Shelley SRB Specifications

by Deleld
30.00” 76cm
28.00” 71cm
Mobile Carving Counters
SRB - Mobile Car ving Coun ter
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
SRB: Mobile Carving Counters
Ex terio r Body i s c onst ructe d of 18-g auge st ainl ess ste el side
pan els and 1 4-g auge g alva nized b otto m. A ll ex teri or si de
pan els are rei nforc ed with ove rlap ping co rners an d w elde d in
pla ce. Al l body c utou ts and s tres s poin ts are r einfo rced w ith
14- gaug e ga lvan ized cha nnel sup port s.
Ex teri or Top i s c onst ruc ted o f 1 4-g auge st ain less s teel ,
wel ded, grou nd a nd p olis hed int o on e in tegra l un it. Top is
fab rica ted with squ are exte rior cor ners.
Car ving Tray; uni t ha s a remo vabl e, st ainl ess stee l, pe rfor ated
car vin g t ray, pa n and me at hol der. A 25 0 w att h eat la mp
is m ounte d d irec tly ov er the ca rvi ng tray . U nder neath th e
car vin g ar ea i s a stai nles s st eel lini ng f or e asy clea ning.
Au Jus Wel l; unit ha s a 2 50 watt he ated sta inle ss stee l a u j us
wel l wi th adju stabl e t hermo stat and st ainl ess stee l in sert pan .
Hea t lamp and au j us wel l are wi red to a 120 vo lt, 60 H ertz ,
sin gle pha se, 3 -wire grou nded , max imum 10’ (3 m) co rd an d
plu g.
Dr y C ompa rtme nt; u nit ha s a o ne-d oor d ry com par tment
co nstr uct ed o f 1 8-g auge st ain less st eel. Co mpar tme nt is
equ ippe d wit h a sh elf. Door has d ouble -wa ll con stru ctio n, wi th
Standard Features
18-gauge stainless steel exterior body
14-gauge galvanized bottom
14-gauge stainless steel top
Exterior panels reinforced with overlapping
• corners, welded in place
All body cutouts reinforced with 14-gauge
• channel s upports
Stand ard on 5” dia meter polyurethane
• swivel cas ters for easy cleaning
Counters are standard with s tainless steel
• removable carving tray, h eated au jus well, nonadjustab le infrared heat lamp, dry under storage compartment with h inged doors
10’ cord and pl ug are standard
60 Hertz, single phase electrical standard
Standa rd with dry hin ged door sto rage
• compartment with shelf
One year parts and 90 day labor standard
• warranty
a stain less ste el f ront pan el.
Cas ters : un its are mou nted on 5” (1 2.7c m) d iame ter s wive l
cas ters wit h no n-ma rkin g po lyur etha ne t ires and pla te b rakes .
Ove rall hei ght of c aste rs a ssem bly is 6 .12” (15. 5cm).
Options & Accessories
Tray slides and work shelves
10” (25.4cm) wide composite fold-down cutting boards
Line-up interlock device
120V/60Hz/1 ø, 10 amp convenience outlet with breaker
Stainless steel trim strips
Heated understorage (667 watt heating element) with wire shelf
14” x 30” (35.6cm x 76.2cm) stainless steel end drop shelf
6” (15.2cm) high adjustable stainless steel legs in lieu of casters
Laminate exterior panel s in lieu of stainless steel exterior panels
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
by Deleld
30.00” 76cm
28.00” 71cm
36.00” 91cm
18.00” 46cm
Elevation View
Customer Side ViewOperator Side View Plan View
Mobile Carvi ng Cou nters
Model # of Doors # of Shelves V/Hz/Ph Amps Nema Plug Ship Weight
SRB 1 1 120/60/1 5.0 5-15P 180lbs/82kg
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Printed in the U.S.A. DSSRB 10/10