Sharp AQUOS PAD, SHT22 Settings Manual

Please read this manual first
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Setting Guide
Thank you for buying the “AQUOS PAD SHT22” (simply called the “product” from here on). This manual describes the settings and precautions for using the product. For detailed descriptions of various functions, refer to the “Instruction Manual application” (Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
* For illustrations and descriptions in this manual, refer to “Basic
Manual” available on the au homepage and on the product.
* The company names and product names appearing in this manual are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
February 2014, 1st Edition
Basic Operations
Describes names of parts and basic operations.
Initial Settings
■ STEP1: Using Google Location Service
Set for using Google’s location service.
■ STEP2: Profile Settings
Set information such as your phone number and mail address.
■ STEP3: Google Account Settings
Set up a Google account for using services such as Google Play and Gmail.
■ STEP4: auかんたん設定 (au Easy Setting)
Set an au ID etc. to use various services provided by au.
E-mail Settings and Changing E-mail Address
Set for using E-mail ( An e-mail address is set automatically in the initial settings. You can change the e-mail address set in the initial settings.
Transferring and Backing Up Data
You can transfer/back up your data.
Transferring Address Books Using Friends Note (au Addressbook)
You can transfer address books from a previously used au cell phone using Friends Note and au Addressbook.
Reducing Battery Consumption
You can switch the setting of “function buttons” to reduce the battery consumption.
[To Google account]. [New].
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Enter your “first name” and “last
name” [ ].
When using the product
● The battery is built into the product, and cannot be removed by the customer.
● To force the power off, hold f down for 8 or more seconds (Release your finger after the product vibrates to turn the power off).
Basic Operations
For detailed operations, refer to the “Instruction Manual application” (Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
● When the display language is Japanese, on the home screen, tap [アプリ] (APPS) [取扱説明書] (Instruction Manual).
You can switch the display language for function names and other items to English.
● On the home screen, tap [アプリ] (APPS) [設定] (Settings) [言語と文字入力] (Language & input) [言語(Language)を選択] (Select language)
④ ⑤ ⑥
f (Power key): Hold it down to turn the power on. Hold it down while the
power is turned on [Power off] [OK] to turn it off.
Status bar
Notification icons to notify you of a new mail message, a running operation, etc. and
status icons to show the status of the product are displayed.
Touch it directly with your fingers to operate.
Tap/Double tap Long touch
Tap: Gently touch the screen and then immediately release your finger. Double tap: Tap the same position twice.
⑦ ⑧
Slide/Drag Flick
While your finger is gently touching the screen, an item, etc., trace it to the desired direction or position.
Keep touching an item etc. with your finger.
Touch the screen and then quickly move (flick) your finger up, down, right or left.
Touch the screen with two fingers and widen (pinch-out) or narrow (pinch-in) the fingers’ distance.
④ ^ (Back key): Tap it to return to the previous screen. ⑤ # (Home key): Tap it to display the home screen. ⑥ e (Menu key): Tap it to display available functions (menus). ⑦ % (KAKU key): Tap it to use KAKU Notepad. ⑧ $ (Recent Apps key): Tap it to display Quick Launcher. Long touch it to
display the notification/status panel.
Unlock by sliding down.
Enter your user name → [ ]. Enter the password → [ ].
Enter the question and answer for
protecting security and the
recovery email address [ ].
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[Not now].
*1 If you already have a Google account, tap [Existing]. *2 Tap [Join Google+] to join Google+.
Confirm the contents → [ ] → [ ].
[Done] [Yes]/[No].
■ STEP4: auかんたん設定 (au Easy Setting)
You can use various services provided by au such as au Smart Pass and “au Simple Payment Service” in which you can purchase applications displayed on Google Play by setting an au ID.
au ID
au ID password Register the password for using your au ID.
● Alternatively, on the home screen, tap [APPS] [au Easy Setting] to set up.
Register your au phone number or any other characters as an au ID. The same “au ID” as another user’s cannot be registered.
■ Character Input Method
You can switch input methods for character entry. While the keyboard is displayed, open the notification panel [Choose input method] [English (US)]/[Japanese].
● Following operation explanations use “Japanese - iWnn IME - SH edition”.
You can enter characters by tapping keys. Tap “
” to switch the input modes.
