CHARACTERISTICS (Drive method : 1/30 s frame accumulation)
A = +25 ˚C, Operating conditions : The typical values specified in "
Color temperature of light source : 3 200 K, IR cut-off filter (CM-500, 1 mmt) is used.)
Standard output voltage V
O 150 mV 2
Photo response non-uniformity PRNU 10 % 3
Saturation output voltage V
450 530 mV 4
Dark output voltage V
DARK 0.5 3.0 mV 1, 6
Dark signal non-uniformity DSNU 0.5 2.0 mV 1, 7
Sensitivity (green channel) R 140 180 mV 8
Smear ratio SMR –89 –82 dB 9
Image lag AI 1.0 % 10
Blooming suppression ratio ABL 1 000 11
Output transistor drain current I
OD 4.0 8.0 mA
• Within the recommended operating conditions of VOD,
OFD of the internal output satisfies with ABL larger than
1 000 times exposure of the standard exposure conditions,
and V
SAT larger than 320 mV.
1. T
A = +60 ˚C
2. The average output voltage of G signal under uniform
illumination. The standard exposure conditions are
defined as when Vo is 150 mV.
3. The image area is divided into 10 x 10 segments under
the standard exposure conditions. Each segment's
voltage is the average output voltage of all pixels within
the segment. PRNU is defined by (Vmax – Vmin)/Vo,
where Vmax and Vmin are the maximum and minimum
values of each segment's voltage respectively.
4. The image area is divided into 10 x 10 segments. Each
segment's voltage is the average output voltage of all
pixels within the segment. V
SAT is the minimum
segment's voltage under 10 times exposure of the
standard exposure conditions. The operation of OFDC is
high. (for still image capturing)
5. The image area is divided into 10 x 10 segments. Each
segment's voltage is the average output voltage of all
pixels within the segment. V
SAT is the minimum
segment's voltage under 10 times exposure of the
standard exposure conditions. The operation of OFDC is
6. The average output voltage under non-exposure
7. The image area is divided into 10 x 10 segments under
non-exposure conditions. DSNU is defined by (Vdmax –
Vdmin), where Vdmax and Vdmin are the maximum and
minimum values of each segment's voltage respectively.
8. The average output voltage of G signal when a 1 000
lux light source with a 90% reflector is imaged by a lens
of F4, f50 mm.
9. The sensor is exposed only in the central area of V/10
square with a lens at F4, where V is the vertical image
size. SMR is defined by the ratio of the output voltage
detected during the vertical blanking period to the
maximum output voltage in the V/10 square.
10. The sensor is exposed at the exposure level
corresponding to the standard conditions. AI is defined
by the ratio of the output voltage measured at the 1st
field during the non-exposure period to the standard
output voltage.
11. The sensor is exposed only in the central area of V/10
square, where V is the vertical image size. ABL is
defined by the ratio of the exposure at the standard
conditions to the exposure at a point where blooming is