Shimano TL-BT03 Technical Service Instruction

Tube holder installation direction
< Contents of kit >
Type where reservoir tank cover is opened
Type where bleed screw is opened (using an oil funnel)
Bleeding tool Tube with bottle
Oil funnel
Tube holder
Oil stopper
Tube holder installation direction
The level of liquid inside the funnel will drop at this time, so keep filling the funnel with oil to maintain the level of liquid so that air is not drawn in (air does not get inside).
< In case of a bleed nipple type caliper >
Set a 7 mm socket wrench in place, fill the syringe with oil, and then connect a tube to the bleed nipple. Secure the bleed nipple and the tube with a tube holder, and then loosen the bleed nipple by 1/8 of a turn to open it. Push the plunger of the syringe to add oil. The oil will start coming out from the oil funnel. Continue adding oil until there are no more air bubbles mixed in with the oil that is coming out.
Remove the bleeding tool as shown in the illustration, fill the reservoir tank with oil and then replace the reservoir tank cover. Fill the reservoir tank to overflowing with oil while replacing the cover to ensure that no air bubbles remain inside the reservoir tank. In addition, be careful not to get any oil on parts such as the rotor and brake pads.
Oil stopper
If the brake lever is then operated, air bubbles in the system will rise up through the port into the oil funnel. Once the bubbles stop appearing, depress the brake lever as far as it will go. The normal condition is for the lever to be stiff at this point.
Technical Service Instructions SI-1304A-003
Air bleeding kit
With the spacer for bleeding (yellow) still attached to the calipers, place the bicycle into a bicycle stand or similar as shown in the illustration.
Be sure to read the Service instructions for “Adding mineral oil and bleeding air” together with these service instructions.
Install the tube holder as shown in the illustration. Make sure that the direction of installation is correct.
Cover the reservoir tank with the bleeding tool which has the oil funnel attached, and then secure with the clamp as shown in the illustration.
Note :
Be careful not to overtighten the oil funnel when attaching it.
Reservoir tank
Set so that the brake lever is parallel to the ground, and then remove the reservoir tank cover.
< BL type >
Reservoir tank
Base of reservoir tank
Reservoir tank
Turn the lever unit so that the top of the reservoir tank is parallel to the ground, and then remove the reservoir tank cover.
Note : When reassembling, set the
diaphragm so that it is aligned at the same angle as the base of the reservoir tank.
< ST type >
Reservoir tank
Once there are no more air bubbles mixed in with the oil, temporarily close the bleed nipple and remove the syringe.
Do not continually squeeze and release the lever at this point.
If this is not observed, air bubbles may remain mixed in with the oil inside the caliper, and it will take longer to bleed the air. (If the lever is continually squeezed and released, drain out all of the oil and then add oil again.)
Set a 7 mm socket wrench in place, and then attach the tube with the bottle to the bleed nipple as shown in the illustration. Secure the bleed nipple and the tube with a tube holder, and then loosen the bleed nipple. After a little while, the oil and air will flow naturally from the bleed nipple into the tube. In this way it will be possible to easily extract the greater part of the air remaining inside the brake system. It may help to shake the hose gently or to tap the reservoir tank or caliper gently with a screwdriver or move the position of the caliper at this time.
With the brake lever depressed, open and close the bleed nipple in rapid succession (for approximately 0.5 seconds each time) to release any air bubbles which may be in the calipers. Repeat this procedure about 2 to 3 times. Then tighten the bleed nipple again.
Tightening torque:
4 - 6 N·m {35 - 52 in. lbs.}
Plug the oil funnel with the oil stopper so that the side with the O-ring attached is facing downward.
Wipe away any oil which has flowed out.
Bleed nipple
Tube holder
Tightening torque:
0.3 - 0.5 N·m {2.7 - 4.3 in. lbs.}
Once air bubbles stop coming out from the bleed nipple, temporarily tighten the bleed nipple.
Bleed nipple
< In case of a bleed boss type caliper >
Fill the syringe with sufficient oil. After attaching the arm bush to the end of the tube, connect the tube to the bleed boss. Fasten the tube with the tube holder so that it will not be disconnected. Loosen the bleed screw by 1/8 of a turn to open it. Push the plunger of the syringe to add oil. The oil then starts coming out from the oil funnel. Continue adding oil until there are no more air bubbles mixed in with the oil that is coming out.
