11 TXON TRANSMITTER ON indicates that the transmit ring access is enabled.TXON is set as
the Startprimitive is issued if the DTX bit is”0” orafterward as DTX is cleared. TXON is
cleared upon recognition of DTX being set, by sending a Stop primitive in CSR1, or by a
Bus RESET. If TXON is clear, the host may modify the Transmit Descriptor Rings entries
regardless of the state of the OWNA bits. TXON is READ ONLY; writing to this bit has no
10 RXON RECEIVER ON indicates that the receive ring access is enabled. RXON is setas the
Start primitive is issued ifthe DRXbit is”0” or afterwardas DRX is cleared. RXON is
cleared upon recognition of DRX being set, by sending a Stopprimitive in CSR1, or by a
Bus RESET. RXON is READ ONLY; writing to this bit has no effect.
09 INEA INTERRUPT ENABLE allows the INTR I/O pin to be driven low when the Interrupt Flag
is set.If INEA = 1 and INTR = 1 the INTR I/O pin will be low.If INEA = 0 the INTR I/O
pin will be high, regardless of the state of the Interrupt Flag (TINT, RINT, or PINT) or
whether the Interrupt Desciptor Ring has been updated. INEA is READ/WRITE set by
writing a ”1” into thisbit and is cleared by writing a ”0” into this bit, byBus RESET, or by
issuing a Stop primitive. INEA may not be set while in the STOPPED Phase.
08 INTR INTERRUPT FLAG indicatesthat one ormore ofthe followinginterrupt causing
conditions has occurred: MISS, MERR, RINT, TINT, PINT. If INEA = 1 and INTR = 1 the
INTR I/Opin willbe low. INTR is READ ONLY, writing this bit has no effect. INTR is
cleared as the specificinterrupting condition bits are cleared. INTR is alsocleared by
Bus RESETor by issuing a Stopprimitive.
07 MERR MEMORY ERROR is set whenthe MK50H28is the Bus Master and READYhas not
been asserted within 256 SYSCLKs (25.6 usec @ 10MHz) after asserting the address on
the DALlines. When a Memory Error is detected, the MK50H28 releases the bus,
the receiverand transmitter areturned off, and an interrupt is generated if INEA = 1.
MERR is READ/CLEAR ONLY and isset by the chipand cleared by writing a ”1” intothe
bit. Writinga ”0”has no effect. It is cleared by Bus RESET or by issuing a Stop primitive.
06 MISS MISSED frame is set when the receiving channel loses a frame because it is either not
ready or does not own a receive buffer indicating loss of data. The Memory Address for
which MISS occurred can be determined by issuing a Status Request primitive (see
section 4.3.3 Status Buffer for additional details). When MISS is set, an interrupt will be
generated if INEA = 1. MISS is READ/CLEAR ONLY and is set by MK50H28 and
cleared by writing a ”1” into the bit. Writing a ”0” has no effect. It is also cleared by Bus
RESET or by issuing a Stop primitive.
05 ROR RECEIVER OVERRUN indicates that the Receiver FIFO was full when thereceiver was
ready to input data to the ReceiverFIFO. The frame being received is lost, butis
probably recoverable if an upper level protocol is used. When ROR is set, an interrupt is
generated if INEA=1. ROR is READ/CLEAR ONLY and is set by MK50H28 and
cleared by writing a ”1” into the bit. Writing a ”0” has no effect. It is also cleared by Bus
RESET or by issuing a Stop primitive.
04 TUR TRANSMITTER UNDERRUN indicates that the MK50H28 has aborted a frame since
data was late from memory. This condition is reached when the transmitter and
transmitter FIFO both become empty while transmitting a frame. WhenTUR isset, an
interrupt is generated if INEA = 1. TUR is READ/CLEAR ONLY and isset by MK50H28
and clearedby writing a ”1” into the bit. Writinga ”0” has no effect. It is also cleared by
Bus RESETor by issuing a Stopprimitive.
03 PINT PRIMITIVE INTERRUPT is set after the chip updates the primitive register to issue a
provider primitive. When PINT isset, an interruptis generatedif INEA =1. PINT is
READ/CLEAR ONLY and isset by MK50H28 and cleared by writing a ”1” into the bit.
Writing a ”0” has no effect. It is also clearedby Bus RESETor by issuing a Stop primitive.
02 TINT TRANSMITTER INTERRUPT is set after the chip updates an entry in theTransmit
Descriptor Ring.When TINT is set,an interrupt is generated if INEA = 1. TINT is
READ/CLEAR ONLY and isset by the MK50H28 and cleared by writing a ”1” into the bit.
Writing a ”0” has no effect. It is also clearedby Bus RESETor by issuing a Stop primitive.
01 RINT RECEIVER INTERRUPT is set after the MK50H28 updates an entry in the Receive
Descriptor Ring (this is done once per received frame, not per receivedbuffer). When
RINT is set, aninterrupt is generated if INEA = 1. RINT is READ/CLEAR ONLY and is
set by theMK50H28 and clearedby writing a ”1” into the bit. Writing a ”0” hasno effect.
It iscleared by Bus RESET or by issuing a Stop primitive.
00 0 This bit is READ ONLY and will always read as zero.