Sharp SL5000D User Manual


Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................ 1
Useful functions and services of the SL-5000 ...................2
About this manual..............................................................3
Address Book ........................................................ 4
Creating a new Address Book entry ..................................7
Modifying an Address Book entry......................................8
Deleting an Address Book entry ........................................9
Address Book Setup..........................................................9
Calendar ............................................................... 11
Adding Events .................................................................14
Modifying a Calendar event.............................................18
Deleting a Calendar entry................................................18
Calendar Setup................................................................19
Todo List............................................................... 20
Creating a new Todo List entry........................................21
Modifying a Todo List entry .............................................22
Deleting a Todo entry ......................................................23
Viewing Todo list entries..................................................23
Text Editor ............................................................ 24
Creating a new Text Editor entry .....................................26
Modifying a Text Editor entry...........................................27
Deleting a Text Editor entry.............................................27
Media Player ......................................................... 28
Modifying the Play List.....................................................30
Playing files .....................................................................31
Image Viewer........................................................ 33
Viewing images ...............................................................34
Opera .................................................................... 37
EMail ..................................................................... 41
E-mail accounts ...............................................................43
Creating an e-mail message............................................46
Sending an e-mail message ............................................49
Receiving e-mail messages.............................................50
Other functions ................................................................52
System .................................................................. 53
File Manager....................................................................53
Memory cards..................................................................56
Adding/Removing software..............................................59
Extras .................................................................... 67
Calculator ........................................................................68
Games .............................................................................70
System Info......................................................................72
Settings................................................................. 73
Network ...........................................................................73
PROXIM Configuration....................................................85
Wireless LAN Setting.......................................................85
Adjusting the date and time (Date/Time) .........................88
City Time .........................................................................90
Adjusting the touch panel (Recalibrate)...........................92
Setting the appearance ...................................................93
Managing power (Light & Power) ....................................94
Adjusting the volume .......................................................96
Shutting down..................................................................99
Appendix ............................................................ 100
Troubleshooting ................................................ 102
Introduction 1


Congratulations and thank you for choosing the SL-5000 (Developer model).
We recommend that you first read the Start-up Guide (booklet, which mainly covers hardware operations) before using the SL-5000 unit. Then read the Basic Operation Manual (on the CD-ROM) and this Operation Manual (which mainly covers software operations).
Some of the accessories described in this manual may not be available at the time you purchase this product.


According to copyright law, the reproduction, alteration and use of material protected by copyright (music, pictures, etc.) is only permitted for personal or private use. If the user is not in possession of more extensive copyright rights or has not received the explicit permission from the copyright owner to reproduce, alter or use a copy which has been made or modified in this way, this is considered to be a violation of copyright law and gives the copyright owner the right to claim damages. For this reason, avoid illegal use of material protected by copyright.
2 Introduction

Useful functions and services of the SL-5000

Your SL-5000 has the following features:
A large colorful LCD screen
A full QWERTY keyboard and software keyboards
The ability to create and read Internet e-mail
An HTML browser that can access a variety of information screens
Powerful PIM functions (Address Book, Calendar, Text Editor, Todo List)
Playback of MPEG1 movie files and MP3 music files
Saving or transporting data in CF or SD card expansion slots
Data exchange with a PC using PC link software
The capacity to add applications by importing them from a PC
Introduction 3

About this manual

The SL-5000 can be operated by either pressing keys on the keyboard or tapping an item (buttons, etc.) on the screen using the stylus.
• This operation manual mainly describes the stylus operation. Button or key operations are included, if they make it easier to carry out the relative function.


This manual represents keys with the following:
HOME key
: Cancel key
: OK key
To select an item from the drop-down list, tap it.
The SELECT key is not available to select an item.
: Cursor key

Screen Buttons and Menu Names

Screen buttons and menu names, such as “OK”, “File”, Edit”, etc., are indicated using quotation marks.
4 Address Book

Address Book

The Address Book application allows you to manage contact information on friends, colleagues, etc. covering the items shown below. You can also add notes to help you remember contacts more easily.


