(_l_ | DOLBY H(::)(TI|TM
....................... DIGITAL PLUS ..................................
_ _i_ _÷,_
CER_'IFIEO 2.0+DigitalOut

5, Enjoying Photo/Music/Video Playback
5-1. Preparation
5-2. Selecting the Folders to Play Back
5-4. Playing Back Files on a USB Memory
Device/Home Network Server
5-9. Presetting Remote Control Function
5-12. Operating the Connected Equipment
6. Using LINK Operation
6-1. Controlling HDMI Equipment Using LINK Operation
6-3. Link Operation Menu
6-5. Using a Smartphone with the TV
7, Using a PC
7-1. Adjusting the PC Image
7-2. Setting Audio Input
7-3. Control of the TV
7-4. PC Compatibility Chart
8, Using the Internet
8-1. Connecting to the Internet
8-2. Internet Setup
8-5. Entering Text (Software Keyboard)
8-7. Using the Browser
8-11. Using Keyboard and Mouse
8-12. Using Applications via the Internet
8-14. Notes
9, Using the Miracast devices
9-1. Miracast devices
10. Appendix
10-1. Removing the Stand
10-2. Setting the TV on the Wall
10-6. Troubleshooting
11. Specifications
11-1. TV
11-2. Wireless LAN
12-1. Trademarks
13. Dimensional Drawings
14. Software License
ENG Contents

"T_is d_¢_> oe_plie_ w@_ Pa;t I5 o_ th# FCC Rule_, Opera_it>_ i8 su_jec_ _o _he followie# h_,e
(1} Th_s device may _ot cause harmful i_tcrf_er_ce, and (2] this dev_ mus_ _pt any inlerfers_ce
re_'_ed, inckdhg int_f_ence Ih.a_ may cau_e undesi_e_ ap_ra_ie_,
Th_ equ@me#t h_ been _e£_ed end _ound to c_mp!y wi_h _he limits _r a C!as_ B di_ita! d_4ce,
sr _elevisioa _ecep_ien, 'z#4ch car_ be det_minad by _urnin 91_h,s_u_pmen_ o# _nd on, Ik_ _
eneoura,#ed to L_ _ correct _ _nL_r_erer_e by one _r more of I#_ _fe_bw]n9 me,_es:
-- R÷ar_erlt or _eloca_e Lhe _eceMag amenne.
-- I#,-;_ease the sep¢_a_icn _ween the equipmen;t a_ _e_e:k,e_,
-- Cermet the _Ui_an_: into _ _e_: on _ circuit di_'en¢ f_om _hat to whch _ i_ei,_ is e_ted,
1 Sharp Plaza, 9ui_e, Mahw_h, Ne_ Jeme_,' 87495-1123
TEL: 1-8_-BE-SH_P
©o_t Ihe <_i_,_r er art expeder, ced r_(ji<:_V _echniciw'_ to_ help,
WARNING: FCC Regula_bns _a_e #_t an_, _#au_hofiz÷d ._;hang_ e_ _r_ f_ations [o _
CAUT!_N: Th;s prsduct _ti_ise FCC regu!a_ons whe,_ shielded cab._.s and eo_nect_ ,ere use,.1 te
eq_ip:r_ent not e×_s!y apptov_ by 1he manufa_ eoul_ void _he _-'8 _uthent_
to o_rate thb e_i_ms_t
conne_ _he _ni_ to other equipmen& To _reven_ e_c_omagnetic int_eer_¢e ,Mtb eleclr_
;_p_ii_c_ such as r_k_ _._ televis_ans use sh_e_ded cables and conn_s_ors
Io_ ¢ORRe_iORS_
_ri:_:JtJ3 ,
ENG Important1

