Transmitt er Operation and Movement of ea ch Servo
Flight simulat ion sys tem instruction
www.a rt- tec h.c om
Thank you for purchasin g the E-Fly ETB 41-2 .4GHz Digital Propor tion al Radio
Contr ol Syste m. Befor e you ope rate thi s unit, please re ad a nd keep t his manu al
ca r e fully. Pl e a se comply t h e proper p r o cedures s t r ictly, us e r must be
respo nsib le for th e damage s of r adio sys tem and m odel or other loss caused b y
incor rect o peratio n.
Tra nsmi tter E-F ly TX100 -B 1 pc
Recei ver E-F ly RX100- C 1 pc
Servo AS-100(9 gram) 1 pc
Speed c ontr oller ESC-3 0(30 A) 1 pc
Gr e a t Fe a t ur es:
Fully p ropo rtional H igh quali ty joy stick
Servo r ever se functi on Low volt age al arm
Traine r port a vailabl e FM modula tion
Do not stor e t he radi o s ystem in the dam p, dust y a nd vibrato ry plac e,
tempe ratu re over 40 C or und er -10 C and direc t sunlight for lo ng tim e.
If there is a long time not for use, plea se take the battery out fro m th e
trans mitt er and keep i t in the d ry place.
Forbi d to wi pe the rad io syst em with the or ganic liquor such as thinner,
aceto ne and c hlorofo rm.
Do not throw away the using up batteri es, ple ase kee p t hem in the me talloid
conta iner a nd transf er the m to the envi ronm ental con serv ation institu tion.
On pur pose of e nvir onmenta l con servati on and lo w usi ng cost , we sugge st
you use t he rec hargeab le Ni- MH batter y.
www.a rt- tec h.c om
Pay spe cial a ttentio n to the s afet y at the parts of thi s manu al that are indic ated
by the fo llow ing marks .
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition
CAUTI ON Proc edur es whe re the po ssib ility of serious in jury to t he user i s small,
but the re is a da nger of inj ury, or physica l dama ge, if not carrie d out pr operly.
Symbo l: Pro hibited M anda tory
and cause death or serious injury to theuser if not
carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to dangerous condition or
cause death or serious injury to the user if not carried
out properly, or procedures where the probability of
superficial injury or physical damage is high.
Do not fl y in rai ny o r wi ndy days , or at
night . Wa ter will pe netrate i nto the
trans mitt er an d cau se fa ulty oper ation,
or loss o f cont rol, and ca use a cr ash.
changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment
www.a rt- tec h.c om
Alway s test the dig ital pro port ional
R/C set be fore u se. Any ab normality
in the digita l pr opor tional R/C set,
or model, m a y c a u s e a crash.
Befor e star ting t he eng ine, c heck
that t he direct ion of ope ration o f
each servo matc hes the op eration
of its control sti ck. If a s ervo does
not move in th e prope r d irection, or
opera tion is abnorm al, do not fly th e
plane .
Do not fly the plane near the
house , r oad, el ectrical wire
and air port .
When tu rnin g on the powe r swit ch
After s etti ng the tran smit ter throt tle st ick to mini mum:
1.Turn on t he transmitte r power switch.
2.The n turn o n the recei ver po wer switc h.
When tu rnin g off the po wer sw itch
After s topp ing the eng ine:
1.Turn off the r eceiver p ower s witch.
2.The n turn o ff the tra nsmi tter powe r swit ch.
We offer Mode I and Mode II two typ es of tr ansm itter for selec tion .
Custo mers s hould cho ose on e accordi ng to th eir individua l needs.
You will nee d 8 AAA batt eries for o pera ting the tr ansm itter.
Low battery voltage alarm function.
The transmitter will emit a high-pitched tone if the battery voltage gets too low.
www.a rt- tec h.c om
Mode 1
Ante nn a
Carr yi ng bar
Elev at or down
Rudd er
Elev at or up
Rudd er
righ t
Tri m
Tra in er po rt
MIX: delta-wing or V type tail-wing mode
Mode l
NOR: no rm al m od e
Mode 2
Thr ott le M ax
Rudd er
Thr ott le M in
Rudd er
righ t
Serv o
reve rs e
Thr ott le M ax
Aile ro n
Thr ott le M in
Powe r in dicat or
Powe r sw itch
Elev at or down
Aile ro n
Elev at or up
Aile ro n
righ t
Ante nn a
Carr yi ng bar
Aile ro n
righ t
Tri m
Tra in er po rt
MIX: delta-wing or V type tail-wing mode
Mode l
NOR: no rm al m od e
Serv o
reve rs e
Powe r in dicat or
Powe r sw itch
www.a rt- tec h.c om
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