The Address Book application has three major screens: Edit Address screen, Index screen, and Detail screen.

Edit Address screen

In the Applications folder of the Home screen, tap the “Address Book” application icon ( ).
The Index screen appears.
Tap .
The Edit Address screen appears.
You can create a new Address Book entry.
“Notes...” button
<Address fields>
First Name First name
Last Name Last name
Work Ph Phone number of the office
Work Fax Fax number of the office
Work Mb Mobile phone number for business
Email E-mail address
Home Ph Phone number of the home
Company Company name
Work Address Address of the office
Middle Name Middle name
Job Title Title
Department Department in the office
Work City City of the office
Work State State of the office
Work Zip Zip of the office
Work Country Country of the office
Work Pager Pager number for business
Work WebPage URL of the office
Home Street Street of the home
Home City City of the home
Home Zip Zip of the home
Home State State of the home
Home Country Country of the home
Home Fax Fax number of the home
Home Mb Mobile phone number for private use
Home WebPage URL of the home
Spouse Spouse’s name
Birthday Birthday
Anniversary Anniversary
Nickname Nickname
Gender Gender (Select from the drop-down list.)
Address Book 5
6 Address Book

Index Screen

A list of existing names and contact details is displayed.
“Full Name” button
Data area
“Contact” button
“Full Name” button Tap to sort the entries by full name.
“Contact” button Tap to sort the entries by contact data.
Displays the contents of the entry. Full Name column displays the First Name, Last
Data area
Name and Middle Name. Contact column displays the first entry listed under the First Name and Last Name field. (See page 9.) Tap this field to open the Detail screen of the entry.
If you have no entries in the First Name, Last Name or Middle Name field, an
entry you enter in the Company field will be displayed in the Full Name column instead.
By dragging the column boundary between the Full Name button and Contact button, you can adjust the column width.

Detail Screen

On the Index screen, tap an entry to see the full address details.
Delete icon
Edit icon
Tap to edit, or tap to delete the address being viewed.

Creating a new Address Book entry

You can add a new address using the Edit Address screen.
Address Book 7
On the Index screen, tap .
The Edit Address screen for a new entry appears.
Enter the contact data in the fields.
Pressing the tab key on the hardware keyboard moves the cursor to the lower entry field. Pressing the shift-tab keys moves the cursor to the upper entry field.
Tap the “Notes...” button to attach a note. (See page 8.)
Tap to save the new entry.
The Edit Address screen returns to the Index screen.
If you tap , the new entry is canceled.
If only the Gender field is filled out, saving the entry can not be
8 Address Book

Modifying an Address Book entry

On the Index screen, tap the entry you want to modify.
The Detail screen of the entry appears.
Tap .
The Edit Address screen appears.
3. Tap each field and modify the entry.
Tap the “Notes...” button to attach a note. (See below.)
Tap to save the modification.
The Edit Address screen turns to the Index screen.
If you tap , the modification is canceled.

To Attach a Note

You can enter a note to go with the address.
On the Edit Address screen, tap the “Notes...” button.
The Enter Note screen appears.
Enter the note using one of the Input Methods.
Tap to save the note.
The Enter Note screen returns to the Edit Address screen.
Address Book 9
If you tap on the Enter Note screen, the attached note is canceled. To save the entry with a note attached, tap on the Edit Address screen.

Deleting an Address Book entry

On the Index screen, tap the entry you want to delete.
The Detail screen of the entry appears.
Tap .
The confirmation message appears before the entry is deleted.
3. Tap “Yes” to delete the entry.
The entry will be deleted.
If you tap “No”, the deletion is canceled.

Address Book Setup

The Edit Address screen always shows the First Name and Last Name fields at the top. You can change the order of the following fields except for the Gender field.
On the Index or Detail screen, tap the “Settings” menu, then tap “Field Settings...”.
The Address Book Settings screen appears, and the fields following the Last Name field are listed in current order.
“Up” button
“Down” button
2. Tap the field you want to move.
Tap the “Up” or “Down” button to move the selected field upwards or downwards to the desired position.
10 Address Book
Tap to save the setting.
The Address Book Settings screen returns to the previous screen.
Your setting will be displayed following the Last Name field on the Edit Address screen.
If you tap , the setting is canceled.
The Gender field listed at the bottom of the Edit Address screen can not be moved.
Calendar 11


The Calendar application is used to store events you are keeping track of and to set alarms. For this application to work properly, the built-in clock must be set to the correct time and date.


