Date: Mar. 3, 1998
1. Countermeasure against deformation of paper guide
of paper inlet
2. Common use of part of upper fixing frame F
3. Change of screw of upper fixing unit
4. Request for correction of parts guide
1. Countermeasure against deformation of paper guide of paper inlet
1. Model Name: SF-2050/2052/2150
No. : DTE-365
2. General: If the paper guide C (P/G No. 28 -10) of the paper inlet is pressed down beyond the movable
range to remedy the jammed paper or similar, the paper guide C of the paper inlet may be
deformed. As the countermeasure, the shape of the right cab lower is changed by adding the
stopper rib.
3. Action:
SF-2050 → Way of production in August, 1997
SF-2050/2150 → 1st mass-produced product
2. Common use of part of upper fixing frame F
1. Model Name: SF-2050
SHARP CORPORATION Reprography Division

2. General: To make the part commonly used with other models, the upper fixing frame F is changed.
<Old> <New>
Upper fixing frame F LFRM-0859FCZ1 → LFRM-0859FCZ2
3. Action: 1st product in Nevember, 1997
3. Change of screw of upper fixing unit
1. Model Name: SF-2052/2150
2. General: For better productivity, the following screws used on the upper fixing unit are changed.
<Old> <New>
XHBSE40P12000 → XHBSD40P12000
3. Action: 1st product in December, 1997
4. Request for correction of parts guide
1. Model Name: SF-2052/2150
2. General: Since the following part has been changed since 1st mass-produced product, it is requested
to correct the parts guide.
<P/G No.> <Part name> <Old> <New>
16 -25 Upper fixing frame F LFRM-0859FCZ1 LFRM-0859FCZ2
3. Action: 1st mass-produced product