Wi_el_ _dio
i_ ashy C_Ja ,S_a_men_
Thi_ C_:_ B _igit_I a_paraS_ c_mpliee w_thCA_ CES-003(B_'NM_-3('_]
Wi_eless Radio
For _edu¢l aeeiab(e in _h_ USAYCanada matket_ on_, ch_nne 1-'11 can be e_erated. Be(eet_0n d
eiher ch_nne_ ie r_o_po_ibl÷,
The de-_4ce could aut:ema_ica_/_ dia,_ant_nue _r_'_ami_on i_ ease e_ ab_nce cd infmr_afion to banamiI
or opera,lanai failure.
Note _hat this ie not intended _o _rohibi_ trar_emiseien of r_3nt_'ol or signelirtg inlccma ic.n orthe use of
repetllive cod_ wh_e required _y the _echne)og2:
In_ortant: A%_ cb_ang_ e_"modifiaa_ion_ _at a×_e_s_ ap_cve_ by the _&_y reapa_b_e _er
comp;iance could void tb_ _s_'e autb_r_t,/to eI:=erata the eq_ip_nL
I_CRadi_ Expoe_e Sl_teme_t: This deeice ccmp)_s _th _C RSS-2_O _u_; Op_a_ien _s subjec
_,ef_ _iiewing; two ce_dCJ_or_s
(1) 1'his device may net ¢A_i:4 _;arrrl_u) int_ferer_;e, and I121_his deYk_ _et acc_p_ inlerf_ence
r¢:_,'_ie,ced.inc[_Jing inIerfe_er;ce #_:_t rtt_y C;._# _n_e_Ze8 ope_-_ti0n,
par_ioJ!er; epecifiee tha_ the cable grou_ _ha;_ be cermec_ed to the grou_ir_g s_s_e_ ef the buildir_
as cl_e _e the pon_ o_e entry _e pcac_ieaL'
ENG Important2