You can view one day, one week or one month at a time. Tap the “View” menu, then select “Day”, “Week” or “Month.” There are also toolbar icons, (day), (week) and (month), for switching views. By selecting “Today” from the View menu, you can display the Day screen for today.

Day screen

In the Applications folder of the Home screen, tap the “Calendar” application icon ( ).
Day icon
Week icon
New icon
Previous button
Date button
Time indication
New icon Opens the New Event screen.
Day icon Displays the Day screen.
Week icon Displays the Week screen.
Month icon Displays the Month screen.
Previous button Moves to the previous date.
Month icon
Next button
Day of week buttons
Event indication
12 Calendar
Date button
Opens/closes the Calendar screen to select the date.
Day of week buttons Switches the day of the week.
Next button Moves to the next date.
Displays the time.
Time indication
Tap or drag this field and tap to open the New Event screen with the Start and End time entered.
Displays the registered events.
Event indication
: events with Alarm setting : repeating events

Week screen

Week spinbox
Year spinbox
Time column
Event indication
Date indication
Day of week buttons
Year spinbox
Tap to move to the next year, and tap to move to the previous year.
Select the week.
Select the year.
Week spinbox
Tap to move to the next week, and tap to move to the previous week.
Date indication
Displays the start and end date of the selected week.
Time column Displays the time.
Day of week buttons
Tap to open the Day screen of the selected day.
Tap to display the detailed contents of the event.
Event indication
Green bar: All day event Red bar: event with Alarm setting Blue bar: event with Start and End time

Month screen

Calendar 13
Month drop-down
list button
To January button
Previous button
Date cell
Year spinbox
To December button
Next button
To January button Moves to January of the selected year.
Previous button Moves to the previous month.
Month drop-down list
Select the desired month.
Year spinbox Select the desired year.
Next button Moves to the next month.
To December button Moves to December of the selected year.
Tap to open the Day screen of the date. Colored events mean:
Date cell
: All day event : event with Start and End time setting : repeating event
14 Calendar

Adding Events

On any screen in the Calendar application, tap .
The New Event screen appears.
Start/End date buttons
Time zone drop-down
Select/Enter the event contents.
For Description and Location, you can either select from the list, or enter your own.
For category, select “Business” or “Personal” from the drop-down list.
You can change the time zone by tapping the City Time button. (See page 90, “To
change to other cities”)
You can set an Event Alarm. (See page 15, “To set an alarm”)
You can make it a Repeating Event. (See page 15, “To repeat an event”)
You can enter a note in the Notes field.
Tap to save the new event entry.
The New Event screen turns to the previous screen.
list button
Alarm checkbox
Start/End time comboboxes
All day checkbox City Time button
Alarm sound on/off drop-down list button
Repeat button
Notes field
If you tap , the new event is canceled.

To set the Start and End date/time

On the New Event screen, tap the Start date or End date button.
The Calendar screen appears.
Tap the desired date.
Calendar 15
Tap the Start time or End time combobox.
Select the desired time, or change it by using the keyboard.
You can mark an event as taking “All day” by tapping the All day checkbox.

To set an alarm

On the New Event screen, check the Alarm checkbox.
Set the minutes to how long before the event you want the alarm.
Tap the alarm sound on/off drop-down list button, and select “Silent” or “Loud.”
The alarm will ring and the Alarm screen will appear at the set time, even if the SL-5000 is off. (Tap to close the Alarm screen.)
The alarm will not ring when the sound is set to “Silent” or when the sound volume is set to “Mute” on the slip that appears by tapping the sound volume indicator on the taskbar. Only the Alarm screen appears.
The alarm volume is fixed, and can not be adjusted on the slip that appears by
tapping the Sound volume indicator on the taskbar.
If you perform a software reset after registering an Alarm entry, launch the Calendar application to make the alarm setting effective.

