E:fact® Technical Service Data
Parts List
Coils & Transformers
Controls & Resistors
Capacitors & Electrolytics
Cabinet Parts
Semiconductors, 2 pages
Schematics ................... Location
Television ................. 2A, 2B
Television ................. 2C, 2D
Power Supply .............. 2E, 2F
System Control ................ 2G
Placement Chart
To purchase a complete paper version
of this service manual, order
set #3774
For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part,
see parts list.
Circuitry not used in some versions.
To place the order, contact your local
Sams Distributor or call our Customer
Service operation at 1-800-428-7267.
Product #083774
© Copyright 1999
SAMS Technical Publishing. All rights reserved.
Circuitry used in some versions.
Chassis ground
Common tie point
Taken from common tie point
Schematic voltage source tie point.
Cabling: Heavy lines reduce use of multiple lines.
Waveforms and voltages are taken from ground, unless
noted otherwise.
Waveforms taken with triggered scope and keyed rainbow
generator. Waveform voltage is peak to peak. Timebase
is per division. Waveforms shown at 10 divisions.
Supply voltages maintained as seen at input.
Voltages measured with digital meter and a 1000µV RF
signal, with colorbar pattern, applied to antenna terminal.
Controls adjusted for normal operation.
Capacitors are 50 volts or less, 5% or greater unless noted.
Electrolytic capacitors are 50 volts or less,
20% or greater unless noted.
Resistors are 1/2W or less, 5% or greater unless noted.
Value in ( ) used in some versions.
Measurements with switching as shown, unless noted.
Rated voltage shown on zener diodes.

Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No.
# DY601 (1)Yoke RCilLH0120PEZZ
# DY601 (2) RCiLH0119PEZZ
# DY601 (3) RCiLH0121PEZZ
# DY601 (4) RCiLH0122PEZZ
FB602, 03 Ferrite Bead RBLN-0037CEZZ
FB701 Ferrite Bead RBLN-0037CEZZ
L205 1.8µH VP-XF1R8K0000
L206 - RCiLi0612CEZZ
- RCiLi0588CEZZ
L301 8.2µH VP-XF8R2K0000
L302 - RCiLi0613CEZZ
- RCiLi0605CEZZ
L401 12µH VP-XF120K0000
L402 3.3µH VP-XF3R3K0000
L403 10µH VP-XF100K0000
L404 8.2µH VP-XF8R2K0000
L406, 07 68µH VP-XF680K0000
L408 10µH VP-XF100K0000
# L701 (5) Line Filter RCiLF0235CEZZ
# L701 (5) Line Filter RCiLF0090CEZZ
# L701 (5) Line Filter RCiLF0087CEZZ
# L701 (6) Line Filter RCiLF0289CEZZ
# L702 Degaussing RCiLG0386PEZZ
L851 150µH VP-DF151K0000
L2001 Oscillator RCilLB0131CEZZ
# T601 Horizontal Driver RTRNZ0168CEZZ
# T602 (7) Horizontal Output RTRNF0123PEZZ
# T701 Power RTRNP0518CEZZ
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
(1) Used with CRT 37GDA86X
(2) Used with CRT A34KPU02X
(3) Used with CRT CPJ37OBVBK1U
(4) Used with CRT A34JLL40X
(5) Used in models 13H-M60/100/150
(6) Used in models CH13M6/10/15
(7) Focus and screen controls are part of T602

PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Description Mfr. Part No. Notes
CF301 Filter RFiLC0029TAZZ 4.5MHz
CF302 Filter RFiLC0267CEZZ 4.5MHz
Filter RFiLC0007PEZZ 4.5MHz
CF401 Trap RFiLC0013CEZZ 4.5MHz
Trap RFiLC0004PEZZ 4.5MHz
CF631 Crystal RFiLA0034CEZZ 503kHz
CF2002 Filter RFiLC0121GEZZ -
# F701 Fuse QFS-B4023CEZZ 4Amp, 125VAC
Fuse QFS-B4021GEZZ 4Amp, 125VAC
FH701 Fuse Holder QFSHD1013CEZZ FH702 Fuse Holder QFSHD1014CEZZ J1001 Video Input Jack QJAKE0158CEZZ Models 13H-M100/150, CH13M10/15
J1002 Audio Input Jack QJAKE0159CEZZ Models 13H-M100/150, CH13M10/15
# P703 AC Line Cord QACCD3038CESA Models 13H-M60/100, CH13M6/10
AC Line Cord QACCD3037CESA Models 13H-M60/100, CH13M6/10
AC Line Cord QACCD3037CESB Models 13H-M150, CH13M15
RMC2601 Receiver RRMCU0224CEZZ Remote
# RY701 Relay RRLYU0036CEZZ Power
Relay RRLYU0028CEZZ Power
S2501 Switch QSW-K0079GEZZ Power
S2502 Switch QSW-K0079GEZZ Volume Down
S2503 Switch QSW-K0079GEZZ Volume Up
S2504 Switch QSW-K0079GEZZ Channel Down
S2505 Switch QSW-K0079GEZZ Channel Up
SC851 Socket QSOCV0839CEZZ CRT
SF201 Filter RFiLC0345CEZZ SAW
SP1 Speaker VSP0080P-H28A 3" Round, 8 Ohms, 2W
# TU51 (1)(2) Tuner VTUVTSR6UF78/ VTSR6UF78/
# V101 CRT VB37GDA86X/1E 37GDA86X
X801 Crystal RCRSB0001PEZZ 3.58MHz
Crystal RCRSB0205CEZZ 3.58MHz
Antenna Adapter RUNTK0393CEZZ Models 13H-M60/100/150
Magnet PMAGF3022CEZZ Purity/Convergence
PC Board (1) DUNTK9010WEV0 CRT
PC Board (1) DUNTK9009WEV0 Main, Model 13H-M60
PC Board (1) DUNTK9009WEV1 Main, Models 13H-M100/150
PC Board (1) DUNTK9009WEV3 Main, Model CH13M6
PC Board (1) DUNTK9009WEV4 Main, Models CH13M10/15
Remote Transmitter RRMCG1231CESA Models 13H-M60, CH13M6
Remote Transmitter RRMCG1233CESA Models 13H-M100, CH13M10
Remote Transmitter RRMCG1233CESB Models 13H-M150, CH13M15
Rod Antenna QANTR0018PEZZ Models 13H-M60/100/150
Rod Antenna QANTR0019PEZZ Models CH13M6/10/15
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.
(1) Contact PTS Electronics Corporation for replacement; order by manufacturer's part number.
(2) Contact TNI Electronics for replacement; order by part number on tuner.

PARTS LIST continued
Item No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. NTE Part No.
# PR701 11.6 Cold PTC RMPTP0026CEZZ
# R51 22K 5% 2W VRS-VV3DB223J 2W322
# R53 150 5% 2W VRS-VV3DB151J 2W151
# R106 270 5% 1W VRS-VV3AB271J 1W127
# R451 10K 5% 1/2W VRS-SV2HC103J HW310
# R453 2200 10% 1/2W VRC-MA2HG222K HW222
R506 68K 2% 1/8W VRD-RA2BE683G EW368
R507 100K 2% 1/8W VRD-RA2BE104G EW410
# R511 1 5% 1/2W VRN-SV2HB1R0J HW1D0
R516 150K 2% 1/8W VRD-RA2bE153G EW415
R517 12K 2% 1/8W VRD-RA2BE123G EW312
# R603 18 5% 3W VRS-SV3LB180J 3W018
# R612 .22 5% 1W VRN-VV3ABR 1WD22
# R651 1 5% 1/2W VRD-RM2HD1ROJ
# R653 1000 5% 1/8W VRD-MN2BE102J EW210
# R654 18K 5% 1/8W VRD-MN2BE183J EW318
# R655 100K 5% 1/8W VRD-MN2BE104J EW410
# R656 6800 5% 1W VRS-VV3AB682J 1W268
# R701 2.7M 10% 1/2W VRC-UA2HG275K HW527
# R702 1.5 10% 5W Wirewound VRW-KQ3HC1R5K 5W1D5
# R705 100K 2% 1/4W VRD-RA2EE104G QW410
# R706 1000 122V Adj - -
# R707 150K 5% 1/8W VRD-MN2BE154J EW415
# R708 5600 2%
# R713 33 5% 1/2W VRD-RM2HD330J HW033
# R714 10 5% 1/2W VRS-SV2HC100J HW010
# R715 150 5% 1/2W VRS-SV2HC151J HW115
# R716 330 10% 5W Wirewound VRW-KQ3HC331K 5W133
# R717 3.3 10% 5W VRV-KQ3HC3R3K 5W3D3
# R718 820K 5% 1/2W VRD-RM2HD824J HW482
# R720 3.3 5% 1W VRN-VV3AB3R3J 1W3D3
# R723 1 5% 2W VRN-VV3DB1R0J 2W1D0
# R730 27 5% 2W VRS-VV3DB270J 2W027
# R731 100 5% 1/4W VRD-RA2EE101J QW110
# R732 150 5% 2W VRS-VV3DB151J 2W115
# R733 180 5% 2W VRS-VV3DB181J 2W181
# R755 39 5% 1W VRS-VV3AB390J 1W039
# R758 15 5% 1/2W VRS-SV2HC150J HW015
# R857, 65, 73 12K 5% 1W VRS-VV3AB123J 1W312
# For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part.