f/Wher_ the [_odu¢_ e×I-i,b_lea d .";lr_t change _n p_|_amm_ce _ _b_ Indic_.*_÷_a need f_a ]
seneca, ]
19}Replaeement Par_s_,.When reE_cemer_{ par_s are [equir<_ be sure lhe service tec nici_n has |
use_ repb_s_men_ p_rl:e apecl_ed by the mer_ufiaetur_ _r have the same char_.cte iotas ae t_ |
or_gir_l pad: Unaut/_sri_ed substtut on_ may _esu! in fro, e_ctrie she@:, e_ ether hazards, |
20}S_fely Che¢_-tpan corep_'_tie_ d aay ,_}ervice e¢ epa_ _o _hle #r_J_;_, ask 1;_r_e_V_Oe
tech_ elan t_ per1_m safety checks _o determine fha_ the p_aduc_ ie in proper operati_ |
e0ry4_ an I
21)Wal oT _ailir_,g msunting--Wh_n meunting the produc_ e_ a _ or cNli_, be sure t_ ina_ _:t'_ |
pr,oduet aeeoeJ: n@ Io _m, m®th_J re¢ommsrded hi the rna_dactur_ |
agaY_I ,<'_;:!2::' _:,_rgea oleJ bu l-up slat: _ |
q,l'l!d't Is. , | i
,_ ,_ _-& _=, " ; " "; ..... ", _14':47Hi¢1_7 I ,JUt} l
rd_ga"d _:I]_IH)_OUigre_J_:j !!]1C,=b_ rriatq an6
_?,__B_O BF:arl.eI>l'_a falSUrs_ge <_r=ll;F_e OI I " ["_.Ii ¢ |
%r ureJ qt a_nd i]iar_,, k?_at_);f! of ant(_qea- ......................
4 0:; [o<Jee 8td re@ ::#eq o_ e _:_itr_ |
_N ; ¢i}i :,:*:,, /
J_' l'_,Mrc#,;2,_ g[[ r N:N g]i;2_rE
* 'aMen ??rid Mcdsik2'e -- t3o nc4 u_z¢hia p, er_¢df:tnsar wale kt_ ex2?'rp e near a bslh _b, waa-i b,m,z
ki cts_ sk, a audry Jk; h a wt bass.md_A; _.4re:_a¢ & swmmb9 [.so: a_r>J#_a li_::e,
8i;:_rd - [)o ec darxi he r:red _c_c¢_an m_';lsb_ e,at, _Mand, i;t_>rdz ¢_ r:_tA_}, Pb'_::r_{.}he ;_rOd_ft_ _:4"an
I S " SI_]I = ]=" ©::.,£ " "" !IC idi" ; £ r S_S i *{_ _= _._+=_ I.., . =._ " _ " L_? ....
:_II<%KIL Uge only a oaf[ 51eil_ii, I _C<t, 111'801(11Or el@Is r(_] [:illre07(_o J {:}=ihe rnltPu!aoliiJ'¢ (K {A_!d_s!l
i-_:+F_,odu_ci. %l_en r'nosqik'g she per:diet _-_ a wali, be sure b I:_II?¢_, th_ _r;_q _faclur_ i£_i=rssti)z='ss. Ll_s.
1@Overloading--Do n_t overload wal ou_, extension cards, c¢ integra conveNence _ept_lee
aa lha san re®u!t r_ _ ria_:o_ f;_aOr e acids _4",eck
e)When the AC reed _ pl_g is damaged,
b]if _,_d has been a:pl_, ar e_e_t_ h_ve la!!_ r_ta _.he pin, duct,
e)t the _aduc_ h_.t..s_een d{repF_J _ dam_#e_ n _ny wa_, and
ENG Important3
" The ffcci pseel <sail i:n i17i I_odu_:i ii m,_e:Is el 91_ss. The_ef_rss I r'_ LezA '#In I'_- _lOdLd irs @IFI.II
or i!t!I)p,iiie<ieAth hT!Ia_¢i lie !]aieK.ii noi to be ii_ iire_ L:s=brE_ier_Mare piO'/_3Yi¢1141_the pace[ bre%}ka
_ii - Thz:,F_'oatdsl _l/Idl L>s eta ted a%>]y _tc_ro l'tet scQr<_,e_ s_d _s rad}a_o _, heal rsQif_s,
!is,vie, ur oi!=er )_,:iuats tr d ideal empiiii !_ ihai produce hlat,
* The I iqui! $;rlsl:il [:_!_"_elIF=a v_o IiI_ Isr:hnd_:: gy FaI/.<i MIN 2,371 IdX'l pix, ta, .'i='i,r:i I_L Ire pi::c!are,
d_!4ii ) --" 4 :_ ;;ly _ %_,, n_ rii,'tF'I:, pb:eb m@ _iFf_ eq ti'r_:, :"= :_ii _s::_i i_-,d'i='fi i ; ;)bb*' q'_,#_n ir
e J Re_.ae o e ha kg.)dc_a net rdf_ I tqr peffo _':_qce el _yeast p-ed: ct
* Ligl_trdr_9 #,:'_"addsd p ute:¢<v_ lr_ *_b. tak4d iC_ e:_u_ae d_t durh9 a i,:4_[ r_g stare' e v=f_;z' i _
I_tt a_atl:ei"deJ and u ._;::4 :_ k_!:l tx_ o:Js ol tT_:: LI"_:iU)it rare tl"e/,>a euiel an't :ite(_'¢<. ! the
,eqte_r_a. Ttiswi prs/aqt a_pe o lh, sqdp'_e_i: dU_ ,J, ligh nq_ an_ _ev,,er-i_e _._gss.
* Pswer Li"_?s, - _'_ 0i]ILAde aqt@hfla s!_iA:er!_ eh%jl_j r*_elbe k) .:a!¢:;i iii lhe v'i(:iqi 7 af _:),L_h@@J i)<;t,_'_;r
Irs<s c,"a :'s_, s,_s0:tri',';/gh ar co_÷ siri:ui_s st 'am_,'@ :: _n ff:,/htc esdn pswr Ires or er :d L.--.."%_-s_
IG alh ._181 Xrll d@ a irJ_.r!ea ';_i _-}m eXtf;:,*'_"_@care si"t3 l 1_i>) t!¢_;11_ O ke_{_ iBe._ Ii CI _%) Si,¢i =Iower
l!es o diredls as o:!qiai ,Ath II'_.'_ mighi !:_ faiN.
le _:I;!_,i;Y: l'e, rii*_<,Rp:_JC a'_ i l)?a at O!lidii'e sr lln'es ,':_'_lhe bJp c_ ailr lle iV iel,
Yo lw_ eq[ !ks _x snE<:k Y_lald, do not llloe ihe.A© ec_d ! 'mJ(_ !tie TV !'_@i:i1" o/h! +heavy !iTie,

