Supplement for PC-MV14
Re-installation Instructions……………………………….4

Parts Specifications
CPU Mobile Intel® Pentium® III processor featuring enhanced Intel
Primary cache
Secondary cache
Pointing device
PC card slot Type II × 1 (PCMCIA 2.1 compliant) CardBus compliant
Audio system
I/O ports
Modem Data: 56Kbps (receive), 33.6Kbps (send), Fax: 14.4Kbps
Wireless LAN
Operating system*2 Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 1
Main memory
Video controller
Hard disk Approx. 40GB (C: Approx. 30GB, D: Approx. 10GB),
Floppy disk
Audio Audio output jack (stereo, S/PDIF compliant), external microphone
Video external display connector, S video connector
Others USB port (USB2.0 compliant) x 2, IEEE 1394 connector,
AC adapter 100-240V, 50-60 Hz
Battery life *3
Battery charging time
(Charging time varies
depending on usage.)
Battery charging time
(Charging time varies
depending on usage.)
Writing CD-R:24x (max.)
Re-writing CD-RW:10x (max.)
Reading CD-RW:24x (max.), CD-R:24x (max.), CD-ROM:24x (max.),
SpeedStep® Technology at 1.20GHz-M
32KB (Integrated with CPU)
512KB (Integrated with CPU)
Including system BIOS,VGA BIOS, Plug&play compliant BIOS
SDRAM 256MB, expandable up to 768MB
Max. 48MB (shared with system memory)
12.1” (30.7cm) XGA low-reflection TFT LCD
Integrated with chipset
1024 x 768 dots/16M colors by dithering function
IBM compatible keyboard
Glide pad (touch-sensitive control pad with 2 buttons )
IDE interface
USB interface 3.5”, 1.44MB/720KB
DVD-ROM (single layer):8x (max.),
DVD-ROM (double layer):6x (max.)
Speaker (monaural), sound system compliant with AC97 audio
jack (monaural)
parallel port (mini)
Radio technology DSSS (IEEE 802.11b) compliant
Frequency band 2400-2483.5MHz
Operating channels 11 channels
Data rate 1 / 2 / 5.5 /11 Mbps
Rechargeable lithium ion battery
Approx. 3.8 hours (standard battery pack only)
Approximately 7.6 hours (optional add-on battery pack
(CE-BL20) attached)
Standard battery
pack only
Optional add-on
battery pack
Turned off/hibernation: Approx. 2.7 hours
Turned on: Approx. 4.5 hours
Turned off/hibernation: Approx. 5.5 hours
Turned on: Approx. 9.0 hours

*No protrusion is included.
*1 Supporting the buffer underrun protection technology that prevents the buffer underrun error occurred
when the optical drive writes too fast for the buffer to supply data or if some other application is being
used. (Buffer is the storage place of the data read from the hard drive or another media and supplies the data
to the recording media smoothly.)
This model (PC-MV14) does not support other operating systems than the pre-installed one.
Battery life is based on BAPCo® MobileMark™ 2002. Battery life will vary based on many
factors including screen brightness, applications, features, battery conditioning, power management and
other customer preferences.
11.1" wide x 9.4" deep x 1.04" (min.)/1.13" (max.) high
(282mm x 239mm x 26.4mm(min.)/28.7mm(max.))
Optical drive installed
Weight saver installed
50°F to 95°F (10°C to 35°C)
20% to 80% (non-condensation)
About 4.21 lbs (1.91 kg)
About 3.77 lbs (1.71 kg)

Re-installation Instructions
To recover your hard disk, you will use PowerQuest®EasyRestore™. Before starting re-
installation, read the following End User License Agreement first.
PowerQuest(R) EasyRestore (TM) End User License Agreement
IMPORTANT: Read this before using your copy of PowerQuest software.
This document is a legal agreement between you, the "end user," and PowerQuest Corporation. Use of the
software indicates your acceptance of these terms. As used in this License Agreement, the term "Software"
means the EasyRestore software included on the CD provided with this License Agreement.
1. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. The Software is a proprietary product of PowerQuest Corporation
("PowerQuest") or its licensors and is protected under U.S. copyright laws and international treaty
provisions. Ownership of the Software and all copies, modifications, and merged portions thereof shall at
all times remain with PowerQuest or its licensors.
2. GRANT OF LICENSE. The Software is being licensed to you, which means you have the right to use the
Software only in accordance with this License Agreement. The Software contains pre-installed software for
disaster recovery purposes. The Software is only authorized for distribution together with a specific
computer. This License authorizes you to use the Software for disaster recovery purposes only, to restore
the hard disk image contained on the CD to the computer with which the CD and Software were originally
3. NONPERMITTED USES. Without the express permission of PowerQuest, you may not (a) use, copy,
modify, alter, or transfer, electronically or otherwise, the Software or documentation except as expressly
permitted in this License Agreement, or (b) translate, reverse program, disassemble, decompile, or
otherwise reverse engineer the Software.
4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT. PowerQuest is NOT responsible to provide technical support. Any and all
technical support questions, regarding the Software, should be referred to the place of purchase.
5. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. If you are acquiring the Software on behalf of any unit
or agency of the United States Government, the following provision applies: It is acknowledged that the
Software and the documentation were developed at private expense and that no part is in the public domain
and that the Software and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in