All Shaws reclay products
are handcraed for life.
When Shaws of Darwen was founded in the
closing years of the 19th century, we had a vision
– to make the nest handcraed reclay sinks
in the whole of England.
Today, some 120 years on, that vision has been more than realised;
Shaws now enjoys, not only a national, but a worldwide reputation for the beauty,
quality, crasmanship and sheer practicality of our unique artisan products.
We’re immensely proud of our heritage, and the fact that our sinks are still
handcraed at our premises in the same quiet corner of North West England
as they were when we rst started out on Valentine’s Day 1897.
We’re also extremely proud that the techniques lovingly used by our
time-served crasmen haven't changed in all those years.
So much so, every handmade Shaws sink carries an impression on
its base of the name of the master crasman who created it.
is, along with our Certicate of Authenticity, is your assurance
that your investment has been handcraed for life.