"{c*ob9 _,.@' ":wo hand'.;
- Telev isns ca_ t:=s_hea,0y. A m nP'::u of tw_ ecgle is reqs red t% a ,_al c_"
8ei_g I80;sa_. £ sl4s _._is_
rlo"= a';1_:4"he su ,:1 _s'_se a llabp_Y't_:l eIe,,i En. Sp>s;aI m_¢®snc__d bm rvJ.le
i i'>;;*[ i >,_"@ r. (i Odl ()RT /@._'i0iinl
* ALWAYS pi*::e ')'c=.._ older CRY/ i_si_n c;_ IL_nIuI_ kh_£ i+ssiuri:, =s_d
ll_iogi i'A0 _1)1iiigSiZ@I@J i_,_8ilhI
'. iEiR Diace yc_. o!ter CRI t:;:di,_bion cr _ ,tr_s_ '_,l_r dqFrJt'_n m_'._, be
b;_-"i.:Iedio u:,_ II_: c_'t'o'¢_s [o c£nb.
ENG Important4

W_e_ss LAN
- V_lioFCE_rlF}ED _,_;,::e@k_._4:_ _c,_7_:__ b:¢_°the V_qF/_d_ar_":_:_ )
ENG Important5

"1 See Daae 4-18.
*2 See Daae 4-26.
M_U b_;n -
(oH A/V)
_lume _ons
* See uaaes 2-1 and 4-4 for button operations.
..........................-- _HERN_ _inal
And see Daae 6-1 for external equipment connection.
*2 See Daae 7-2 for details on the Audio Select function.
*3 See Daae 6-2. for details on the Audio Return Channel.
*4 See Daae 6-5. for details on the MHL function.
*5 See Daae 4-12 for details on the Input Select function.
and may vary slightly from the actual operations.
. he illustrations and on-screen displays in this operation manual are for explanation purposes I
• The examples used throughout this manual are based on the LC-60LE660U model.
[sl_r_d_ _ INand
HDMI IN 2) "2
ENG 1-1

1 POWER: Switch the TV power on or enter standby.
2 TV, STB, DVD.VCR, AUDIO: Switches the remote control for TV, STB, BD, DVD, VCR and
AUDIO operation.
(See Dades 5-9 to 5-12 for details._
* To enter the code registration mode, you need to press an appropriate button (STB, DVDoVCR
or AUDIO) and DISPLAY at the same time.
3 External equipment operational buttons: Operate the external equipment.
4 DISPLAY: Display the channel information.
5 OPTION: Display the Link Operation Menu screen. This button will function only when LINK
Operation is used.
(See Dades 6-1 to 6-4 for details._
6 SLEEP: Set the sleep timer.
(See Parle 3-9._
7 0--9: Set the channel.
(See Dades 3-1 and 5-12..)
8 ° (DOT}: Set the channel.
(See Dades 3-1 and 5-12..)
9 CC: Display captions from a closed-caption source.
(See Parle 3-12 to 3-13_
10 AV MODE: Select an audio or video setting.
(See bade 3-10._
11 MUTE: Mute the sound.
(See Daue 3-3._
12 VOL+/-: Set the volume.
(See Daue 3-2._
13 MENU: Display the menu screen.
(See Daae 4-1._
14 2D/3D: This button is not available.
15 _IldV/41_/_,ENTER: Select a desired item on the screen.
16 EXIT: Turn off the menu screen.
17 FAVORITE CH: Set the favorite channels.
(See Daae 4-7._
18 A, B, C, D: Select 4 preset favorite channels in 4 different categories.
(See Daae 4-7._
While watching, you can toggle the selected channels by pressing A, B, C and D.
19 MANUAL: Display the operation manual.
20 POWER (SOURCE}: Turns the power of the external equipment on and off.
• When using the remote control unit,
point it at the TV.
ENG 1-2