To repeat an event

On the New Event screen, tap the Repeat button.
The Repeating Event screen appears.
Tap the appropriate repetition button for the event, i.e. “Day”, “Week”, “Month” or “Year.”
If you do not want to repeat the event, tap the “None” button.
Set the necessary items. (See page 16 and 17 for details.)
Tap to save the repeat setting.
The Repeating Event screen returns to the New Event screen.
If you tap , the repeat setting is canceled.
16 Calendar
Daily Events
Repeating Event screen (Day)
Every spinbox
End Date button
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many days between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the
No End Date checkbox
End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
Weekly Events
Repeating Event screen (Week)
Repeat On buttons
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many weeks between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
To choose which day(s) of the week the event should repeat, tap the relevant Repeat On button(s).
Monthly Events
Repeating Event screen (Month)
Repeat By buttons
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many months between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
If the event repeats by day of week (i.e. every first Thursday), tap the Repeat By “Day” button. If the event repeats by date (i.e. every 6th), tap the Repeat By “Date” button.
Calendar 17
Annual Events
Repeating Event screen (Year)
No End Date checkbox
Tap the Every spinbox to set how many years between each repeat.
If the event has an end date, uncheck the No End Date checkbox, then tap the End Date button, and choose an end date from the calendar that pops up.
18 Calendar

Modifying a Calendar event

On the Day screen, tap the event you want to modify.
A pop-up menu appears.
Tap “Edit...” of the pop-up menu.
The Edit Event screen appears.
Modify the event.
Tap to save the modification.
The Edit Event screen turns to the Day screen.
If you tap , the modification is canceled.
If you modify one of the repeating event, the rest of the same repeating
events will be modified in the same way automatically.

Deleting a Calendar entry

On the Day screen, tap the event you want to delete.
A pop-up menu appears.
Tap “Delete” of the pop-up menu.
The entry will be deleted.
Calendar 19
Deleting one of the repeating events deletes the rest of the same
repeating events at the same time.

Calendar Setup

You can change the time scale starting time on the Day screen and Week screen, and the Alarm setting.
On any screen, tap the “Settings” menu, then tap “Alarm and Start Time...”.
The Preferences screen appears.
Start Time spinbox
Alarm Preset checkbox
Tap the Start Time spinbox to set the earliest time you want the Day Screen/ Weekly screen to show times.
Check the Alarm Preset checkbox to set the Alarm Preset time.
Tap the Alarm Preset spinbox to change the preset time.
If you set the preset time to “5 minutes”, for example, the alarm sounds five minutes before the event.
This setting will be the default alarm setting on the New Event screen.
Tap to save the setting.
The Preferences screen turns to the previous screen.
If you tap , the setting is canceled.
The factory default does not support the “Remind Me” and “Play Every”
Alarm Preset spinbox
20 Todo List

Todo List

The Todo List application allows you to manage tasks you should not forget and reminds you to complete them before the due date. You can list them in the order of the checked status, the priority or description, and confirm them easily.


On the Todo List Index screen, you can view a list of Todo entries.
In the Applications folder of the Home screen, tap the “Todo List” application icon ( ).
Delete icon
Checked status button
Completed checkbox
Priority button
Checked status button Tap to sort the entries by checked status
Completed checkbox When unchecked or checked, the task is not
Priority button Tap to sort the entries by priority.
Description button Tap to sort the entries by description (order by
Data area Displays the contents of the entry.
Delete icon Deletes the entry.
By dragging the column boundary between each button, you can adjust
the column width.
(completed or uncompleted).
completed or completed.
Description button
Data area

