Application Information
In-Ear Headphone Test
Force to pull Earbud Tips off In-Ear Headphone speakers
One of the most crucial components of in-ear headphones is the earbud rubber tips due to the comfort and conformance to the user’s ear. With hundreds of brands of in-ear headphones at low cost points, consumers can
easily forego one brand for another if the headphone’s rubber tips do not meet their expectations. Therefore
manufacturers of the earbuds have to facilitate in their design for optimal sound, comfort, and durability.
One leading design and manufacturer of rubber earbud tips has focused on developing these components to
perform optimally in all those categories. Since they do not manufacture the entire headphone, they must thoroughly test the compatibility with all in-ear headphone brands. One key test for determining performance on
various headphone models involves the testing of the force necessary to remove the tips from the headphone
speakers. A standardization test was initially implemented to determine future design compatibility. When the
vendor creates a newly designed rubber earbud, they test its force removal off a special apparatus with a
Shimpo FGS-100H Manual Force Test Stand combined with a FGV-50XY Digital Force Gauge with 50 lb (20 kg)
capacity. Once the removal force is acquired by the FGV-50XY force gauge, the technician can properly classify
that earbud tip design for compatibility with all in-ear headphones on the market. This simple test classification
process eliminates the previous required testing of the earbuds with all headphones, eliminating an enormous
amount of testing time and costs.
This manufacturer chose the Shimpo force gauge/test stand combination due to it producing simple, repeatable and accurate measurements allowing them to hasten their new products to market and stay at the top-end
of the quality spectrum with the end user.
Equipment Used
• FGS-100H Hand Wheel Test Stand
• FGV-50XY Digital Force Gauge
with 50 lb (20 kg) capacity
FGV-XY with Memory &
Data Output
FGS-100H Hand
Wheel Test Stand