21 FREEZE: Set the still image. Press again to return to normal screen.
(See Daae 3-4.t
22 AUDIO: Selects the MTS/SAP or the audio mode during multichannel audio broadcasts.
(See Daae 3-8.t
23 ENT: Jumps to a channel after selecting with the 0-9 buttons.
24 FLASHBACK: Return to the previous channel or external input mode.
(See Daae 3-5.t
25 VIEW MODE: Select the screen size.
(See Daaes 3-14 to 3-16./
26 INPUT: Select a TV input source.
(See uaae 2-1.t
27 CH.AJV: Select the channel.
(See bade 3-1.t
28 SmartCentral: Display the application window.
(See Daae 3-6.t
29 RETURN: Return to the previous menu screen.
30 NETFLIX: Display the Netflix screen.
If you press the NETFLIX button when the TV is turned off, the TV turns on and the NETFLIX
screen is displayed.
(See Daae 3-7.t
31 FAV APP 1, 2, 3: You can assign your favorite applications to these buttons.
(See uaae 8-12.t
• When using the remote control unit,
point it at the TV.
29 ¸¸
ENG 1-3

To view external source images, select the input source by pressing INPUT on the remote control
unit or on the TV.
iii !iiiiii!ii!Hi!i!iii!i!iii!i iii!iiiiilllliiiii!iiiii!iii ii¸
• You can also select the input source by pressing INPUT.
• Each time INPUT is pressed, the input source toggles.
_ HDMn_ ........... ÷ USB _ Ho_ Neb_o_ _ Miraca_
1 Press INPUT.
• The INPUT list screen displays.
2 Press 4dr to select the input source.
• An image from the selected source
automatically displays.
t J
ENG 2-1

Perform the following steps before you press POWER on the
remote control unit.
1. Insert the batteries into the remote control unit.
2. Connect the antenna cable to the TV.
3. Plug in the AC cord to the AC outlet.
Language (Language setting)
Select from among 3 languages: English, French and
1 Press JldV to select the desired language listed on the
screen, and then press ENTER.
Location & Time
Make settings for the country, area and time zone where
you use the TV.
2 Press A/T' to select "United States", "Canada" or
"Mexico", and then press ENTER.
3 Press AfT' to select the time zone where you are using
the TV, and then press ENTER.
• The time zone differs depending on the selected
• The factory preset value is the time zone for the capital
of the selected country.
ENG 2-2

4 Press _lt./V to select the Daylight Savings Time, and then
press ENTER.
• "Auto" is the default selection.
TV Location
Select "Home" or "Store" for the location where you plan to
install the TV. This product qualifies for ENERGY STAR in
Home mode default setting.
5 Press _{o select "Home" or "Store".
Press ENTER to enter the setting.
Store: AV MODE is set to "DYNAMIC (Fixed)". Picture
Reset and Feature Demo can be set.
Picture Reset: AV MODE will be set to "DYNAMIC
(Fixed)" regardless of whether Picture Reset is "On" or
• If you select "On" and there is no operation for 30
- AV MODE will be reset to "DYNAMIC (Fixed)".
• When "Off" is selected:
- Even after 30 minutes elapses, AV MODE is not reset
to "DYNAMIC (Fixed)".
Feature Demo: When "On" is selected, after all the
settings are completed, the Feature Demo screen is
displayed if there is no operation for several minutes.
• ENERGY STAR qualification is based on AV MODE
ENG 2-3

Antenna & Cable/STB
Select the type of connection you will use to watch TV.
6 Press _ to select "Antenna & Cable" or "Set-top box",
and then press ENTER.
To watch TV via an antenna or cable connection
(without using a set-top box):
Select "Antenna & Cable", and then go to step 7.
To watch TV via a set-top box:
_Select "Set-top box", and then press ENTER.
_Check that the set-top box connected to the TV is on.
_o watch TV, select the input source corresponding to
the terminal connected to the set-top box.
• See Daue 4-12 for details on the Input Skip function.
_Press INPUT to select the input source corresponding to
the terminal connected to the set-top box. Make the
necessary settings on the connected external equipment.
• See the operation manual of the connected equipment for
setting up the equipment.
Air/Cable (Antenna setting)
Make sure what kind of connection is made with your TV
when selecting "Air" or "Cable".
7 Press _o select "Air" or "Cable".
Press ENTER to enter the setting.
ENG 2-4

