Please r ea d this User Manua l carefully to en sure use of this pr od uct and keep this
manual f or f uture referen ce

Safety a nd w arnings.... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... .. ..
Introd uc tion....... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... .. ..........
Base sta nd a ssembly
...... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ..........
Wall Mount I nstallation I ns tructions.. ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ....
Instal la tion....... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ...........
Remote C on trol....... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... .. ........... .....
Operat io n.......... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... .. ..........
Troublesh ooting..... ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... .. ........... ........... .....

Impo rt an t Safety Instru ct io ns
1) Rea d th es e instruction s.
2) Kee p th es e instruction s.
3) Hee d al l wa rnings.
4) Fol lo w al l instruction s.
5) Do no t us e th is apparatus ne ar w ater.
6) Cle an o nl y with dry cloth.
7) Do no t bl oc k any ventilati on o penings,
inst al l in a ccordance w it h th e
manu fa ct urer's instru ct ions.
8) Do no t in st all near any heat s ou rces such
as rad ia ti ons, heat regis te rs, stoves, or
othe r ap pa ratus (includ in g amplifiers) t ha t
prod uc e he at.
9) Do no t de fe at the safety pur po se o f the
pola ri ze d or groundin g pl ug . A polarized
plug h as t wo b lades with one wi de r than the
othe r. A g rounding pl ug h as t wo blades and
a thir d gr ou nding prong . The wide b la de o r
the th ir d pr ong is provided f or y our safety. If
the pr ov id ed plug does no t fi t in to your
outl et , co nsult an electr ic ian for
repl ac em ent of the obsole te o utlet.
10) Pr ot ec ted the power cor d fr om being
walk ed o n or p inched part ic ul arly at plugs,
conv en ie nce receptacl es , and the point
wher e th ey e xit from the appa ra tus.
11) Only use atta ch me nts/acces so ri es
spec if ie d by the manufact ur er.
12) Us e on ly w ith the cart, sta nd , tr ipod,
brac ke t, o r table specifi ed b y the
manu fa ct urer, or sold with t he a pparatus.
When a c ar t or r ack is used, use ca ut io n
when m ov in g the cart/appa ra tus
comb in at ion to avoid in ju ry f rom tip-over.
16) Do n ot i ns tall this equip me nt in a
conf in ed o r building- in s pa ce such as a
book c as e or s imilar unit, an d re main a well
vent il at ion condition s at o pen site. The
vent il at ion should no t be i mp eded by
cove ri ng t he ventilatio n op enings with
item s, s uc h as newspapers , ta ble-cloth,
curt ai ns , etc.
17) No n ak ed f lame sources, s uc h as
ligh te d ca ndles, should b e pl aced on the
appa ra tu s.
18) Att en ti on should be dr aw n to t he
envi ro nm ental aspects o f ba ttery disposa l.
19) The use of app ar atus in tropica l cl im ate.
20) The appara tu s shall not be expo se d to
drip pi ng o r splashing a nd t ha t no objects
fill ed w it h liquids, such a s va ses, shall be
plac ed o n th e apparatus.
WAR NI NG: To red uce the risk of fir e or
elec tr ic s hock, do not expo se t his
appa ra tu s to rain or moistu re .
WAR NI NG: Th e batteries sha ll n ot be
expo se d to e xcessive heat s uc h as
suns hi ne , fire or the like.
The symbol indicates that dangerous
voltages constituting a risk of electric shock
are present within this unit.
13) Un pl ug t his apparatus d ur ing lighting
stor ms o r wh en unused for lon g pe riods of
time .
14) Re fe r al l servicing to qu al ified service
pers on ne l. Servicing is r eq uired when the
appa ra tu s has been dama ge d in a ny way,
such a s po we r-supply cord o r pl ug is
dama ge d, l iquid has bee n sp il led or objects
have f al le n into the appara tu s, the
appa ra tu s has been expo se d to r ain or
mois tu re , does not operat e no rmally, or has
been d ro pp ed.
15) Ma in s pl ug is used as the dis co nnect
devi ce , th e disconnect de vi ce shall remain
read il y op erable.
The symbol indicates that there are
important operating and maintenance
instructions in the literaturaccompanying this

