ShenZhen BM2 User Manual

Mini Boom Box
Uae r’s Man ual For M otorc ycle He lmet
1. Us er’s M anu al
2. Ma inten ance an d Clean ing
Use r’s Man ual for B lueto oth Int ercom S ystem
1. Ma in Func tions
2. Pa nel Con trol
3. Pa iring w ith Mob ile Pho ne, Mp3 a nd GPS
4. Pa ir with ( Freed Conn) L 2 Ada ptor
5. Ma tchin g with (F reedC onn) L3 R emote C ontro l
6. Pa iring b etwee n Two B M2
7. Gr oup Int ercom S ettin gs(Take a g roup of 6 p eople a s examp le)
9. Fu nctio n and Ope ratio n
10. B atter y Intro ducti on
11.Wa rrant y Card
12. M ainte nance
1. Main Function s
(1) 5 00m Blu etoot h Inter com (2) G roup In terco m (3) Tw o cel l phone s can be co nnect ed at the s ame tim e (4) Vo ice pro mpt for a ll oper ation s (5) S oftwa re upda te port (6) Vo ice pro mpt for t he batt ery sta tus (7) C an be use d with Fr eddCo nn hand le remo te cont rol L3 (8) C an be use d with tw o-way r adio th rough F reedC onn ada ptor L2 (9) B attey s tatus i con on te lepho ne (10 ) Built -in FM ra dio
2. Panel Contr ol
3. Pairing with Mo bi le P ho ne , Mp 3 an d GP S
Ste p 1: Turn on y our cel lphon eGPS or ot her dev ices an d turn in to BT sea rch m ode.
Ste p 2: Pres s and hol d the MFB . (for ab out 6s) u ntil bl ue&re d indic ator fl ashes alt ernat ively.
Ste p 3: Choo se "add n ew devi ce" or "B M2-S" o n your ph oneGPS o r other d evice s.
Ste p 4: Orig inal co de is "00 00" if re quire d. Ste p 5: After p aired w ith oth er devi ces suc cessf ully,t hey c an be pai red aut omati cally nex t time.
4. Pair with (Free dC on n) L 2 Ada ptor
Step 1: Ensure BM2 is off and within 1 m range of the device to be paired. Step 2: Press down the BM2 MFB. for 6 seconds until you hear "Pairing" prompt, when the red light and blue light flash alternatively, BM2 enters pairing status. Step 3: Press down the On/Off button of L2 adaptor for 6 seconds to enter pairing status and automatically search for pairing. Pairing is successful when
5. Matching with ( Fr ee dC on n) L 3 Re mo te C on tr ol
Step 1: (Operations on receiving end of BM2-S):When BM2 is on,press the MFB. of
kee ps on and b lue ind icato r light f lashe s under s uch mod e.
Ste p 2: (Ope ratio ns on the e mitti ng end of r emote c ontro l):Fi rst pre ss and ho ld the MF B.
of re mote co ntrol ,then p ress an d hold th e signa l butto n.Whe n you see t he gree n
indicator light of remote control flashes 3 times quickly,let go of the two buttons.
BM2’s red indicator light will go off,indicating matching is successful.
Pairing between Two BM2
Ste p 1:
Mak e sure th ere is no o ther ac tive BT d evi ces whe n pairi ng with t he targ et devi ce
Ste p 2: Pres s and hol d MFB. (f or abou t 6s) unt il turn ing int o pairi ng stat us unde r"off "
sta tus,t his tim e blue& red ind icato r flash es.
Ste p 3: Pres s one of MF B. to fin ish pai ring. Af ter suc cessf ully pa ired, there w ill be a sh ort
ton e "di" an d the fla shing b lue&r ed indi cator w ill onl y remai ns blue l ight.
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