Bleed screw
Bleed boss
Arm bush
Lever operation
Loose Slightly stiff Stiff
One Holland, Irvine, California 92618, U.S.A. Phone: +1-949-951-5003
Industrieweg 24, 8071 CT Nunspeet, The Netherlands Phone: +31-341-272222
3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 590-8577, Japan
* Service Instructions in further languages are available at:
Please note: Specifications are subject to change for improvement without notice. (English) © Jul. 2014 by Shimano Inc. HTR
ピルアルコール、石鹸水を使用するか空拭きを行なってくださ い。市販のブレーキクレンザー等は使用しないでください。 樹脂部品等を損傷する恐れがあります。
液体成分が残る場合がありますので再組み立ての際は十分に 乾燥させてから行ってください。
チューブが外れてしまった場合は、アームブッシュとチュー ブを注射器から取り外し、各部を洗浄し油分を除去してくだ さい。チューブの先が広がっている場合は、その部分を切り 取ってください。チューブが注射器にしっかり固定されてい る事を確認のうえ再使用してください。 固定が不十分のまま使用されると、その部分からの油漏れの 恐れがあります。
Limpie y m antenga el juego de purga usand o alcohol isopropí lico o agua jabon osa, o límpielo co n un paño seco. N o use prod uctos como limp iadores comercia les de frenos. Usando e sos producto s podría dañar lo s plásticos y otr as partes.
Al desa rmar y limpiar el ju ego de purga, p uede quedar unp oco de líquido usado en las p artes del jueg o, por lo cual se recomien da asegurarse q ue todas las par tes queden completa mente secas an tes de volver a ar marlas.
Evite retir ar el tubo de la je ringa. Si el tubo se sale accident almente, extrai ga el casquillo de l brazo y el tubo d e la jeringa y limpie bien cada pieza para eliminar todo el aceite. Si el extre mo de la cámara e stá ensancha do, corte esa p arte. Comprue be que el tubo es té bien conec tado a la jeringa antes de volver a usarlo. Si el tubo no calza con seg uridad, durante e l uso podría per der aceite po r la conexión del tubo.
De ontluc htingsset reinig en en in goede staat houden m et behulp van isopropyl alcoh ol of zeepwater of deze schoonve gen met een dro ge doek. Gebru ik geen produc ten zoals in de handel verkrijg bare remreiniger s. Gebruik v an deze producte n kan plastic en overige onderde len aantasten.
Bij het de monteren en rein igen van de ontluc htingsset bes taat de kans d at er wat van de vl oeistof die voor het reinigen is gebruik t op de onderde len van de set ac hterblijft, du s zorg er voor dat a lle onderdelen v olledig droog zijn alvorens deze te hermonteren.
De slang n iet van het spuit je verwijderen . Als de slang pe r ongeluk i s losgeraakt, haal dan de het a rmbusje en de sla ng van het s puitje. Reinig deze g rondig om alle oli e te verwijd eren. Als het ui teinde van de sla ng verwijd is, knip dan het ver wijde deel af. Con troleer of de slan g stevig aan het spuitje va stzit voordat u het opnieuw geb ruikt. Als de sl ang bij gebruik ni et goed vastzi t, bestaat de kans dat er olie ui t de slangaanslui ting lekt.
Reinigen Sie das Entlüftun gskit mit Isop ropylalkohol oder Seifenwas ser oder reibe n Sie es mit eine m trockenen Tuch ab. Verwend en Sie keine im Hand el erhältlichen R einigungsmitte l für Brem sen. Durch sol che Produkte könn en die Kunststo ffteile besc hädigt werden.
Beim Zerle gen und Reinige n des Entlüftung skits kann etw as Reinigung sflüssigkeit in d en Teilen zurückblei ben; kontrolliere n Sie vor dem Zus ammenbau, ob all e Teile vollstän dig trocken sind.
Nehmen S ie das Rohr nicht von der Spritze ab. Sollte das Roh r sich ver sehentlich lösen , die Hebelbuch se und das Rohr von der Spritze a bziehen und alle Teile gründlich reinige n, sodass alles Öl vollst ändig entfernt wird. Falls das Roh rende aufgeweit et ist, de n aufgeweiteten Teil abschn eiden. Vor erneut er Verwendu ng sicherstell en, dass das Roh r fest mit der S pritze verbunden ist. Falls das Ro hr nicht richtig f estsitzt, ka nn bei der Verwe ndung am Rohrans chluss Öl aus treten.