This symbol indicates th at this product
incorporates double insulat ion between
hazardous mains voltage and user
accessible parts. When servicing use only
identical replacement parts.
This m ar ki ng indicates th at t his product
shou ld n ot b e disposed wi th o th er
hous eh ol d wastes throug ho ut the EU. To
prev en t po ssible harm to th e en vironment
or hum an h ea lth from uncont ro lled waste
disp os al , recycle it resp on sibly to promot e
the su st ai nable reuse of ma te rial
reso ur ce s. To retu rn y ou r used device,
plea se u se t he return and col le ction
syst em s or c ontact the reta il er w here the
prod uc t wa s purchased. They can t ak e th is
prod uc t fo r environment al s afe recycling .
Step o ne : Us e the expansion
bolt s( 4* 36PWA) t o fi x th e wall mount
brac ke ts i nto the wall
Step Two: Fix the wall mount sc rews
(M4x8mm/4pcs) i nt o th e rear si de o f th e LC D
TV,us in g th e tongue
of 8kgf.cm.
* The TV appearance subject to mat er ia l
Step Th ree: Put the LCD TV with wall mount
screw s on to t he w al l mount brackets.
Warning: the ang le b et we en t he TV and w al l
must not be bigger th an 3º.
War ni ng: Changes o r mo di fi ca tions to this u ni t no t
expressly a pp ro ve d by the party re sp on si bl e for
complianc e
could voi d th e us er ’s a ut ho ri ty to operate
the equipme nt .
NOTE: Thi s eq ui pment has bee n te st ed a nd f ound to
comply with t he l im it s for a Class B dig it al d ev ic e,
pursuant to P ar t 15 o f th e FCC Rules.
The se l im it s ar e designed to p ro vi de
reasonabl e pr ot ec tion against ha rm fu l in terferenc e in
a residenti al i ns ta ll ation.
Thi s eq ui pm en t generates , us es a nd c an
radiate rad io f re qu ency energy and , if n ot i ns talled and
used in accor da nc e
with the in st ru ct io ns, may cause h ar mf ul
interfere nc e to r ad io communicat io ns .
However, the re i s no g ua ra ntee that int er fe re nce will
not occur in a pa rt ic ul ar installati on . If t hi s equipment
does cause ha rm fu l in terference
to radio or tel ev is io n reception, wh ic h ca n be
determine d by t ur ni ng the equipmen t of f and on, the
user is encou ra ge d to t ry to
correct the i nt er fe rence by one or m or e of t he
following m ea su re s:
o Reorient or r el oc at e the receiving a nt en na .
o Increase th e se pa ra tion between th e eq ui pm ent and
o Connect the e qu ip me nt into an outlet o n a ci rc ui t
diffe re nt f ro m that to which t he r ec ei ver is
connected .
Consult the d ea le r or a n experienced r ad io /T V
technicia n fo r he lp .
This device c om pl ie s with Part 15 of t he F CC R ul es .
Operation i s su bj ec t to the follow in g tw o co nd itions:
(1) this devi ce m ay n ot c ause harmfu l in te rf er ence,
(2) this devi ce m us t ac cept any inte rf er en ce r eceived,
including i nt er fe re nce that may ca us e un de sired
operation .

High voltages are used in the operation of this television
receiver. Do not the cabinet.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Never stand on, lean on, or suddenly push the television or
its stand. You should pay special attention to children.
Serious injury may result if it falls.
To prevent fire or electrical shock hazard, do not expose
the television receiver to rain or moisture.
Do not drop or push objects into the television cabinet
slots or openings. Never spill any kind of liquid on the
television receiver.
Do not block the ventilation holes on the back cover .
Adequate ventilation is essential to prevent failure of
electrical components.
of the TV
Do not place your television on an unstable cart, stand,
shelf or table. Serious injury to an individual and damage
to the television may result if it falls.
When th e telev is ion rec ei ver is no t us ed for an
exten ded per io d of time , it i s advis ab le to dis conne ct
the AC pow er cord f ro m the AC out let.
Avoid exposing the television receiver to direct sunlight
and other sources of heat. Do not stand the television
receiver directly on other products which give off heat,
e.g. video cassette players and audio amplifiers. Do not
place naked flame sources, such as lighted candles on
the television. or near
Do not trap the power supply cord under the television
receiver s .' stand
If the television is to be built into a compartment or similar
enclosure, the minimum distances must be maintained. Heat
build-up can reduce the life of your television, and can also
be dangerous.
Dim:515*320mm(不包 括底座)