surface Speed, Length: ±0.4% of reading ±1 digit
Display: 5 digit 0.47” (12 mm) high LCD Memory System: Readings are stored in memory and retained
for 5 minutes (last, max., min., and 10 user logged measurements)
Detection: Laser diode Update Time: 1 second (typical) Over Range Indicator: Flashing numerals Power Requirement: 3 AA 1.5V batteries Operating Temperature: 32º - 113ºF (0º - 45ºC) Construction: ABS Resin housing Product Weight: 0.35 lb (160 g); 0.46 lb ( 210 g) With contact
adapter installed
Package Weight: 0.85 lb (386 g) Dimensions: Main unit: 4.55”L x 2.52”W x 1.24”H (115.5 mm x
64 mm x 31.5 mm) Overall Length with contact adapter: 5.9” (149 mm)
Warranty: 2-Year Included Accessories: Three AA Batteries, cone adapter, funnel
adapter, contact adapter, master wheel (6” cir.), reflective tape, carrying case, NIST certificate
Non-Contact Measurements
Measuring revolutions per minute or total revolutions.
1. Attach a piece of reflective tape on the object to be measured.
NOTE: Accurate measurement may not be achieved if the rotating object to be measured is shiny. Cover with black tape or paint then attach the reflective tape.
Measuring surface speed and distance using the 6” circumfer­ence wheel.
1. Attach the contact adapter to the tachometer. Do not over tight­en.
2. Attach the 6” circumference wheel to the tachometer by placing the wheel on the adapter shaft. Align the shaft pin with the notch of the wheel stem.
2. Press the POWER button to turn the tachometer on.
3. Select RPM (revolutions per minute) or REV (total number of revolutions) by pressing the UNIT button.
4. Aim the laser beam at the reflective tape.
5. Press and hold down the POWER button to start measuring.
6. Press and hold the POWER button to take another measurement.
Laser - Do not look into the beam. Use protective eyeglasses that are rated for 670usec for adequate eye protection.
Contact Measurements
Measuring rotation speed using the cone or funnel-shaped contact probe.
1. Attach the contact adapter to the tachometer. Do not over tight­en.
2. Attach the cone or funnel adapter to the tachometer by plac­ing on the adapter shaft. Align the shaft pin with the notch of the adapter stem.
3. Press the POWER button to turn the tachometer on.
4. Select RPM (revolutions per minute) or REV (total number of revolutions) by pressing the UNIT button.
5. Press and hold the POWER button to start measuring.
6. Bring the contact probe into contact with the object to be mea­sured by touching the contact probe slowly to the center of the rotating object. If the measuring range of the tachometer is ex­ceeded, “OVR” will appear on the tachometer’s display.
7. Press and hold the POWER button to take another measure­ment.
8. Press the UNIT button to convert between ranges. When a high-speed rotating object is measured for hours using a cone or funnel adapter the surface of the adapter may become very hot.
When a high-speed rotating object is measured for hours using a cone or funnel adapter the surface of the adapter may become very hot.
6” Circumference Wheel Dimensions
(48.5 mm)
3. Press the POWER button to turn the tachometer on.
4. Select meters/minute (m/M), yards/minute (Y/M), inches/min­ute (I/M), feet/minute (F/M), meters (m), yards (YRd), feet (FT), or inch (IN) depending on which units you wish to measure.
5. Bring the 6” circumference wheel into contact with the object to be measured by slowly touching the wheel to the moving object.
6. Press and hold the POWER button to start measuring.
7. Press the UNIT button to convert between ranges. When mak­ing surface speed or distance measurements, ensure that the 6” circumference wheel’s perimeter is parallel to the object to be measured.
When making surface speed or distance measurements, ensure that the 6” circumference wheel’s perimeter is parallel to the object to be measured.
NOTE: When using the master wheel, accuracy can be affected as much as 0.3% of reading.
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