Date: Jan. 31, 1994
No. : DTE-115
1.General: The parts changes described below have been carried out on model SD-2060 to
improve productivity, and are hereby reported.
2.Description: 1. The q’ty of labels (TLABZ2424FCZZ) showing the copy paper volume limit in the
1000 paper tray unit and 2000 paper tray unit has been changed. Change in q’ty of
labels showing the copy paper volume limit in the 2000 paper tray unit (2 → 1).
The copy paper volume limit label on this
side is attached as before.
Discontinued copy paper volume limit label.
Change in number of labels showing the copy paper volume limit in the 1000 paper
tray unit (2 → 1).
Note: There are two 1000 paper tray units in
the SD-2060.
This means that the total change in the
number of labels showing the copy paper
volume limit is actually 4 → 2.
(Factory action)
From 1993 December production.
SHARP CORPORATION Reprography Division

2. The size guide alignment plate and size guide spacer have been discontinued in
accordance with the change in the shape of the 1000 paper tray.
Discontinued size guide alignment plate
(added since the first lot of mass production) (LPLTP4535FCZZ).
Discontinued size guide spacer
(added since the first lot of mass production)
Change in paper tray.
(Factory action)
From 1993 Mid-December production.
3. The spacers, large side plate mylar and the small side plate mylar have been
discontinued (added since the first lot of mass production).
Discontinued small side plate mylar.
Discontinued large side plate mylar.
Discontinued plastic cast spacers.
Discontinued plastic spacers.
(Factory action)
From 1994 January production.