Carefully read, understand and follow the instructions
provided in this manual, and keep it in a safe place for
future reference. If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding
the use or care of your helmet, please see your retailer for
assistance or advice. Failure to follow the warnings and
instructions provided herein can result in the failure of the
helmet to protect you in an accident, resulting in a head
injury or death.
Veuillez lire avec attention, comprendre et suivre les
instructions fournies dans ce manuel, et veuillez le garder en
lieu sûr pour vous en servir ultérieurement. En cas de doute
concernant l’utilisation ou l’entretien du casque, veuillez
demander l’aide ou l’avis de votre revendeur. Tout non
respect des précautions et recommandations fournies dans
ce manuel peut entraîner une défaillance dans l’efficacité du
casque à vous protéger en cas d’accident, provoquant une
blessure grâve ou la mort.
Lesen Sie diese Anleitung aufmerksam durch und bewahren
Sie sie sorgfältig auf. Bei Fragen zur Verwendung oder Pflege
Ihres Helms wenden Sie sich an Ihren Einzelhändler. Falls Sie
die Warnungen und Hinweise dieser Anleitung nicht befolgen,
“This user’s manual and its images can not be considered as
contractual. SHARK reserves the right to improve the quality of production. The images contained in this document are SHARK’s exclusive property. Any reproduction is forbidden“.
“Ce manuel d’utilisation ainsi que les images contenues ne
peuvent être considérés comme contractuels. SHARK se réserve le
droit d’améliorer la qualité de la production. Les images contenues
dans ce document sont la propriété exclusive de SHARK. Toute reproduction est interdite“.
“Diese Bedienungsanleitung und seine Bilder sind nicht Vertrags-
bestandteil. SHARK behält sich das Recht vor, die Qualität der Herstel-
kann das die Schutzwirkung des Helms im Falle eines Unfalls
beeinträchtigen, was zu einer schweren oder tödlichen
Kopfverletzung führen kann.
Leggere con attenzione, capire e seguire le istruzioni fornite
in questo libretto e conservarlo in luogo sicuro per potersene
servire ulteriormente. In caso di dubbio riguardo l’utilizzo
o la manutenzione del casco, chiedere l’aiuto o l’avviso
del proprio rivenditore. Il non rispetto delle precauzioni e
raccomandazioni fornite in questo libretto può provocare
una mancanza dell’efficacità del casco a proteggere in caso
d’incidente, provocando una ferita grave o la morte.
Lea atentamente, siga las instrucciones de este manual y
guárdelo en lugar seguro para futuras referencias. Si tuviera
cualquier duda sobre la utilización o cuidado de su casco por
favor diríjase a su establecimiento habitual. No seguir los
avisos y consejos de utilización presentes en este manuscrito
podría disminuir la protección para la cual este casco esta
diseñado, pudiendo causar traumatismos craneales o incluso
la muerte en caso de accidente.
lung zu verbessern. Die in diesem Dokument enthaltenen Bilder sind der
alleinige Besitz von SHARK. Jede Vervielfältigung ist untersagt“.
“Questo manuale d’uso e le immagini in esso contenute non
possono essere considerati come contrattuali. SHARK si riserva il
diritto di ottimizzare la qualità della produzione. Le immagini riportate nel presente documento sono di proprietà esclusiva di SHARK.
Riproduzione vietata“.
“Este manual del usuario y sus imágenes no pueden ser considerados como contractuales. SHARK se reserva el derecho de mejorar la
calidad de la producción. Las imágenes contenidas en este documento
son propiedad exclusiva de SHARK. Prohibida toda reproducción».
separately in a packet) to be tted in accordance with the enclosed plan.
cannot be used in these territories without the complementary DOT FMVSS 218 approval.
1. This helmet is for use only with motorcycles
ridden on the street or other paved surfaces.
Never use this helmet off road, on snowmobiles,
in automobiles, etc.
2. Always ride with care. Even though this helmet
meets or exceeds many of the world’s most
demanding standards for helmet production,
no helmet can protect the wearer from all
foreseeable high or low speed impacts. All
safety equipment have limits, and you could
still sustain a head injury in an accident even
if you are wearing a helmet. However, for
maximum protection against death or permanent
impairment from a head injury, the helmet must
fit firmly on your head and the chinstrap must be
securely fastened as described in this manual.
3. The helmet is designed to absorb impact by
partial destruction of the shell and/or liner. This
damage may not be visible to you. Therefore,
if your helmet is subjected to any impact, even
if it is only dropped to the ground, the helmet
should be returned for inspection or replaced and
destroyed even if it is apparently undamaged.
If you have any doubts, and you are not sure
whether this rule applies, consult your dealer
before you use your helmet again.
4. A helmet, like all products, may wear out over
time depending on the conditions of use. Please
check your helmet every time you use it for
evidence of damage or wear. The helmet should
always fit snugly all around your head. If it is not
snug, it has become too big for you and should
be replaced. Never wear a damaged helmet. Even
if the helmet does not show any evidence of
damage or wear, we recommended the helmet to
be replaced five years after it is first purchased.
5. Make no modifications whatsoever to your
helmet. Never drill or cut any component of
the helmet. Modifications can significantly
weaken your helmet, thereby eliminating its
ability to protect you from an impact.
6. Handle your helmet carefully. Never sit on it or
drop it to the ground. Never ride with the helmet
hanging from any part of your motorcycle.
7. Never use petroleum or petroleum products,
chemicals or any other solvents to clean the
helmet, shell or visor. In addition, never expose
your helmet to the fumes of these solvents (for
example by leaving it on top of the fuel tank
cap on your motorcycle). Your helmet could be
seriously damaged by these agents, without this
damage being visible to you, thereby eliminating
its ability to protect you. Use only mild soap,
warm water, and a soft cloth to wipe your helmet
and visor clean.
8. Never apply any paint, stickers or adhesive
tape to any part of your shell or visor. They could
significantly weaken your helmet, without this
damage being visible to you, thereby eliminating
the helmet’s ability to protect you.
9 . You will experience some reduction in hearing,
peripheral vision and head movements while you
are wearing your helmet. Please ride accordingly.
10. Dry your helmet at room temperature. Never
subject it to heat in excess of 160°F/70°C,
which can occur if your helmet is stored in the
passenger compartment or trunk of a car.
11. If you ever have any comments or questions
about this helmet, please contact SHARK or your
nearest dealer.
No warranty or representation is made as
to this product’s ability to protect the user
from all foreseeable high or low speed impacts
or from any injury or death; The user of this
helmet recognizes and agrees that there are
risks inherent in motorcycle riding, including
but not limited to the risk that your helmet
cannot protect against all foreseeable high or
low speed impacts. By his/her purchase and use
of this helmet, the user expressly, voluntarily and
knowingly accepts and assumes these risks and
agrees to hold SHARK harmless to the fullest
extent permitted by law against any resulting
• Anatomy of the helmet ............................................................................................. 3
• A helmet in your size ...........................................................................................4 - 5
• The chin strap .....................................................................................................6 - 7
• Advice for use .......................................................................................................... 8
• Legal information ................................................................................................... 20
1) Goggles
2) Goggles strap
3) Upper airvent
4) Mask
5) Chin strap buckle:
5A Double-D buckle.
5B “Precise lock” buckle
6) Base seal
7) Visor seal
WARNING! for French trafc, the Highway
Code requires safety reectors (supplied
separately in a packet) to be tted in accordance
with the enclosed plan.
WARNING! The United-States have a specic
regulation, the helmets ECE approved only
cannot be used in these territories without the
complementary DOT FMVSS 218 approval.
WARNING! The helmet Shark Nano is
only approved in jet. The mask does
not protect the chin against the shocks.
6 A
6 A
6 B
6 B
pulled as you move the helmet. If not,the helmet is too big for you; select a smaller size.See gure B.
3. Grasp the back of the helmet at the base and attempt to pull the helmet off your head. Next, push the hel-met upwards from beneath the chin guard.You should push and pull with relatively signicant force. If the hel-met starts to come off, the helmet is too big for you; select a smaller size.
4. Bend your head forward as far as possible.The chin guard must not touch your chest.See gure C.
5. Bend your head backwards as far as possible.The helmet shell must not touch your back.See gure D.Never wrap your hair inside the helmet, or place anything in or on your hair inside the helmet. Never insert padding to modify the position of the helmet on the head.
If you have any questions about pro-
WARNING! No helmet can
protect the wearer from all
foreseeable high or low speed
impacts. However, for maximum
protection, the helmet must be
of proper t and the chin strap must be
securely fastened as described in this
manual. Failure to have a proper t and
to securely fasten the chin strap is dangerous, as the helmet could come off
in an accident, resulting in severe head
injury or death.
Each helmet is designed to corres-
pond to a head measurement (from for
XS up to XL). To measure your head
size, wrap a tape measure horizontally around your head at a height of
approximately one inch (2.5cm) above
your eyebrows. If your head measurement falls between two sizes, rst
try on the smaller helmet. However,
because of different head shapes, this
size reference can only be considered
as a guide. For maximum protection, it
is necessary to check that the helmet is
well suited for the shape of your head.
When trying a brand new helmet, make
sure that your head is pushed into the
helmet as far as possible, with the front
part just above your eyebrows, and
with the chin strap securely fastened
as described on the next page.
1. The helmet should feel very snug all
around your head and fairly tight on the
cheek pads. If not, it is too big for you;
select a smaller size.
See gure A.
2. With the chin strap properly fastened, be sure that the helmet cannot
be moved excessively from side to
side or up and down.You should feel
the skin of your head and face being
pulled as you move the helmet. If not,
the helmet is too big for you; select
a smaller size. See gure B.
3. Grasp the back of the helmet at the
base and attempt to pull the helmet
off your head. Next, push the helmet upwards from beneath the chin
guard. You should push and pull with
relatively signicant force. If the helmet starts to come off, the helmet is
too big for you; select a smaller size.
4. Bend your head forward as far as
possible. The chin guard must not
touch your chest. See gure C.
5. Bend your head backwards as far
as possible. The helmet shell must not
touch your back. See gure D.
Never wrap your hair inside the
helmet, or place anything in or on your
hair inside the helmet. Never insert
padding to modify the position of the
helmet on the head.
If you have any questions about pro-
perly sizing your helmet, see your
retailer for assistance.
Each of these tests must be repeated
throughout the life of the helmet, as the
comfort padding may wear or change
over time. If, during the life of your
helmet, your helmet does not maintain
the correct t, you must replace the
WARNING! Never lend your hel-
met to others without insuring
a proper t in accordance with these
WARNING! If you cannot obtain
a proper t in accordance with
these instructions, DO NOT USE THE
HELMET. Select a different helmet size
or model.
WARNING! Never use the strap loop to
secure your helmet to your head. In order to be properly fastened, you must thread the strap through the double-D-rings. Failure to properly use the double-D-rings will cause your helmet to become dislodged during an accident, leaving your head completely unprotected and resulting in severe head injury or death.Try to pull down on the chin strap with your ngers. If the strap loosens in any way, you have not properly tightened
A - Slide the long part of the chin strap through the two D rings, positioning the comfort pad correctly between the chin strap and your neck.B - Then bring the end of the chin strapbackthroughthelowerofthetwoDrings
Depending on the various versions and the
country concerned, your Shark Nano is equipped
with a chin strap with a “Precise Lock” rapid
buckle with a snap lock or one with a double-D
ring. Proper use of the chin strap is critical for
proper performance of the helmet. Never alter
your chin strap in any way. For example, never
cut it or add holes, or apply buttons, studs or
other items to your chin strap. During the life of
your helmet, be sure that the chin strap never
suffers any type of abrasion or cut, and that its
total length does not change. If it does, replace
your helmet.
The “Precise Lock” snap lock system gives you
precise and accurate adjustment because of the
considerable length of its notched section.
However, it is essential on purchase to adapt
the length of the chin strap to your measurements. Adjust the length of the strap using the
adjusting buckle (figs. A, B, C and D).
Choose your Shark Nano and attach the holding
system. When the “Precise Lock” is adjusted
to the medium position, the chin strap must
be correctly tensioned under the chin to hold
the helmet firmly without causing you any
discomfort or pain.
To fasten the chin strap, all you have to do is to
thread the tongue into its place on the buckle
until tension is perfect (fig. E). The tongue
connects and is automatically blocked.
To release the chin strap, you have to pull on
the lever (fig. F) and remove the tongue from the
buckle. Although the notched tongue enables
you to change the adjustment precisely on each
use, it is important to check frequently that the
adjustment of the strap length is correct.
WARNING! Never ride with the chin strap
loose or insufficiently tightened. Even
though the interior padding gives you the impression of being held, your helmet risks coming off
in a fall.
Never apply lubricating or acid products or grease
or solvents to the chin strap buckle parts.
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