This resultingword allows to identifythe appropriate memory [cs2-cs0] and its respective address
[add6-add0] where the relative I0-I7 are to be
When the CHM pin is high, during the off-line
phase, W.A.R.P. generates the addresses for its
single external memory support where data (.dat
file)are located.These addresses,whichare sent
by means of the EPA0-EPA2 and A0-A9 (EPA0
MSB, A9 LSB) output pins, allow to identify the
data (on the EPROM) that have be loaded in
W.A.R.P. internalmemories.
In on-linemode A0-A9 are not used.
I0-I7: During the off-line phase these 8 data input
pins accept the microcode configuration and data
to be written into the internalmemories. The antecedentmemoryword size is 64 bits, so it is necessary to giveeachword8 bitsat a time. Inthe same
way are written the words of consequentmemory
and of program memory.
In on-linemode this bus carries the inputvariables
to W.A.R.P..Input values havea resolution of6 or
7 bits in accordancewith the configurationsetting.
PRST: This is the restart pin of W.A.R.P.. It is
possibletorestartthework during thecomputation
(on-line phase) or before the writing of internal
memories(off-linephase).In both casesit mustbe
put low at leastfora clock period.
FIN: During the on-line phase it will start the runtime acquisition cycle. This pin is activated by
providinga positivepulse fora time no lower than
an entire clock period. When all expected inputs
have been processed, a new FIN pulse must be
sent to activate a new process.
OFL: When this pin is high, the chip is enabled to
load data in the internal RAMs (off-line phase). It
mustbelowwhenthe fuzzycontrolleris waitingfor
input valuesand during the processingphase(online phase).
phase, determines the charge mode. CHM is not
presentin W.A.R.P.1.0 release.
When CHM is low the addresses of the internal
memory locations where data have to be stored
must be sent to W.A.R.P. from the outside by
means of the input pins A0-A9.
WhenCHM is high W.A.R.P. automaticallygenerates the addresses of its internal memories and
manages the EPROMs reading by means of the
addresses contained in EPA0-EPA2 and A0-A9
output pins(13 bits).
TE: Fortesting purpose only. It mustbeconnected
to V
MTE: For testing purpose only. It must be connected to V
MCLK: This is the input master clock whose frequencycan reach up to 40MHz (MAX).
During the off-line phase with CHM high, the
DCLKsignalwith a frequencyofMCLK/32 is generated in order to drive the downloading phase
EPA0-EPA2: During the off-linephase and in correspondencewithCHM high,theseoutputpins are
joined (as MSB) to A0-A9 to obtainethe complete
address ofthe memory supportwhere to read the
data to be loadedin W.A.R.P.internal memories.
EPA0-EPA2 are not used when CHM is low or in
W.A.R.P. 1.0 release.
O0-O9: These pins carry out the output values.
When the STB (strobe pin) is high, one output
variablecan bereadbyexternaldevices(in on-line
mode). The resolution ofoutput variables is 1024
points(10 bits). Ifthere are more than oneoutput,
the outputvariables are calculatedone by one and
theyare providedin the sequencestabilizedduring
the editing phase (see W.A.R.P.-SDTUser Manual).
OCNT0-OCNT3:This4 bit outputbus provides the
output variableswith a progressive number during
the on-line phase. As a consequenceit ispossible
to know towhichvariablecorrespondthedatathat
areonthe outputdatabus(O0-O9).Thedimension
of OCNT bus is connected with the maximum
number ofoutput variables (16).
STB:The strobepin enables the user to utilize the
output.When thispinishigh itindicatesthat a new
output variablehasbeen calculated andit is ready
on the output bus (O0-O9). This signal synchronizes the external devices and in particular the
interfaces with the controlled processes (on-line
EP: This signal low indicates that the processing
of all the rules has been completed.
NP: This output pin indicates that a new process
can start. NP is automatically set low before the
to start a new data acquisitionbefore(with a new
FIN) the computation is terminated.
cs7 cs6 cs5 cs4 cs3 cs2 cs1 cs0
cs2 cs1 cs0 add6 add5 add4 add3 add2 add1 add0
add7 add6 add5 add4 add3 add2 add1 add0