Product Nameļ¼Tablet PC
USB jack
Headph one j ack
SD card sl ot
DC 5V MIC j ack
Power on /of f
Vol+ vol-
Prevent ion fell WiFi
Pleas e do no t use the i nco rrect b att ery,it may ca use
explo sio n.pls p ut th e batte ry in to the sp eci al batt ery b in.
Android Music
Warm tip:
Handle wi th care,p revent fe ll
Do not plac e heavy obj ect
Do not make i t compres sed
This devi ce compli es with par t 15 of the FCC R ules.
Operati on is subje ct to the fol lowing tw o conditi ons: (1) th is
device ma y not cause h armful in terfere nce, and (2 ) this
device mu st accept a ny interf erence re ceived, i ncludin g
interfe rence tha t may cause u ndesire d operati on.
Any chang es or modif ication s not expre ssly appr oved by
the party r esponsi ble for com pliance
could voi d the user' s authori ty to opera te the equi pment.
NOTE: This equip ment has be en tested a nd found to
comply wi th the limi ts for a Clas s B digital d evice, pu rsuant
to Part 15 of t he FCC Rule s. Thes e limits ar e designe d to
provide r easonab le protec tion agai nst harmf ul interf erence
in a reside ntial ins tallati on. Thi s equipme nt genera tes,
uses and ca n radiate r adio freq uency ene rgy and, if n ot
install ed and used i n accorda nce with th e instruc tions, ma y
cause har mful inte rferenc e to radio co mmunica tions.
However, t here is no gu arantee t hat inter ference w ill not
occur in a pa rticula r install ation.
If this equ ipment do es cause ha rmful int erferen ce to radio
or televi sion rece ption,
which can b e determi ned by turn ing the equ ipment off and
on, the use r is encour aged to try t o correct t he interf erence
by one or mor e of the foll owing mea sures:
-- Reorie nt or reloc ate the rec eiving an tenna.
-- Increa se the sepa ration be tween the e quipmen t and
receive r.
-- Connec t the equip ment into a n outlet on a c ircuit di ffere nt
from that t o which the r eceiver i s connect ed.
-- Consul t the deale r or an exper ienced ra dio/TV te chnicia n
for help. The devi ce has been e valuate d to meet gen eral RF
exposur e require ment. The device c an be used in p ortable
exposur e conditi on withou t restric tion