2.2 - MAC.9 - CoCMP Instruction Inverted Operands
The ST10 Family Programming Manual describes the Co CMP instruction as: subtracts a 40-bit signed
operand from th 40-bit accumulator content (acc - op2\op1), and updates the N, Z and C flags in the MSW
register, leaving the accumulator unchanged. O n the device the reverse operation (op2\op1 - acc) has
been implemented in the Mac Unit. Therefore, the N and C flags are set according to the reverse
operation (Z flag is not affected).
Change interpretation of the N and C flags in the MSW register.
MOV R12, #07h
MOV R13, #06h
MOV R14, #0
CoLOAD R14, R12 ; Accumulator = 70000h
CoCMP R14, R13 ; Compares 70000h to 60000h
Here the content of MSW is 0500h, i.e. C = 1, Z = 0 and N = 1.
To test if the Accumulator was greater than or equa l t he c ompared value, the "normal" test, according t o
the description in the ST10 Programming Manual, would be:
JNB MSW.10, Greater ; If C flag cleared, then greater than or equal
With the implementation, this test does not provide the expected result.
To obtain the correct compari son, use instead:
JB MSW .10, Greater ; C flag set: 60000h < 70000h (60000h-70000h implemented)
; i.e. the accumulator is greater than or equal compared value
2.3 - MAC.10 - E Flag Ev aluation for CoSHR and CoASHR Instructions when Saturation Mode is Enabled
The Logical and the Arithmetic Right Shift instructions (CoSHR/CoASHR) are specififed not to be affected
by the saturation mode (MS bit of the MCW register): the shift operation is always made on the 40 bits of
the accumulator. The result shifted in the accumulator is never saturated. Only when the saturation mode
is enabled, the evaluation of the E Flag (in the MSW register) is erroneous.
Comment to the example:
In the example below (Table 1), t he E F lag is kep t c leared however MAE is us ed: bi t 0 of MAE has been
shifted into bit 15 of MAH. The MAE part has been used and it contents significant bits but the E Flag has
not been set.
The content of the flags is given after the execution of the instruction.
If the MAE flag is used, the saturation mode must be disabled before running Logical and/or Arihmetic
Right Shift instructions and re-enable just after.
Table 1 : MAC.10 Example
MS Bit is Set, Saturation Mode is Enabled Status of Flags After Instruction Execution
Accumulator Value
SL E SV C Z N Remark
R5, #5555h -- ---- ---- -------
R5, R5 00 5555 5555 000000Right
NOP 00
5555 5555 000000Right
MSW, #007Fh 7F 5555 5555 000000Righ t
5555 5555 000000Right
#1 3F AAAA AAAA 00*0000*E is wrong