Initial Settings
The Google location service screen and initial settings screen are displayed automatically when you switch the display language to English and turn the power of the product off and on after turning it on for the first time. Follow the on-screen instructions to set each function.
■ STEP1: Using Google Location Service
Use Wi-Fi and mobile network location*1Set whether to obtain location information by using Wi-Fi® or mobile network.
Let Google apps access your location
*1 Alternatively, on the home screen, tap [APPS] [Settings] [Location services] and slide [OFF]/[ON] in [Access to my location] to the right/left to
set up (“Wi-Fi & mobile network location” is enabled/disabled).
natively, set by the following operation. On the home screen, tap [APPS] [Google Settings] [Location] and follow the on-screen
*2 Alter
Set whether to use GPS-obtained location information with Google applications.
[Next]. [Registration]. Confirm the contents [OK].
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[au IDの設定・保存]
(Set/Save au ID).
Enter the security code
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Enter the password [利用規
約に同意して新規登録] (Agree
with the terms of service and
register newly).
Confirm the contents [ ].
■ STEP2: Profile Settings
● Alternatively, on the home screen, tap [APPS] [Settings] [Initial setting] to display the initial settings screen.
[Next]. [To profile settings]. Register each item [Save]
[Yes] [Next].
■ STEP3: Google Account Settings
You can use applications provided by Google Inc. such as “Gmail”, “Play Store” and “Hangouts” by setting up a Google account. You can use the product without a Google account set, but in such case some applications are not available. The main setting items are as follows (For “Recovery email address”, leave it blank when you do not have another mail address).
User name
Password Register the password for using your Google account.
● The Google account setup screen is also displayed when you activate an application for which a Google account is required for the first time.
● Depending on how you operate, screens other than those below may be displayed.
Register your Google account (user ID) and any characters which you want to use as a mail address. You can register any user name but you cannot set the same user name as another user’s.
[設定画面へ] (Go to the setting
Enter your date of birth, the
secret question and its answer
[入力完了] (Finish entering)
[設定] (Set).
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[Next]. Confirm the contents and follow
the on-screen instructions
[Agree, and next]
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[終了] (End).
Confirm the contents and follow
the on-screen instructions
[Agree, and next]/[Next].
Confirm the contents and follow
the on-screen instructions
[Agree, and next]/[Next].
*1 The default value is the four-digit security code you wrote on the application form. *2 Tap “お好きなau IDを新規登録したい方はこちら” (For registering any au ID) to register a new au ID with other than au phone numbers. Tap “au ID
をお持ちの方はこちら” (For using the au ID you already have) to set the au ID you have already had.
*3 au ID registration is complete. Next, set the information for reissuing the password. *4 When the confirmation screen is displayed, follow the on-screen instructions. *5 This screen is displayed when “3LM(Loss or Theft Measures )” is enabled.
Confirm the contents
E-mail Settings and Changing E-mail Address
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On the home screen, [APPS]
[Data transfer] [Data import]. [Import].
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Tap “ ” to restore
all contents.
[Add registration]/
[Delete and register].
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E-mail ( is a service which enables you to exchange e-mails with other cell phones which support e-mail and with PCs. An e-mail address is set automatically in the initial settings. You can change the e-mail address set in the initial settings.
■ Initial Settings
On the home screen, [APPS]
* When the information on E-mail update is displayed, confirm the contents and follow the on-screen instructions.
Confirm the contents
[接続する] (Connect).
Confirm the contents
■ Changing E-mail Address
On the home screen, [APPS]
[e] [E-mail settings]. [Other settings].
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[閉じる] (Close).
When the confirmation screen,
the account selection screen,
etc. is displayed, follow the
on-screen instructions.
* The security key is set to “1234” by default.
■ Backing Up Data
To protect important data such as address book entries, back up the data to external memory devices such as a microSD™ memory card and PC periodically.
● Move/Copy data saved on the main unit to the microSD™ memory card or PC using Contents Manager, USB connection, etc. For
details, refer to the “Instruction Manual application” (Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
When the product is kept at an au shop or another shop for repairs, the memory will be deleted. Back up data in advance.
● The information and number of screens displayed when data is backed up differ depending on the data.
On the home screen, [APPS]
Tap “Complete”
after the restoration ends.
[Data transfer] [Save data to
Unlock* Tap “ ” to back up
all contents.
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Confirm the contents
[接続する] (Connect).
(To change e-mail address).
