7) Do not block any ventilatio n op en in gs ,
install in accorda nc e wi th t he i ns tr uc ti on s.
8) Do not install near any h ea t so ur ce s su ch a s
radiations, heat regis te rs , st ov es , or o th er
apparatus (includi ng a mp li fi er s) t ha t pr od uc e
9) Do not defeat the safety purpos e of t he
polarized plug. If the p ro vi de d pl ug d oe s no t fi t
into your outlet, consult an ele ct ri ci an f or
replacement of the obs ol et e ou tl et .
10) Protected the power cord from be in g
walked on or pinched p ar ti cu la rl y at p lu gs ,
convenience rece pt ac le s, a nd t he p oi nt w he re
they exit from the apparatus .
11) Only use attachments/accessories
specified by the manufac tu re r.
12) Unplug this appa ra tu s du ri ng l ig ht in g
storms or when unuse d fo r lo ng p er io ds o f
13) Refer all servic in g to q ua li fi ed s er vi ce
personnel. Servi ci ng i s re qu ir ed w he n th e
apparatus has been d am ag ed i n an y wa y, such
as power-supply co rd o r pl ug i s da ma ge d,
liquid has been spil le d or o bj ec ts h av e fa ll en
into the apparatus, the appa ra tu s ha s be en
exposed to rain or moistur e, d oe s no t op er at e
normally, or has been dropped.
14) Mains plug is used a s th e di sc on ne ct
device, the discon ne ct d ev ic e sh al l re ma in
readily operable .
15) The ventilation should not be impeded by
covering the ventila ti on o pe ni ng s wi th i te ms ,
such as newspapers , ta bl e- cl ot h, c ur ta in s, e tc .
16) No naked flame sou rc es , su ch a s li gh te d
candles, should be p la ce d on t he a pp ar at us .
17) Attention should be dra wn t o th e
environmental as pe ct s of b at te ry d is po sa l.
18) The use of apparatus in moderate climate.
19) The apparatus shall not be exposed to
dripping or splash in g an d th at n o ob je ct s fi ll ed
with liquids, such as vase s, s ha ll b e pl ac ed o n
the apparatus.
War ni ng : To avoid any i nj ur y ca us ed b y le an o f
the product, please alwa ys e ns ur e th e wh ol e
product was placed w it hi n th e ta bl e su rf ac e in
Never place a t el ev is io n set in an unsta bl e
location. A tel ev is io n se t may fall, cau si ng s er ious
personal in ju ry o r de ath. Many inj ur ie s,
particula rl y to c hi ld ren, can be avo id ed b y ta king
precautio ns s uc h as :
– Using cabin et s or s ta nds recomme nd ed b y th e
manufactu re r of t he t elevision s et .
– Only using fu rn it ur e that can safe ly s up po rt t he
televisio n se t.
– Ensuring th e te le vi si on set is not o ve rh an gi ng
the edge of the s up po rt ing furnitu re .
– Not placing t he t el ev ision set on ta ll f ur ni tu re
(for exampl e, c up bo ards or bookc as es ) wi th out
anchoring b ot h th e fu rniture and t he t el ev is ion set
to a suitable s up po rt .
– Not placing t he t el ev ision set on cl ot h or o th er
materials t ha t ma y be l ocated betw ee n th e
televisio n se t an d su pporting fu rn it ur e.
– Educating c hi ld re n ab out the dange rs o f
climbing on f ur ni tu re to reach the t el ev is io n set or
its control s.
If your exist in g te le vision set is b ei ng r et ai ned and
relocated , th e sa me c on sideratio ns a s ab ov e
should be app li ed .
The symbol indicates that dangerous
voltages constituting a risk of electric
shock are present within this unit.
The symbol indicates that there are
important operating and maintenance
instructions in the literaturaccompanying
this unit.
To reduc e th e ri sk of fire or ele ct ri c
shoc k, d o no t expose this app ar atus to
rain o r mo is ture.
The ba tt er ies shall not be ex po se d to
exce ss iv e heat such as su ns hi ne, fire or
the li ke .
This symbol indicat es that this product
incorporates double insulation between
hazardous mains vol tage and user
accessible parts. When servicing use onl y
identical replace ment par ts.
This m ar ki ng indicates th at t hi s product
shou ld n ot b e disposed wi th o th er
hous eh ol d wastes thro ug ho ut the EU. To
prev en t po ssible harm t o th e en vironment
or hum an h ea lth from unco nt ro lled waste
disp os al , recycle it re sp on sibly to promot e
the su st ai nable reuse o f ma te rial
reso ur ce s. To re turn your use d de vi ce,
plea se u se t he return and c ol le ction
syst em s or c ontact the reta il er w here the
prod uc t wa s purchased . They can t ak e th is
prod uc t fo r environme nt al s afe recycling .
Step o ne : Us e the expansion
bolt s( 4* 36PWA) t o fi x th e wall mount
brac ke ts i nto the wall
Step Two: Fix the wall mount sc rews
(M6x8mm/4pcs) i nt o th e rear si de o f th e LC D
TV,us in g th e tongue
of 8kgf.cm.
