Therapy Roll
HF733 Instructions
Read and save these instructions.

Dear Sharper Image Customer,
Thank you for your purchase of a Sharper Image product. We appreciate
your business very much.
Please accept my personal assurance of your complete satisfaction with
this product’s quality and performance. We offer generous return
privileges and excellent warranties on all our products.
For more than 25 years, The Sharper Image has shared the fun of
discovering innovative products that make life better and more enjoyable. We’ve been in business a long time because we are an exciting
place to shop and — just as importantly — we strive to deliver great
customer service that exceeds your expectations.
Enjoy your purchase!
Richard Thalheimer
Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Call 1-800-344-4444 for 24-7 ordering and customer service,
or go to , our complete online store.

Magnetic therapy is a NON-MEDICAL method for the treatment
of pain. If you suffer from an injury or an ailment, consult a
physician for medical advice. This product should never be used
as a replacement for professional medical treatment.
Safe, drug-free therapy for pain relief
For centuries, magnets have been used to ease pain, promote
the body’s natural healing process and improve blood flow.
Our complete line of Magnetic Therapy products is designed to
the highest standards for years of dependable service.
Important Safeguards
•Read all instructions carefully before using.
•If at any time soreness, rash or an increase in pain occurs, discontinue use and consult your physician.
•Never use this appliance on or near the eyes, temples or other
highly sensitive areas.
•Only use this product for its intended purposes as described in
the manual.