CR Battery Jan 2016 Maxell
Reference No. C160101-1
The batteries are exempt articles and are not subject to the OSHA Hazard Communication
Standard Requirem ent. This sheet is provi ded as tec hnical information only. The information and
recommendati ons set for th are made in good faith and are believed to be accurate as of the date
of preparati on. However, Maxell makes no warranty expressed or implied.
Section 1 - Product and Company Identification
Product Name
Coin Type Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery (CR)
Hitachi Maxell, Lt d., Energy Div ision
Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code):
5, Takumidai, Ono-shi , Hyogo 675-1322, Japan
Date of preparation:
Jan. 1, 2016
Telephone Numbers:
Fax Numbers:
Section 2 - Hazards Identification
This contains lithium, organic solvent, and other combustible materials. For this reason, improper
handling of the battery could lead to distortion, leakage*, overheating, explosion, or fire and
cause human injury or equi pm ent trouble. Please strictly observ e safety instructions.
(* Leakage is defined as an uni ntended escape of liquid from a batt er y.)
Section 3 - Composit i on/Inform a tion on Ingr e d ie nt s
Ingredient CAS# Content (wt %)
Manganese Dioxi de (MnO2) 1313-13-9 15 to 40
Propylene Carbonate (C4H6O3) 108-32-7 2 to 6
1,2-Dimethoxyethane (C4H10O2) 110-71-4 1 to 5
Lithium Perc hlor ate (LiClO4) 7791-03-9 0.1 to 1.5
Lithium or Lithi um Alloy (Li) 7439-93-2 1 to 5
Carbon (C) 7782-42-5 1 to 4
Lithium cont ent f or each cell
Model Li content (g) Model Li content (g)
CR1216 0.008 CR2016 0.03
CR1220 0.011 CR2025 0.05
CR1616 0.02 CR2032 0.07
CR1620 0.025 CR2032H 0.07
CR1632 0.04
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CR Battery Jan 2016 Maxell
Reference No. C160101-1
Section 4 - First Aid Measures
None unless internal materials exposure. If contents are leaked out, observe following
Inhalation Fumes can cause respiratory irritation. Remove to fresh air and
consult a physician.
Skin Immediately flush skin with plenty of water. If itch or irritation by
chemical burn persi sts, c onsul t a physician.
Eyes Immediatel y flush eye with plent y of water for at least 15 minutes.
Consult a physici an immediately.
Ingestion If swallowing a batt er y, consult a physician immedi atel y.
If content s come into mouth, immediatel y rinse by plenty of water
and consult a physician.
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing M edia Extinguisher of alkaline metal fire is effective.
Plenty of cold water is also effective to cool the
surrounding area and control the spread fire. But
hydrogen gas may be evolved by the reaction of water and
lithium and it can f orm an expl osive mixture. T herefore in
the case that lots of lithium batteries are burning in a
confined space, use a smothering agent (e.g. carbon
dioxide or dry sand).
Fire fighting procedure Use self-contai ned breat hing apparatus and full protectiv e
gear not to inhale harmf ul gas.
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
If the battery releases l iquid, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Keep the battery away from fire or heat.
Section 7 - Handlin g an d S tor a ge
1) Handling
● Never swallow.
If a battery is accident ally swallowed, see Section 4 - First Aid Measures.
● Never charge.
The battery is not designed to be charged by any electrical source. Charging can generate gas
and internal short-circuiting, leading t o distortion, leakage, over heating, explosion or fire.
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