Creating a new Todo List entry

On the Index screen, tap .
The New Task screen appears.
Priority drop-down list button
Todo List 21
Category combobox
Completed checkbox
Due date checkbox
Tap the Priority drop-down list button and select the priority.
Tap the Category combobox to set the task’s category. You can also enter a desired category name. From the next time onward, you can select this category name or enter another one.
If the task has a due date, check the Due date checkbox, and tap the Date button to set the due date from the pop-up Calendar screen.
Tap the text field and enter the task, etc.
Tap to save the new entry.
The New Task screen turns to the Index screen.
If you tap , the new entry is canceled.
Date button
Displays the due date. Tap to open the Calendar screen.
Tex t fi el d
Note: If the number of the registered categories increases, the Category
combobox may not list all categories, so that you can not select the desired one. (See page 23.)
22 Todo List

Modifying a Todo List entry

On the Index screen, tap the Description field of the entry you want to modify. Or Select the entry by pressing , then tap .
The Edit Task screen appears.
Completed checkbox
Modify the entry.
Check the Completed checkbox if the item is completed.
Tap to save the modification.
The Edit Task screen turns to the Index screen.
The Task status and priority can also be changed on the Index screen.
(See below.)
If you tap , the modification is canceled.

Checking a completed entry on the Index screen

When you have completed a Todo task, check the Completed checkbox on the Index screen. If you do not check the box, the Todo entry is recognized as uncompleted.
On the Index screen, tap the Completed checkbox of the completed entry.
To remove the check, tap the Completed checkbox again.
Todo List 23

Changing the priority on the Index screen

You can change the priority on the Index screen.
Tap the Priority field you want to change.
The Priority drop-down list button appears.
Tap the Priority drop-down list button and select the priority.

Deleting a Todo entry

On the Index screen, select the entry you want to delete by tapping the Priority field or pressing , then tap .
The entry will be deleted.

Viewing Todo list entries

On the Index screen, you can view only the uncompleted entries, or only the entries of a specified category.

To view only the uncompleted entries

On the Index screen, tap the “View” menu, then tap “Completed tasks” to toggle whether or not to show the completed Todo entries.

To view only the entries of a specified category

On the Index screen, tap the “Category” menu.
All category names appear.
2. Select the category you want to display.
Choose the “All” category to show entries in any category.
24 Text Editor

Text Editor

The Text Editor application allows you to create a simple text file and open a file in a text format and edit it. The text files are displayed in the “Documents” folder of the Home screen.


The Text Editor application has two main screens: Text Editor Index screen and Edit screen.

Text Editor Index screen

In the Applications folder of the Home screen, tap the “Text Editor” application icon ( ).
The Text Edition Index screen appears.
The Text Editor Index screen displays a list of text files you can open.

Edit screen

Edit menu
Text Editor 25
New icon
Open icon
File menu
Edit area
Paste icon
Copy icon
Cut icon
File menu
New Saves the file currently being edited then creates a new file to
Open Saves the file currently being edited then opens text file list.
Revert Cancels editing and opens the text file list.
Edit menu
Cut Cuts selected text.
Copy Copies selected text.
Paste Pastes text within clipboard to cursor position.
New icon Saves the file currently being edited then creates a new file for
Open icon Saves the file currently being edited then opens text file list.
Cut icon Cuts selected text.
Copy icon Copies selected text.
Paste icon Pastes text within clipboard to cursor position.
Edit area Edit area
26 Text Editor

Creating a new Text Editor entry

Tap to create a new file.
Or tap the “File” menu and then tap “New.”
The Edit screen will be displayed.
Enter text using one of the Input Methods.
3. Tap to save the new file.
To cancel saving the file, tap the “File” menu and then tap “Revert.”
The created file will be automatically named with the first character(s) entered before the first space.
If the first characters include symbols such as “$” and , they will be skipped
to complete the file name.
If you tap the New icon (“File” editing the current file, the file will be saved and the Index screen or the Edit screen will be displayed.
“New”) or Open icon (“File” Æ “Open”) while

Changing the file name

Change the file name on the Details screen of the Documents file.
In the Documents folder of the Home screen, press and hold the stylus on the file for a few moments.
The Details screen of the file will be displayed.
Edit the file name in the Name field.
Tap to save the new file name.
For detailed information on the Documents screen, refer to the separate
manual, “SL-5000 Basic Operation Manual.”
The symbols including “$” and “ ” can be used when changing the file name.
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