Wireless Charger
User Manual
Thi s equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a WP C dev ice , pur sua nt to P art 1 8 of th e FCC R ule s.
The se limits are d esi gned to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interfere nce in a residential installation.
CAUTIO N: Ch ang es or m odi fic ati ons n ot ex pre ssl y app rov ed
by th e par ty re spo nsi ble f or co mpl ian ce co uld v oid t he us er ’s
authority t o ope rat e the p rod uct .
NOT E: Th is eq uip men t has b een t est ed an d fou nd to c omp ly
with the l imi ts fo r a wir ele ss po wer c har ger, p urs uan t to Pa rt
18 of the FC C Rul es. T hes e lim its a re de sig ned t o pro vid e
reasonable protectio n against harmfu l int erf ere nce i n a
residenti al insta lla tio n. Th is eq uip men t gen era tes , use s and
can radiate r adio fre que ncy energy an d, if n ot in sta lle d and
used in accordance with th e instru cti ons , may c aus e har mfu l
interf ere nce t o rad io co mmu nic ati ons . How eve r, the re is n o
guarantee that inte rfe ren ce wi ll no t occ ur in a p art icu lar
instal lation. If th is eq uip men t doe s cau se ha rmf ul in ter fer enc e
to ra dio o r tel evi sio n rec ept ion , whi ch ca n be de ter min ed by
tur nin g the e quipment of f and o n, th e use r is en cou rag ed to t ry
to co rre ct th e int erf ere nce b y one o r mor e of th e fol low ing
- Reo rie nt or r elo cate the r ece ivi ng antenna.
- Inc rea se th e sep ara tio n bet wee n the e quipment and receiver.
- Con nect the e qui pme nt in to an o utl et on a c irc uit d iff ere nt fr om
tha t to wh ich t he re cei ver i s con nec ted .
- Con sult the d eal er or a n exp eri enc ed ra dio/TV t ech nic ian f or
hel p.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth
for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed
and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and
your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Product Introduction
Wir eless ch arger F500 is an intelligent simple design product, compatible with all Qi-enabled cell phones and devices.
You do n't n eed a ny co rds t o plu g in an d out a ny mo re. J ust p lac ing y our d evi ce in t he ce nte r of F5 00, y ou ar e fre e to en joy
your wireless and limitless charging experience now!
Wire less Ch argin g Pad
Model :F500
Input: 5V/2A, 9V/1.67A
Charging Distance: ≤10mm
Size: 94.4mmX12.2mm
Output: 5W/7.5W/10W
Charging Efficiency: ≥73%
Input :DC 5V/ 2A ,9V/1 .67A
Outpu t:5W/ 7.5W/ 10W
Made In Ch ina
Output Power
How can work with 5W
wireless ch arging power?
How can work with 7.5W
wireless charging power
(Ma x output power up to
7.5W fas t wir ele ss ch arg ing
sta ndard )?
How can work with 10 W
wireless charging power
(Ma x output p owe r up to
10W fast w ire les s cha rgi ng
sta nda rd )?
(How to output 5w/7.5w/10w?)
Adapter Type Compatible Device
It is c omp ati ble w ith An y ena bled devices like iPhone 8/
Using 5V,2A ada pte r
Using QC 2.0/QC 3.0 f ast
charging adapter(9V,1 .67 A)
Such as:
① Samsun g fast cha rgi ng
adapter(9V,1. 67A )
② Anker QC2 .0/ 3.0 f ast
charging adapter
Using QC 2.0/QC 3.0 f ast
charging adapter(9V,1 .67 A)
Such as:
① Samsun g fast cha rgi ng
adapter(9V,1. 67A )
② Anker QC2 .0/ 3.0 f ast
charging adapter
iPhone 8 plus/ iPhone X, Sam sun g Gal axy N ote 8 / S8/
S8plus / S7/ S7 edg e/ S6 e dge p lus / Not e 5/ S6 / S6 ed ge/
S9 se ries devices and so on.
It is o nly c omp ati ble w ith i Pho ne 8/ iPho ne 8 plus/
iPhone X and so on.
It is o nly c omp ati ble w ith S ams ung G ala xy No te 8/ S 8/
S8plus/S7/ S7edge/ S6 edge plus/ Note 5/ S9 series
devices so fa r.
Use Instruction
1. Please use good brand 2A adapter or
QC2.0 /QC3.0 fas t charging ada pter(9 V,1.67A).
2. Connecting power with USB port, the indicator
will lights up for 3 seconds when power is on.
Package Contents
Wireless Charger(F500)
USB Cable
User Manual
3.① Locate your phone on charging pad
and make sure it at sweet spot for
effective charging.
②Whe n the p hone is charged
succes sfu lly, t he LE D ind ica tor
will lights up for 16 seconds then
off t o kee p the w hol e cha rgi ng
process sle ep-fri end ly.
1.Keep the charger away from water and other liquid is required.
2.Please make sure the power is cut off before you start to clean
the charger.
3.Use the charger under temperature only between 0-45°C