User Manual/ Interface
Copyright © 2016 spellbound
Version 1.1, 12/2016
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On the left side of the PC-G850V(S) there is an 11-pin interface intended for
communication with other devices. It is a multi-functional interface, hence it can operate
in different (sub-)modes. The actual mode is selected through operational commands or
menue items of the PC-G850V(S).
1. SIO / RS-232C-mode (e.g. OPEN“COM:“)
2. SSIO-mode (Synchronous Serial Input/Output)
a. CE-126P print protocol (e.g. LPRINT without preceding OPEN)
b. LPRT-protocol (e.g. OPEN“LPRT:“)
3. PWM-mode (Pulse Width Modulation)
a. CE-126P tape protocol (e.g. BSAVE/BLOAD with a CE-126P)
b. Generic PWM-protocol (e.g. BSAVE/BLOAD with another PC-G850V)
4. PIO-mode (e.g. OPEN“PIO:“)
Programmable, 8-bit parallel port interface
5. PIC-mode (activated by the PIC-loader in the assembler menue)
Programming interface for PIC microcontrollers
The association of physical pins to logical signals (called pin-out) as well as the
configured direction for input (I) or output (O) depends on the active mode. The following
table gives an overview. Looking from the left side of the PC-G850V(S) pin-1 is the
leftmost and pin-11 the rightmost.
The next sections describe the SIO-mode and respective connection options in detail.
The other modes are covered subsequently.
The PC-G850V(S) in SIO-mode exposes the signals of the RS-232 standard, but with
different voltage levels (see below). This section provides the necessary basics of the
standard and covers some specifics of the PC-G850V(S).
Within the RS-232 standard the terms DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data
Communication Equipment) are introduced. The DTE is the PC-G850 for example and
the DCE is a modem or another peripheral device, like a serial printer.
When two computers shall communicate directly (i.e. without a modem), you need a so
called null-modem (cable/adaptor), which connects the outputs of one DTE with the
inputs of the other and vice versa (crossed signals).
Typically 25-pin (Sub-D 25 / DB-25) or 9-pin (Sub-D 9 / DB-9) plugs and jacks are used
to connect RS-232 capable devices.
The pin-out and meanings are summarized in the following table.
Request To Send
(Ready To Send)
DTE requests permission
from DCE to send data
DTE is ready to receive
data from DCE
DCE is ready to receive
data from DTE
DTE interface ready for
DCE interface ready for
DCE detects remote DCE
(e.g. telephone line)
Signal-ground (reference)
In the late 1980’s there was a shift in the meaning of the RTS-signal:
Originally the DTE (computer) requests the DCE (modem) for permission that the DTE
may send data - and the DCE “answeres” via CTS. But this protocol is asymmetric
because the DTE has no means to notify the DCE to wait for internal computations when
the DCE sends data. For this reason “Request To Send” was re-claimed: The DTE
requests the DCE to send data – or in other words, the DTE is “Ready To Receive”
(RTR). RTR and CTS are now independent of each other and the protocol between DTE
and DCE is symmetric. But in most cases the name “Request To Send” (RTS) was kept,
hence it is fairly ambiguous.
The PC-G850V(S) implements the newer, symmetric RTR-semantics (but the signal
name RTS has been kept). This is in contrast to the preceding pocket computer model
PC-E500(S), which implements the original RTS meaning and therefor needs the
XON/XOFF-protocol in addition, when it reads data/programs from a PC. The PCG850V(S) sets the DTR-signal to HIGH, when the SIO-interface is active, but it does not
care about the DSR-input. So there is no DTR/DSR-handshake. The RTS/CTShandshake, or alternatively the XON/XOFF-protocol can be configured in the
TEXT/Sio/Format-submenue by the item "flow".
The next table summarizes the logic- and voltage-levels of the RS-232 standard in
comparison with UART-TTL and the PC-G850V(S).
Semantics for data
signals (RXD,TXD)
Semantics for
control signals
So the PC-G850V(S) exposes inverted UART-TTL level signals in SIO-mode, just as
most other SHARP pocket computers do. That means the logic is identical to the RS-232
standard (HIGH=0/active), but the voltage level is TTL.
ð In order to connect peripheral devices with the PC-G850V(S) that operate at
RS-232 voltage levels, a level converter is mandatory!
The state of the TXD- and RTS-signals in SIO-mode is undefined, except for the
following cases:
1. The interface has explicitly been opened in SIO-mode (e.g. OPEN“COM:“) when in
operational main mode “BASIC”.
2. R- or W-commands are executed in operational main mode “Monitor”.
3. Data transfer via SIO in operational main mode “TEXT”.
The data transfer cables CE-T800 and CE-T801 are RS-232 level converters with an
integrated null-modem wiring. They can be used to connect the PC-G850V(S) to a
personal computer (PC) or other devices.
With these cables you can transfer data, program source-code or machine language
programs from or to a PC by using the TEXT/Sio-submenue or the SIO-commands (R,
W) of the integrated hex-monitor (MON). The DB-25 plug of the cable can be connected
directly to a PC (if necessary via a DB-9 adaptor), when there is a physical COM port.
Alternatively it can be connected to a USB-port through an additional serial-to-USB
adaptor. Don't use a null-modem adaptor or wiring for a PC-connection (because it's
already integrated in the cable).
However if a peripheral RS-232 device like the 4-color plotter CE-515P shall be
connected, a null-modem adaptor/wiring is mandatory in order to compensate the
integrated one.
On the CE-T800 pins 6 and 20 are not connected, pin 11 is not connected on both
models (CE-T800 and CE-T801).
Attention: Never touch the pins of the DB-25 plug. Static electricity may be harmful for the
A free working area of about 300bytes is required for data transfer from a PC.