CH Search (Channel search)
Channel auto search makes the TV look for all channels
viewable in the set area.
8 When "Air" is selected in Antenna setting:
Press _ to select "Start", and then press ENTER.
When "Cable" is selected in Antenna setting:
Press _ to select "Analog & Digital Search Start" to
search both analog and digital broadcasts, or to select
"Analog Search Start" to search only analog broadcasts, and
then press ENTER.
• The Channel search will start automatically.
• To exit the Channel search screen, select "Cancel", and
then press ENTER.
Smart TV
When you connect to the Intemet on the TV, select the
desired connection method and follow the instructions shown
on the display.
• Wireless LAN connection is possible only when the WPS
(push button) method is used. If any other method is
used, make settings by Smart TV > Internet Setup.
(See Daces 8-2 to 8-4._
9 Press _i!_ to select "Yes", and then press ENTER.
10 Press _ to select "Wired" or "Wireless", and then
press ENTER,
ENG 2-5

Connection using an ETHERNET cable:
_Select "Wired" and press ENTER.
Confirm that the TV is properly connected with the
router, and then press "Next". Follow the instructions on
the display to perform the connection test.
Wireless LAN connection by the WPS method:
Select "Wireless" and press ENTER.
Follow the instructions on the display, and finalize the
connection after testing its viability.
• After you finish configuring the network settings,
configure the "TV Name Setting".
(See Daaes 4-24. 7-3./
• When you change the network settings, refer to Smart TV
> Internet Setup.
(See Daaes 8-2 to 8-4.t
11 The settings confirmation screen is displayed. Confirm
the information displayed on the screen, and then press
Examples of the settings confirmation screen
When "Antenna & Cable" was selected in step 6.
ENG 2-6

• If no channel is found, confirm the type of connection
made with your TV and try "Easy Setup" again.
(See Daae 4-5.t
When "Set-top box" was selected in step 6.
• Click "OK" to display the confirmation screen for input
source switching.
Show the input list: You can check the current connection
status of external equipment. Confirm which input
terminal is connected to the set-top box.
OK: Clicking "OK" will complete the Easy Setup procedure.
• For changing the settings of the Initial Installation, perform
"Easy Setup" on the Initial Setup menu on
ENG 2-7

You can change channels in several ways.
Method 1
Using CHZ*\_ on the remote control unit or on the TV.
Method 2
Using remote control buttons 0-9, • (DOT).
To select a 1 or 2-digit channel number (e. g., Channel
Press 5 ENTER
To select a 3-digit channel number (e. g., Channel
Press 1 1 5 -_ ENTER
To select a 4-digit channel number (e. g., Channel
Press 2 2 • (DOT) 1 ENTER
• When selecting a 1-digit channel number, it is not
necessary to press 0 before the number.
• When you enter 0-9 only, channel selection will be made
if there is no operation within a few seconds.
• If you push "0" by itself, nothing will happen.
• Complete the above steps within a few seconds.
• When you enter 0-9 and • (DOT), channel selection will
be made if there is no operation within a few seconds.
ENG 3-1

You can change the volume by pressing VOL+/- on the TV
or on the remote control unit.
• To increase the volume, press VOL +.
• To decrease the volume, press VOL -.
Audio status
Speaker Variable sound Mute
• When "Output Select" is set to "Variable", the indicator on
the screen changes as shown below.
• See Daae 4-12 for details on the Output Select function.
ENG 3-2

Mutes the current sound output.
Press MUTE.
• "_" will be displayed on the screen for 30 minutes, and
the sound is silenced.
• Within 30 minutes of pressing MUTE, mute can be
canceled by pressing VOL+/- or MUTE.
• Mute will be canceled after 30 minutes have passed.
However, the TV will not suddenly output a loud sound
as the volume level is set to 0 automatically.
ENG 3-3

