Sharp Dropbox Connector User Manual

Connected Business
Good connections create brilliant teams /This is Why business is better with Cloud Portal Office.
Cloud Portal Ofce Overview
Top teamwork delivers superior results /This is Why businesses perform better with Cloud Portal Office.
supercharge your teams by giving them secure, on-demand
access to every piece of information they need, wherever
they are?
Imagine being able to create, access, control and share all
the documents you need from a smartphone, Multifunctional
Printer (MFP), laptop, tablet, PC - or even from an interactive
whiteboard in your meeting room.
Now you can. All you need is Sharp Cloud Portal Office.
Cloud Portal Office can scale from an invaluable workgroup
tool right the way up to a much larger enterprise-wide system.
Start small or think big - it’s your choice.
Global is the new local
Picture this: you have a pan-European product launch. Budgets
have been allocated and briefing documents prepared. The
messaging and media plan has been created in London.
Your Berlin office has overall responsibility for the European roll
out but the countries are taking care of localisation. The launch
is being synchronised with similar events in the USA and Japan.
It’s complicated, expensive and critically time-sensitive.
No problem.
Cloud Portal Office gives all of your product management
people, sales and marketing teams, event organisers, legal
experts, budget holders, everyone, the ability to access and
share the latest version of every document.
There are no doubts, there’s no confusion and nothing is
mislaid. Just instant, online access to everything, wherever you
happen to be.
Connected Multifunctional Printers
Information fuels efficiency /This is Why you need Cloud Portal Office at the heart of your office.
Cloud Portal Office lets you access your documents directly
from your Sharp MFP*. If you want the latest version of a file,
for example, just walk up, log on, browse and print. It’s all
there, ready and waiting.
Multiple copies are just as easy. All of the MFP’s functions,
including double-sided printing and all of the collating,
stapling, hole punching and other finishing options, are readily
available. The fact that the documents are in the cloud, rather
than on a local network server or your laptop, is irrelevant.
Of course, sometimes you’ll want to store documents in
the cloud, too. Again, simply log on and you can scan your
documents directly to the cloud directory of your choice.
With the right MFP*, the single-step scanning and indexing of
large batches of documents is just as easy. Just load them up,
press the button, and let the MFP do the rest.
Cloud Portal Office in action
One of your regional sales managers wins a major contract.
He scans it at the MFP and, with the touch of a finger, it’s
available to your Manufacturing, Legal, Production and
Finance Departments.
* MFP must be enabled with Sharp OSA 4.0 or above.
Everyone who needs it has instant access. They can add their
own input and the whole process - from receiving the contract
to fulfilling it - becomes faster and more efficient.
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