********** INFORMATION FOR CERTIFICATION (1) **********
Name : Sharp Corporation, Reliability Control Group
Address 22-22 Nagaike-Cho, Abeno-Ku
Osaka 545-8522, Japan
Grantee Code: : APY
Applicant Rep. : S. Miyasaka
Name : Sharp Electronics Corporation
Address : Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
Applicant Rep. : Steve Petruska, Product Safety Dept.
Telephone No. : 201-529-9299
Name : Sharp Corporation, Kitchen Appliance Systems Div.
EMI Anechoic Chamber
Address : 3-1-72 Kitakamei-cho, Yao
Osaka 581-8585, Japan
Name : Sharp Appliances (Thailand) Ltd.
Address : 64 Moo 5, Tambol Bangsamuk Amphur Bangpakong
Chachoengsao Province, Thailand
Model Name : Microwave Oven Model R-360E# and R-370E#
(#: Suffix letter denoting cosmetic color is provided.)
Brand : Sharp Electronics Corp.
Importer : Sharp Electronics Corp.

********** INFORMATION FOR CERTIFICATION (2) **********
(1) Type(s) of emission: Not Applicable
(2) Frequency range: 2450 MHz
(3) Range of operating power and description of means provided for variation of operating power:
RF output power 1000 W
(4) Max. power rating as described in the applicable rules:
1000 W
(5) The voltage and current to magnetron:
Magnetron Cat. No. 2M253H(L) : 3.44 kV peak, 332 mA (rms)
(6) Function of each electro tube, semiconductor or other active circuit device:
Fixed Magnetron, Type 2M253H(L) as power generator
(7) Complete circuit diagram: Attached
(8) Instruction book: Attached
(9) Tune up procedure over the power range or at specific operating power levels: Not adjustable
(10) A description of all circuitry and devices provided for determining and stabilizing frequency:
Fixed by magnetron and oven design
(11) A description of any circuit or devices employed for suppression of spurious radiation, for limiting
modulation, and for limiting the operating power:
Suppression obtained by shielding design
(12) Identification plate or label: Illustration attached
Location of identification plate or label: Photo. Attached
(Average power output is controlled by ON/OFF switching cycles.)