Allows you to capture and freeze a moving image that you
are watching.
• A moving image iscaptured.
• Press FREEZE again to cancel the function.
• When this function is not available, "No displaying still
image available." will display.
• The still image automatically goes out after 30 minutes.
• If you are using the freeze function and a broadcast
activates the V-CHIP BLOCK, the freeze function will be
canceled and a V-CHIP BLOCK message will appear.
ENG 3-4

Press FLASHBACK to switch to the previously tuned
channel or previous input mode
• Press FLASHBACK again to switch back to the currently
tuned channel,
• FLASHBACK will not work if no channel has been
changed after the TV is turned on.
ENG 3-5

Allows you to directly activate various types of applications.
1 Press SmartCentral to display the application window.
• Press $martCentral again to switch back to the
currently tuned channel.
2 Press _ to select the desired application, and then
press ENTER.
• If .... is displayed, check the USB connection.
• If " ' or "_" is displayed, check your TV's
network settings and connection.
• See uaae 5-2.8-7 to 8-12 for details of viewable
• When this function is not available, "Can not operate this
function now" will display.
ENG 3-6

Displays the Netflix screen.
If you press the NETFLIX button when the TV is turned off,
the TV turns on and the NETFLIX screen is displayed.
• To enjoy Netflix, you need to make:
--a broadband Internet connection
(See Daoe 8-1.t
--settings of Internet Setup
(See Daaes 8-2 to 8-4./
--adjustments for Netflix
(See Daae 8-13.t
ENG 3-7

MTS/SAP stereo mode
The TV has a feature that allows reception of sound other
than the main audio for the program. This feature is called
Multi-channel Television Sound (MTS). The "IV with MTS
can receive mono sound, stereo sound
and Secondary Audio Programs (SAP). The SAP feature
allows a TV station to broadcast other information, which
could be audio in another language or something completely
different like weather information.
You can enjoy Hi-Fi stereo sound or SAP broadcasts
where available.
• Stereo broadcasts: View programs like live sporting
events, shows and concerts in dynamic stereo sound.
• SAP broadcasts: Receive "R/ broadcasts in either MAIN
or SAP sound.
MAIN sound: The normal program soundtrack (either in
mono or stereo).
SAP sound: Listen to a second language, supplementary
commentary or other information. (SAP is mono sound.)
If stereo sound is difficult to hear.
• Obtain a clearer sound by manually switching to fixed
mono-sound mode.
You can change MTS as shown below to match the
television broadcast signal.
Press AUDIO to toggle between audio modes,
Examples: when receiving MTS and SAP
STEREO mode:
STEREO + SAP mode:
MAIN + SAP mode:
Digital broadcasting audio mode
The types of audio transmitted in a digital broadcast include
SURROUND as well as MONO and STEREO. In addition, it
is possible for multiple audio tracks to accompany a single
video track.
Press AUDIO to toggle between audio modes.
Example: when receiving Digital broadcasting
ST{p_P/_ SAP_STi_ Me;NO
STERFO(A_{o_} _ STERDO[Audio2}
• MTS only operates while in TV mode.
• You can have the same settings by choosing "Change
Audio" on the menu items.
(See Daae 4-25._
ENG 3-8

Allows you to set a time when the TV automatically switches
to standby.
Press SLEEP.
• The remaining time displays when the sleep timer has
been set.
• Each time you press SLEEP, the remaining time switches
as shown below.
Off _ ohr3Om_in_ ll_rOOrnin
2h_Omin _ 2h_min _ lh_Omin
• When set, the time automatically starts counting down,
• If you want to adjust the sleep timer, you can press
SLEEP twice then change the time setting.
• When it is 5 minutes before the time expires, the
remaining time will start to keep appearing every minute,
• Select "Off" by pressing SLEEP to cancel the sleep timer.
• The TV will enter standby when the remaining time
reaches 0.
ENG 3-9

AM MODE gives you several viewing options to choose from
to best match the surrounding environment of the TM, which
can vary due to factors like room brightness, type of
program watched or the type of device connected.
You can use USER Mode to create customized settings for
each TM input. These settings will be automatically saved on
each input for convenience.
Press AV MODE. Current AV MODE displays.
• Press AV MODE again before the mode displayed on the
screen disappears.
• The mode changes as shown below:
OY_C _iK@_ _ _¢DARD IENE_Y _l_R_
ENG 3-10

