SHARP SP1580 Technical Report

Date: Apr. 30, 1993
No. : SP-1580
1.Model name: Z-52II/57II
2.General: For it may be probable t o evoke an “L” trouble if t he COPY swit ch pres sed
immediately after power on and idle drum rotati on with the m achine was not warmed up sufficiently ( 100°C or below), correction is done to the software.
3.Cause: Because the software does not allow the main motor to start to run if the copy switch is pressed without the power down temperature detection (WTLL) being active, which will cause the L trouble t o occur as the origi nal table would not return. This problem would occur when the fuser temperature is still under 100C.
4.Description: The software is revised so as to activate MMR and turn the main motor when the copy switch is pressed. As a make shift solution, the table return clutch (TRC) signal is sent to MMR via a diode t o st art the main motor to start running. A parts code change is involved for CPU and main PWB after this software change.
5.Action: (Factory action)
Makeshift : Since the first production. Permanent : From April 1993 (soft ware revision)
SHARP CORPORATION Reprography Division
Z- 52II
1. Interchangeable. 4. Not interchangeable.
2. C urr e nt t y pe c a n be u s ed i n place of n ew type. New ty pe cann ot be us ed in place of curr ent type .
3. C urr e nt type c a nn ot b e us e d in p l ac e o f ne w ty p e. New t y pe c a n be u s ed i n pl a ce of cur ren t ty p e.
Parts m ar ke d wi th “ ” is im p ort an t fo r m ain ta in ing the sa fe ty of the s e t. B e sur e t o rep l ace these pa rts wi th
specified ones for maintaining the safety and performance of the set.
Version P/G No.
11 -1 VHI7508HCUR21 VHI7508HCUR23 AV
11 -901 CPWBF0964FC52 CPWBF0964FC53 BF Main PWB ’93/4 6
Current parts New parts
Parts code Parts code
5. Interc ha ng ea ble i f r ep l ace d wi th s a m e typ es of relate d pa r ts in us e.
6. Others. ( T he e x ist i ng m ai n P WB c a n be u s ed , if its CPU is replaced with the new version CPU.
Price rank
CPU (IC7508HCUR23)
Parts name
Effec­tive time
’93/4 3