Turning on the main oscillator is achieved by resetting the OSCOFF bit of the A/D Converter Control Register or by resetting the MCU. Restarting
the main oscillator implies a delay comprising the
oscillator start up delay period plus the duration of
the software instruction at f
clock frequency.
3.1.2 Low Frequency Auxiliary Oscillator
The Low Frequency Auxiliary Oscillator has three
main purposes. Firstly, it can be used to reduce
power consumption in non timing critical routines.
Secondly, it offers a fully integrated system clock,
without anyexternal components. Lastly, it acts as
a safety oscillator in case of main oscillator failure.
This oscillator is available when the OSG ENABLED option is selected. In this case, it automatically starts one of its periods after the first missing
edge fromthe main oscillator, whatever the reason
(main oscillatordefective, no clock circuitry provided, main oscillator switched off...).
User code, normal interrupts, WAIT and STOP instructions, are processed as normal, at the reduced f
frequency.TheA/D converter accuracy isdecreased, sincethe internal frequency is below 1MHz.
At power on, the Low Frequency Auxiliary Oscillator starts faster than the Main Oscillator. It therefore feeds the on-chip counter generating the POR
delay until the Main Oscillator runs.
The Low Frequency Auxiliary Oscillator is automatically switched off as soon as the main oscillator starts.
Address: 0D1h — Read/Write
Bit 7-3, 1-0= ADCR7-ADCR3, ADCR1-ADCR0:
ADC Control Register
. These bits are not used.
Bit 2 = OSCOFF. When low, this bit enables main
oscillator torun.The mainoscillator isswitched off
when OSCOFF is high.
3.1.3 Oscillator Safe Guard
The Oscillator Safe Guard(OSG)affordsdrastically increased operational integrity in ST62xx devices. The OSG circuit provides three basic func-
tions: it filtersspikes from the oscillator lines which
would result in over frequency to the ST62 CPU; it
gives access to the Low Frequency Auxiliary Oscillator (LFAO), used to ensure minimum processing in case of main oscillator failure, to offer reduced power consumption or to provide afixedfrequency low cost oscillator; finally, it automatically
limits the internal clock frequency as a function of
supply voltage, in order to ensure correct operation even if the power supply should drop.
The OSG is enabled or disabled by choosing the
relevant OSG option. It may be viewed as a filter
whose cross-over frequency is device dependent.
Spikes on the oscillator lines result inan effectively
increased internal clock frequency. In the absence
of an OSG circuit, this may lead to an over frequency for a given power supply voltage. The
OSG filters out such spikes(as illustrated in Figure
9). In all cases, when the OSG is active, the maximum internal clock frequency, f
, is limited to
, which is supply voltage dependent. This re-
lationship is illustrated in Figure 12.
When the OSG is enabled, the Low Frequency
Auxiliary Oscillator may be accessed. This oscillator starts operating after the first missing edge of
the main oscillator (see Figure 10).
Over-frequency, at a given power supply level, is
seen by the OSG as spikes; it therefore filters out
some cycles in order that the internal clock frequency of the device is kept within the range the
particular device can stand (depending on VDD),
and below f
: the maximum authorised frequen-
cy with OSG enabled.
Note. The OSG should be used wherever possible
as it provides maximum safety. Care must be taken, however, as it can increase power consumption and reducethe maximum operating frequency
to f
Warning: Care has to be taken when using the
OSG, as the internal frequency is defined between
a minimum and a maximum value and is not accurate.
For precise timing measurements, it is not recommended to use the OSG and it should notbe enabled in applications that use the SPI or the UART.
It should also be noted that power consumption in
Stop mode is higher when the OSG is enabled
(around 50µA at nominal conditions and room