_i_i_i_ii iiiii_i__ii_,;_ ii_iiii_i_C%iiii_ii_,,_< ¸ _i_:_:_:_:_)i_}
STANDARD (ENERGY STAR): For a highly defined image
in a normal lighting.
MOVIE: For a movie.
PC: For PC.
USER: Allows the user to customize settings as desired.
You can set the mode for each input source.
DYNAMIC: For a clear-cut image emphasizing high
contrast, useful for sports viewing.
DYNAMIC (Fixed): Changes the image and sound settings
to the factory preset values. No adjustments are allowed.
• You can select a different AV MODE item for each input
mode. (For example, select STANDARD (ENERGY
STAR) for TV input and DYNAMIC for COMPONENT.)
• You can have the same settings by choosing "AV MODE"
on the menu items.
(See Daae 4-17._
ENG 3-11

_It,,,,_1"",+%[% i i <[i"_,,.i:_'¢;_,
Your TV is equipped with an internal Closed Caption
decoder. It allows you to view conversations, narration and
sound effects as subtitles on your TV. Closed Captions are
available on some TV programs and on some VHS home
video tapes at the discretion of the program provider.
Digital Closed Caption service is a new caption service
available only on digital TV programs (also at the discretion
of the service provider). It is a more flexible system than the
original Closed Caption system, because it allows for a
variety of caption sizes and font styles. When the Digital
Closed Caption service is in use, it will be indicated by the
appearance of a 3-letter abbreviation that also indicates the
language of the Digital Closed Captions: ENG (English),
SPA (Spanish), FRA (French) or other language codes.
Not all programs and VHS videotapes offer closed captions.
Please look for the "_" symbol to ensure that captions will
be shown.
In the Closed Caption system, there can be more than one
caption service provided. Each is identified by its own
number. The "CCl" and "CC2" services display subtitles of
TV programs superimposed over the program's picture.
In the Closed Caption system, the "Text1" or "Text2"
services display text that is unrelated to the program being
viewed (e.g., weather or news). These services are also
superimposed over the program currently being viewed.
1 Press CC.
• This will present the Closed Caption information
2 Press CC while the Closed Caption information is still on
the screen.
• Press repeatedly until you select the desired closed
caption service.
• Depending on the number of caption services in the
signal being received, you will see information such as
1/2 or 1/4 displayed.
1/2 means "the first of two services".
If a program has three services (Digital CC(ENG), CCl
and Text1), the closed caption display will toggle in this
t '11
• The CC button keeps a record of the last service selected
in its memory.
If the last closed caption mode (e.g. 1/3 ENG) you
selected is not available for the next program, or on
another channel, the closed caption service that is
available is automatically selected, and this service
appears in parentheses, e.g. "1/3(CCl)".
Closed Caption services that appear in parentheses will
not be stored in the CC button's memory as your last
selected service. Only services that you have selected
with the CC button are stored.
ENG 3-12

In a case where there are two closed caption services
provided (for instance, Digital CC(ENG) and CC1), and
Digital CC(ENG) is displayed as your current selection, if
Digital CC(ENG) is not broadcast for the next program, the
other closed caption service, CC1, will be displayed in
A closed caption service appears in parentheses because
the service you selected is not available and a different
service is displayed on your screen. "1/1(CC1)" is displayed
instead of "I/2/ENG".
• See Daae 4-26 for detailed closed caption settings.
• When the program contains no closed caption, "--"
displays in the closed caption information.
• If the language code, e.g. "ENG", is not found on Digital
TV programs, "--" will be shown.
• Four kinds of closed caption service (CCl, CC2, Text1,
Text2) are potentially available, but a broadcast may
contain none or only some of these services at the
discretion of the program provider.
• When a web page is displayed, Closed Captions are not
• You can have the same settings by choosing "Change
CC" on the menu items.
(See Daae 4-25./
ENG 3-13