3.1 FunctionalBlocks
Refer tothe blockdiagram in Figure2.
The MK50H25 is primarily initialized and control-
led through six 16-bit Control and Status Registers (CSR0 thru CSR5). The CSR’s are accessed
through two bus addressable ports, the Register
Address Port (RAP), and the Register Data Port
(RDP). The MK50H25 may also generate an interrupt(s) to the Host. These interrupts are enabledand disabled throughCSR0.
The on-chip microcontroller is used to control the
movement of parallel receive and transmit data,
and to handle the Addressfield filtering.
3.1.1 Microcontroller
Themicrocontroller controlsall of the otherblocks
of the MK50H25. The microcontroller performs
frame processing and protocol processing. All
primitive processing and generation is also done
here. The microcode ROM contains the control
programof the microcontroller.
3.1.2 Receiver
Serial receive data comes into the Receiver (Figure 2). The Receiver is responsiblefor:
1.Leading and trailingflag detection.
2.Deletion of zeroesinserted for transparency.
3.Detection of idle and abort sequences.
4.Detection of good and bad FCS (CRC).
5. MonitoringReceiverFIFO status.
6.Detection of ReceiverOver-Run.
7. Oddbyte detection.
NOTE: If framesare receivedthat have an odd
numberof bytes then thelast byteof the
frame is said to be anodd byte.
8.Detection of non-octet aligned frames.Such
framesare treated as invalid (CCITT X.25 sec
3.1.3 Transmitter
The Transmitteris responsiblefor:
1. Serializationof outgoingdata.
2. Generatingand appendingthe FCS(CRC).
3. Framing outgoingframe with flags.
4. Zerobit insertion fortransparency.
5. TransmitterUnder-Run detection.
6. Transmissionof odd byte.
3.1.4 Frame Check Sequence orCyclic
Redundancy Check
The FCS (CRC) on the transmitter or receiver
may be either 16 bit or 32 bit, and is user selectable. For full duplex operation, both the receiver
and transmitter have individual FCS computation
circuits. The characteristics ofthe FCS are:
TransmittedPolarity: Inverted
TransmittedOrder: High OrderBit First
Pre-setValue: All 1’s
Polynomial16 bit:
Remainder16 bit (if received correctly):
Highorder bit-->0001 11010000 1111
Polynomial32 bit:
Remainder32 bit (if received correctly):
high order bit-->1100 0111 00000100
1101 11010111 1011
3.1.5 Receive FIFO
The Receive FIFO buffers the data received by
the receiver. This performs two major functions.
First, it resynchronizes the data from the receive
clock to the system clock. Second, it allows the
microcontroller time to finish whatever it may be
doing beforeit has to processthe receiveddata.
The receiveFIFO holds the data from the receiver
without interrupting the microcontroller for service
until it contains enough data to reach the watermark level, or an end of frame is received. This
watermark level can be programmed in CSR4
(FWM) to occur when the FIFO contains at least
18 or more bytes; 34 or more bytes; or 50 or
more bytes. This programmability, along withthe
programmableburst length of the DMAcontroller,
enables the user to definehow often and for how
long the MK50H25 must use the host bus. For
more information,see CSR4.
For example, if the watermark level is set at 34
bytes and the burst length is limited to 8 word
transfers at a time, the MK50H25 will request
control of the host bus as soon as 34 bytes are
received and again after every 16 subsequent
3.1.6 Transmit FIFO
The Transmit FIFO buffers the data to be transmitted by the MK50H25. This also performs two
major functions. First, it resynchronizesthe data
from the systemclock to the transmitclock. Second, it allows the microcontroller and DMA controller to burst read data from the host’s memory
buffers; making both the MK50H25 and the host
bus more efficient.
The transmit FIFO hasa watermarkscheme similar to the one described for the receive FIFO
above, and uses the sameFWM value selections
in CSR4 for the watermark. Once filled to within