WII Controller RF connector
■Product Description:
The Wii Controller RF Connector is adapt to the connection use of between Wii Remote Control and Nunchuk, This
product actualized the connection via wireless and improved the distance of game. It can enhance your game feeling
through the transfer of ISM Band 2.4 Wireless.
■Specification Description:
RF Specification Description
1. 2.4GHz Multi Channel RF Mode
Using a 2.4 GHz Multi Channel RF (2402 ~ 2476MHz) transfer modules frequency-jumping mode.
2. Channel searching for the address automatically to complete one-on-one
matching function.
when the connection between transmitter and receiver completed,
It will exchange data throught frequency-hopping mode in 75 channel data exchange.
Dongle in Wii Nunchuk
1. Compatible with the Wii Nunchuk tie-in specification
Compatible with the corresponding function of Wii Nunchuk tie-in
2. Support a Comb button
When the Dongle be in sleeping mode, press the Comb Key to wake up the Dongle,then access to the
registration mode.Waiting for the connection with Remote.
●After the Dongle in the data transfer mode ,press the Comb Key and keep 4 seconds ,then Dongle enter into the
registration mode , waiting for the connection with the un-registered Remote, if the connection has been lost in the 10
seconds,the Status LED will be off, the Dongle access to Sleeping Mode, Re-press the Comb Key within 10 seconds to
establish the connection between Dongle and Remote .
3. Support a Status LED function
●Link mode:Status LED flash as the frequency 1Hz(On500mS Off500mS)
After complete the connection with Remote, then display the date transfer status.

If you turn the Remote off , the data transfer of Dongle will be disconnection and access to the link mode. The
Satus LED flash 10 seconds as the frequency 1Hz, if the connection has been lost in the 10 seconds, the Status
LED will be off and Dongle access to Sleeping Mode.
●Data transfer mode:Status LED flash as frequency 1Hz(On 100ms Off 900ms)indicating the data link status.
●Registration mode:Status LED flash as frequency 2Hz
The Status LED is off when the Dongle un-link in the Sleep Mode ,press the Comb Key,the Status LED flash as
the frequency 2Hz indicating the Dongle access to registration mode, if the connection with Remote has been
lost in 10 seconds ,the Status LED will be off and the Dongle access to Sleeping Mode
After enter into the data mode, Press the Comb Key located on the Dongle and keep 4 seconds, When the
Status LED flash as frequency 2Hz indicating the Dongle enter into the registration mode and waitng the new
registration,if the connection with new Remote has been lost in the 10 seconds , the Dongle will enter into the
Sleeping mode。
● Low Power status:The Status LED will begin to flash as frequency 4Hz indication
the voltage be in under 2.3V (2 battery);When the voltage down to 1.8V(2 battery),recommended that more
replacement batteries to ensure that the products of normal function.
● If Wii Nunchuk un- insert to the end of Dongle,the Status LED will flash as frequency 5 Hz , when Dongle did no t
detect insertion Wii Nunchuk in 30 sec, Dongle will enter into sleeping mode.
4. When the Wii Nunc huk inserted to the Dong le, do not swing 3D-VR, th is action can be ensure the WiiNunchuk to norm al
operation. If the Wii Nunchuk occur the abnormal status, plug WiiNunchuk to reset the action.
Remote in Wii Remote Control
1. Compatible with the Wii Remote Control connector specifications
Compatible with the corresponding function of Wii Remote Control
◆Support a Connect LED display
●Connect line mode:Connect LED flashes as frequency 1 Hz
Remote wait for a connection with the Dongle .
After the connection completed , then enter into the data transfer mode
When the disconnection between Remote and Dongle , Remote will enter into the connect line mode
automatically, and wait for a connection with the Dongle.
●Data transfer mode:
1. When Dongle be in static, Connect LED On 100ms Off 900ms to show that the data connecting line status.
2. When a button output of the Dongle, Connect LED flashes quickly to show that the data connecting line status.
● Registration mode:
Remote access to the registration mode, Connect LED flashes as frequency 2 Hz
with the new Dongle
and Start the registration
Connect line mode operation instruction: