Grill Fork
Meat & Fish
MI220 Instructions
Read and save these instructions.

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After use, allow the prongs to cool for 60 seconds before touching them.
Prongs may be washed with a wet cloth. Do not immerse handle
in water or any other liquid.
Simplified Operation
1. Press ON/AUTO to turn unit on.
2. Grasp fork firmly and insert prongs (only the right prong has
sensor in it) into the center of the thickest portion of the
food; avoid touching bone or heavy fat areas.
3. Hold in position for a few seconds and watch as the temperature rises and the RARE, M RARE, MEDIUM or WELL boxes
icons light up. The boxes light up as the temperature of the
food reaches preset doneness ranges. These boxes correspond to the Temperature Range Chart below. Only one box
per food icon lights up. It is simple to check the preferred