Enter the security code
[送信] (Send).
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Confirm the contents
[承諾する] (Accept).
Enter an e-mail address
[送信] (Send).
[OK] [閉じる] (Close).
■ Backing Up E-mail
● If a microSD™ memory card is inserted into the product, e-mails are saved on the card. If not, they are saved on the internal memory.
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When the confirmation screen,
the account selection screen,
etc. is displayed, follow the
on-screen instructions.
* The security key is set to “1234” by default.
[Save] [Yes]. Tap “Complete”
after the backup ends.
Viewing/Playing data
You can view/play data on the product by the following operations.
● On the home screen, tap [APPS] [Contents Manager] Tap data to display.
Transferring Address Books Using Friends Note (au Addressbook)
If you save the address book of the previously used au cell phone (au cell phones other than smartphones) on au Addressbook, you can transfer the address book to the product using Friends Note.
● To use this function, set “Keitai and PC Linkage Settings”*1 on the previously used au cell phone and save the address book on au
Addressbook in advance. For detailed operations, refer to the instruction manual of the au cell phone or au homepage.
● This function is available only for the transference between an au cell phone which has a different phone number and the product. If you
change models from another au terminal to the product or have smartphones and the product, use a microSD™ memory card to transfer the address book data.
● Set an au ID in advance.
On the home screen, [APPS]
[e] [E-mail settings]
[Mail Backup] [OK]
Select folders to back up [OK].
PC-mail settings
You can use a mail address other than the one used for E-mail ( For using PC-mail, PC-mail settings need to be finished by the following operations in advance. For details, refer to the “Instruction Manual application” (Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
● On the home screen, tap [APPS] [PC-mail] Follow the on-screen instructions.
Transferring and Backing Up Data
You can transfer data to the product from a previously used au phone using a microSD™ memory card. Also, you can back up data on the product to external memory devices such as a microSD™ memory card and PC.
Data which can be transferred/ backed up by “Data transfer”
● When you transfer or back up data using a microSD™ memory card, insert the microSD™ memory card into the product in advance.
● The data which can be transferred differ depending on the previously used au phone. For details on the data which can be transferred and the method for transferring data to a microSD™ memory card, refer to the instruction manual of the previously used au phone.
● You cannot transfer the copyrighted data saved on a previously used au phone to the product. However, if you change your phone model from a LISMO compatible model, you can transfer Chaku-uta full phone.
● You can download applications again only at the cost of communication charge using the same Google account/au ID as that used to purchase the applications.
Address book, bookmark (favorites in the browser), schedule, notepad and user/learning dictionary (iWnn IME - SH edition)
, Chaku-uta full plus® and video clips downloaded on the au
■ Transferring Data
● If a previously used smartphone supports Bluetooth®, you can also import address book data using the Bluetooth® function. For details, refer to the “Instruction Manual application” (Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
● The information and number of scr
eens displayed when data is transferred differ depending on the data.
On the home screen, [APPS]
[Friends Note].
Confirm the contents [Agree]*3
[OK] [ログイン] (login).
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[If device was changed from
au cellular phone]
*1 For details on “Keitai and PC Linkage Settings”, refer to the au homepage. *2 The first time “Friends Note” is activated, an introductory screen and permissions/terms of use are displayed. Confirm the contents and follow the
on-screen instructions. *3 If “Setting of backup” was enabled in initial settings, the screen in *4 If a notification to update software is displayed, tap “OK”. *5 This is not displayed if contacts are registered on the “Address Book” application. *6 Tap “YES” to activate the browser and display the “Friends Note” screen. *7 To register an SNS account, tap “Now”.
[Menu] [Contacts Backup]. [Store on Device] [Yes].
is displayed.
Reducing Battery Consumption
You can access “function buttons” from the notification/status panel to enable/disable functions and modify their settings. You can reduce the battery consumption by switching their setting frequently, such as when not using the functions. Enabled functions are displayed in blue.
● You can also reduce the battery consumption using “Energy saving settings”. For details, refer to the “Instruction Manual application”
(Japanese version) that can be used on the product.
On the home screen, [APPS]
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[Data transfer] [Data import]. [Import].
Tap “  ” to restore
all contents.
[Add registration]/
[Delete and register].
Slide the status bar down. [  ]. Tap the functions whose setting
you want to switch by using
“function buttons”.