* The TV appearance subject to m at er ia l
War ni ng: Changes o r mo di fi ca tions to this u ni t no t
expressly a pp ro ve d by t he party resp on si bl e for
complianc e
could voi d th e us er ’s a ut ho ri ty to operate
the equipme nt .
NOTE: Thi s eq ui pment has bee n te st ed a nd found to
comply with t he l im it s for a Class B dig it al d ev ic e,
pursuant to P ar t 15 o f th e FCC Rules.
The se l im it s ar e designed to p ro vi de
reasonabl e pr ot ec ti on against ha rm fu l in terferenc e in
a residenti al i ns ta llation.
Thi s eq ui pm en t generates , us es a nd c an
radiate rad io f re qu en cy energy and , if n ot i ns talled and
used in accor da nc e
with the in st ru ct io ns, may cause h ar mf ul
interfere nc e to r ad io communic at io ns .
However, the re i s no g ua ra ntee that int er fe re nce will
not occur in a pa rt ic ul ar installa ti on . If t hi s equipment
does cause ha rm fu l in terferenc e
to radio or tel ev is io n re ception, wh ic h ca n be
determine d by t ur ni ng the equipmen t of f and on, the
user is encou ra ge d to t ry to
correct the i nt er fe rence by one or m or e of t he
following m ea su re s:
o Reorient or r el oc at e the receivi ng a nt en na .
o Increase th e se pa ra tion betwee n th e eq ui pm ent and
o Connect the e qu ip me nt into an outl et o n a ci rc ui t
diffe re nt f ro m that to which t he r ec ei ver is
connected .
Consult the d ea le r or a n ex perienced r ad io /T V
technicia n fo r he lp .
This device c om pl ie s wi th Part 15 of t he F CC R ul es .
Operation i s su bj ec t to the follow in g tw o co nd itions:
(1) this devi ce m ay n ot c ause harmfu l in te rf er ence,
(2) this devi ce m us t ac cept any inte rf er en ce r eceived,
including i nt er fe re nce that ma y ca us e un de sired
operation .
Step Th ree: Put the LCD TV with wall mount
screw s on to t he w al l mount brackets.
Warning: the a ng le b et we en t he TV and w al l
must not be bigger th an 3º.
High voltages are used in the operation
of this television receiver. Do not remove
the cabinet back from your set. Refer
servicing to qualified service personnel.
Do not trap the power supply cord under
the television receiver.
To prevent fire or electrical shock
hazard, do not expose the television
receiver to rain or moisture.
Do not drop or push objects into the
television cabinet slots or openings.
Never spill any kind of liquid on the
television receiver.
Do not block the ventilation holes in the
back cover. Adequate ventilation is
essential to prevent failure of electrical
Never stand on, lean on, or suddenly push
the television or its stand. You should pay
special attention to children. Serious injury
may result if it should fall.
Do not place your television on an unstable
cart, stand, shelf or table. Serious injury to
an individual , and damage to the
television, may result if it should fall.
Cautio n
When t he t el evision recei ve r is not
used f or a n ex tended peri od o f ti me, it
is adv is ab le to disconn ec t th e AC power
cord f ro m th e AC outlet.
Dim:515*320mm(不包 括底座)
If the television is to be built into a
compartment or similar enclosure, the
minimum distances must be maintained.
Heat build-up can reduce the service life of
your television, and can also be
Thank you very much for purchasing this
TV. To enjoy your product from the very
beginning, read this manual carefully and
keep it handy for easy reference.
Never tamper with any components inside
the TV, or any other adjustment controls
not mentioned in this manual. All LED-TVs
are high voltage instruments. When you
clean up dust or water drops on the LED
PANEL or CABINET, the power cord should
be pulled out from the receptacle, then
wipe the TV with a dry soft cloth. During
thunder and lighting, unplug the power cord
and antenna cord to prevent damage to
your TV. All repairs to this TV should only
be performed by qualified TV service
Main features
① Used a s Televi si on , display termi na l,
PC dis pl ay;
② High l um in ance, wide vi ew in g
*Locate the TV in the room where light
does not strike the screen directly.
*Total darkness or a reflection on the
picture screen can cause eyestrain. Soft
and indirect lighting is recommended for
comfortable viewing.
*Allow enough space between the TV and
the wall to permit ventilation.
*Avoid excessively warm locations to
prevent possible damage to the cabinet or
premature component failure.
*Do not cover the ventilation openings
when using theTV.
3 HDMI i nt er face and SCART
Interf ac e;
Main parameter
TV System
Video Signal System
Input Power Voltage
Power consumption
Audio Output Power (THD 7%)
Signal Input
Horizontal definition(TV line)
Analog RGB(PC)x1
High-Definition Multimedia Interface(HDMI) x2
Video INput x1
Audio Input x2
USB Input x1
Y、Cb (Pb) Cr (PR)x1、
Composite Video input >=350
Super Video Input>=400
Y Cb(Pb) Cr(Pr)>=400
+ 12 hidden pages
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