Did you know?
Dusting Brush
for dus ting
household items
Upholstery Brush
for fas t and ea sy
remova l of pet ha ir
Crevice Tool
for rea ching i nto
tight ar eas
Power Brush
great fo r clea ning upholstery,
stair s, pet h air an d even
auto inte rior s
Straight Suction
power ful cle anin g on
bare flo or and
low-pi le car pets
Shark® vacuums
come with washable
filters unlike other
vacuums that are costly
to maintain.
The Lift-Around™
is so easy to use…
Attach any of the
Specialized Cleaning
Tools included
Conne cts d irec tly
to teles copic t ube
Conne cts d irec tly
to teles copic t ube
For added
reach use the
Secure the
Removable Tool Caddy
Connect the Flexible
Hose to the Lift-Around
Now, get ready for
floor to ceiling clean!

Never Loses Suction - Keeps vacuuming power
strong from start to finish
Lightweight and Portable - Goes everywhere
your upright can’t
Extra Long Reach - Floor to ceiling and
everything in-between
Huge Suction – As powerful as a full size upright
Customization of your Tool Selection
Anti-Allergen Complete Seal
Did you know?
According to the American Lung
Association, even low levels of particle
pollution can cause coughing and
wheezing and put children, teens and
seniors at risk for things like asthma.
Only a completely sealed system like
the Shark® Lif t-Around™
dust and allergens from escaping
back into the air.
Register your product online at wwww.sharkclean.com
Let’s get started