Pulire il ki t di spurgo con al cool isopropilico o acqua saponat a, oppure u sare un panno as ciutto. Non us are prodotti qu ali i deterge nti per freni dis ponibili in commer cio. L'uso di tali pr odotti potreb be danneggiare l e parti in plas tica e le altre parti.
Quando s i smonta e si puli sce il kit di spu rgo, un po' di liqui do usato pe r la pulizia potreb be rimanere sulle parti del kit, per cui assic urarsi che tutt e le parti siano completamente a sciutte prima di ri montarle.
Evitare di rimuovere il tubo dalla siringa. Se i l tubo dovesse staccar si accidentalm ente, rimuovere la boccola del bracc etto e il tubo dal la siringa e pulire tutti gli elemen ti a fondo per eliminare e ventuali tracce di o lio. Se la parte t erminale del tubo appa re allargata, ta gliare la parte. P rima di riutilizzarl o, verificar e che il tubo sia s aldamente collega to alla siringa. Se il tubo non viene fissa to in modo sicuro, l'olio potrebbe fuorius cire dalla giuntura di collegamento.
Limpe e m antenha o kit de s angria utilizando álcool isopropí lico ou água com s abão, ou limpe com um pano seco. Não use produtos como os limpadores de f reio disponíveis comercialmente. Utilizar ta is produtos pod e danificar plás tico ou outras par tes.
Ao desmo ntar e limpar o ki t de sangria um p ouco do liquido utilizado p ara a limpeza pod e permanecer na s partes do kit , portan to, certifique -se que todas a s partes este jam totalmente secas a ntes de remontá -las.
Evite remo ver o tubo da seri nga. Se o tubo s air acidentalmen te, retire o c asquilho de braço e o tubo da serin ga e limpe todas a s peças c uidadosamente p ara remover qualqu er óleo. Se a po nta do tubo fo r alargada, cor te a parte alarga da. Verifique se o tubo es tá firmemente en caixado na serin ga antes de usá -lo novamente . Se o tubo não encaixar firm emente durante o uso, o óleo poderá va zar da conexão do tubo.
Clean and maintain the blee ding kit by using isopropyl alcoh ol or soapy water, or wipe it wit h a dry cloth. D o not use produ cts such as c ommercially-availa ble brake cleanser s. Using suc h products ma y damage plastic and other part s.
When dis assembling and cleaning the blee ding kit, some of the liquid us ed for cleaning ma y remain on the ki t parts, so m ake sure that all the parts ar e completely dr y before reasse mbling them.
Avoid remov ing the tube from the syringe. If the tube accident ally comes off, re move the arm bus h and tube from th e syringe and clean each par t thoroughly to remove any oil. If the en d of the tube is wi dened, cut of f the widened pa rt. Check tha t the tube is firm ly connected to the syringe bef ore using it again. If the tub e does not fit s ecurely during u se, oil may leak fr om the tube c onnection.
Nettoye r et entretenir l e kit de purge de l'air en utilisant d e l'alcool d'i sopropyle ou de l 'eau savonneuse o u l'essuyer avec un chiff on sec. Ne pas utiliser de produ its tels que ne ttoyeurs pour frei n disponibles da ns le commerce. L'utilisation de tels produits p eut endommage r les pièces en plastiqu e et autres.
Lors du d émontage et du nettoyage du ki t de purge, du liq uide utilisé p our le nettoyage peut demeurer sur les pièces d u kit. Il faut donc veiller à ce que l es pièces soien t complètement sèches a vant de les remon ter.
Évitez de r etirer le tube de la seringue. Si l e tube se détac he accidente llement, retirez le coussinet de bras et le tube de la seringue et nettoyez minu tieusement chaq ue pièce afin de retirer to ute huile. Si le bo ut du tube s'est élargit, couper l a partie é largie. Vérifiez que le tube est ferm ement raccordé à la seringue avant de l'utiliser à nouveau. Si le tube ne s'ajuste pas bi en pendant l'utili sation, de l'huil e peut fui r de la connexion du tube.