Wireless Lighting Control
3-way Wall Mount Relay Switch
Z-Wave® Certified
Wireless Lighting Control

Thank you for your purchase o f a GE Z-Wave® co ntrol devic e.
Z-Wave technology is designed to automate lighting/home
control and pr ovide easy remote operatio n of all y our Z-wa ve
enabled devices. The GE Z-Wave product family includes a
variety of devices to control lighting in your home. It is up to
you whether you want to control one room or your entire house
and whether you want to do it all now or start with one room and
add more over time.
This wall mount relay switch is one component of a Z-Wave®
control system and is designed to
work with all other Z-Wav e ena bl ed
devic e s i n a hom e control network. It
will also act as a wireless repeater to
insure that commands intended for
another device in the network are
received, thereby extending the
range of the wireless contro ller .
Z-Wave de vic es of other types and
brands can be added to the system
and will also act as rang e
extend ers if th ey support this
function of repeating the
signal received to other
nodes in the system.

This wall mount relayswitchis designed for use
only with permanently installed incandescent
lighting fixtures. The incandescent lighting controlled
by this switch must not ex ceed a total of 600 watts.
There are no user serviceable parts in this unit.
Push ON
Push OFF
LED light
Air gap switch

The Load-Sense feature on this Z-w ave product will turn the power
to the connected device ON when a change in the load is detected.
Z-wave connected devices should always be disconnected before
performing any service or maintenance of the devices.
Controlling Appliances:
Exercise extreme caution when us ing Z-Wave devices to control
appliances. Operation of the Z-Wa ve device may be in a different room
than the controlled appli ance, also an u nintentio nal activati on may occur
if the wrong button on the remote is pressed. Z-Wave devi ces m ay
automatically be pow ered o n due to tim ed ev ent pr ogram min g.
Depending upon the appliance, these unattended or unintentional
operations could possibly result in a hazardous condition. For these
reasons, we recommend the following:
1. Assign Z-Wave controlled appliances to device numbers 10 –
18 on the GE remote. The likelihood of unintentionally turning
on the appliance will be reduced significantly because the
“Shift” button w ill nee d to be pr esse d bef ore pre ssin g devic e
numbers 10-18.
2. Z-Wave devices controlling appliances should be removed
from “All” control setting. Instructions on how to do this are
included in the manual for your GE remote.
3. Do Not include Z-Wave devices in Groups or Scenes if they
control appliances.
4. Do Not use Z-Wave devices to control electric heaters or any
other appliances which may present a hazardous condition due
to unattended or unintentional or automatic power on control.
5. Double check programs for accuracy before using them.

Wireless Range
This device complies with the Z-Wave standard of open-air, line of
sight transmission distances of 65 feet. Actual performance in a home
depends on the number of walls between the remote controller and the
destination device, the type of cons tructi on and th e number of Z-Wav e
enabled devices installed in the control network.
GE Z-Wave Network
Every Z-Wave enabled device acts as a signal repeater and multiple devices
result in more possible transmission routes which helps eliminate “RF
Things to consider regarding RF range:
- Each wall or obstacle (i.e.: refrigerator, big screen TV, etc.) between the
remote or a Z-Wave device and the destination device will reduce the
maximum range of approximately 25-30%.
- Brick, tile or concrete walls block more of the RF signal than walls made of
wooden studs and plasterboard (drywall). - Wall mounted Z-Wave devices
installed in metal junction boxes will suffer a significant loss of range
(approximately 20%) since the metal box blocks a large part of the RF

Effects of Home Construction on Wireless Range Between
Z-Wave Enabled Devices.
The distances shown in the ta ble below are ty pical exam ples.
Actual performance in your hom e will vary. From the Remote (or
repeating Z-Wave module) to destination device:
Type of Construction
Wood Frame Brick, Tile or w/Drywall Concrete
100’ 80’ 100’ 80’
Number of
walls or
* For Plug-in Modules or In-Wall D evices Install ed in Plast ic Junction
** Line of Sight / no obstruc tions
70’ 56’ 60’ 48’
49’ 39’ 36’ 29’
34’ 27’ 21’ 17’