Absolute and incremental positioning
Up to 999,999 step permove
Speed range to 10,000 steps/s
Ramp lenght to 999 steps
Single unregulated supply voltage
Index and velocity mode
Automatic and Home positioning
Loops and Delay execution
Conditional start and stop
Status feedback to the host
RS232 communication port
Point to point and Multipoint protocol
Closed loop operation
Counter preset (GS-C200Sonly)
Jump to (GS-C200S only)
Jump to on-condition (GS-C200Sonly)
Initialization during execution (GS-C200Sonly)
Auxiliary output voltages +5V, ± 12V
The GS-C200 and GS-C200Sarepowerfulstepper
motor control modules that interface every power
sequencer/driver available on themarket.
A sophisticated hardware and an easy to learn
programming language result in minimal development and debugging time of motion control systems. The modules are supported by dedicated
software thatincludes both anon-screeneditorand
a debugger that greatly improve the module ease
of use.
The instruction setscompriserespectively 25 (GSC200) and 29 (GS-C200S) different commands
DC SupplyVoltage
Storage Temperature Range
Operating Temperature Range
Humidity (non condensing)
which can be executedeither underhost control or
in a stand alone environment. An on board EEPROM is used for program saving and retrieving.
The availability of three User inputs and three
programmable Useroutputs, eachof which can be
tested or set under program control,assures tothe
designer ahighlevelofsystempowerand flexibility.
June 19941/31
GS-C200/ GS-C200S
ELECTRICALCHARACTERISTICS (TA= 25C and Vs=24V unlessotherwise specified)
The various signals that characterize the GS-C, their function and the active level are described in detail
in the following:
17 - 18
20 - 21
25, 29
The SEL0 (pin1), SEL1 (pin2) and SEL2 (pin3)inputs are used to select the communicationprotocol and
the module address. They have an internalpull-up and when unconnected they are at the 1 logic level.
The BR0 (pin4), BR1 (pin5) and BR2 (pin6)inputs are used to select the Baud rate of the
communication port. They have an internal pull-up and when unconnected they are at the 1 logic level.
The CHS checksum generationconditioning input enables the user to include or exclude the checksum
character from thedata exchange string. A ”zero” logic level appliedto this input disables the control and
the generation of the checksumcharacter thus allowing the GS-C to be connectedto a video terminal.
This pin is the common terminal for all logic signals and for the power supply return path.
The REC RecallProgram Enable input pin, when brought to ”zero”, enables the automatic recallof the
program stored inthe EEPROM and itsimmediate execution.
This pin is for testingpurpose only and itmust be grounded for normaloperation.
The RxD inputof the serial communication port is used by the module to receive commands from the
Host Computer. The input logic levels are compatible with the RS232 and V24 standards.
The TxD output of the serial communicationport is used by the moduleto send data to the Host
Computer. The logic levels of this output are compatiblewith the RS232 and V24 standards.
The TxPD Transmitted data pull-down resistorpin must always be connectedto the TxDoutput (pin 12)
when the Point-to-Point protocol is used. Whenthe Multipoint protocol is selected, this pin mustbe left
open on all modules except the chainterminator unit, in orderto avoid the TxD output overload.
The RDY hardware statusoutput (opencollector) signal pin is used as the controllerstatus flag. RDY
assumes a ”zero” logic level when a command or a program is in execution
–12V unregulatedoutput. A maximum of 10mAcan be sinked from this pin.
+12V unregulatedoutput. A maximum of 10mA can be sinked from this pin.
Module supply input. For correctoperations a supply voltage ranging from 12 to 40 Volt is required.
See pin 8.
5 Voltregulated output, available either for the Sequencer-Driver logic section or for a custom interface
logic supply. The maximum current that can be sinked from this pin is 100mA.
The MOV Motor moving output becomes the logic level ”one” when the GS-C is executing a movement.
This output can be used to program the phase current level when the motion is runningat a levelhigher
than for the rest condition.
The RAMP Ramp in execution output is rised to the logic level ”one” when the GS-Cis executing an
acceleration or a decelerationramp. Thisoutput can be used to program the phase current level when
the motion is ramping at a level higherthan for the rest or slewing condition.
The ENABLE input pin allowsthe user to control the Step clock logic output to avoid the motorbeing
stepped if the previous step was not correctly executed. A ”zero” logic level appliedto this pin stops the
generation of the step pulses. Thisinput canbe used to stop the system when an emergency occurs,to
execute the motion according to externally generated timing, or to implementa closed loop control
Not connected.
The DIR Direction selectionoutput isused to inform the Sequencer-Driveron the directionof rotation.
The logic level ”one” determines a clockwise rotation, but of course the rotationdepends on the motor
phases connectionto the Sequencer-Driver.
The RESET Power driver Reset output is brought to the ”zero” logic state for 400µs when the unit is
powered-on, or when the GS-C receivesthe ”Initialize position counter” command. Thisoutput is
normally used to assurethe correctstart-up of the Sequencer-Driver or any other external custom logic.
GS-C200/ GS-C200S
The CLOCK Step clock output is used to informthe Sequencer-Driver to perform a step. The direction
(clockwise or counterclockwise) is defined by the logic status of the DIR output. In steady conditions, the
CLOCK is at the ”one” logic level, and the step is represented by a negative going pulsewith a 1.7µs
The HOME Home position input allowsthe systemto find itsreference point. This input can be driven by
a mechanically activated contact indicating the ”zero” position. It is normally used togetherwith the EOT
End-of-travel signal.
The UO1 User output 1 is intended for user purposes. Thestatus of this output can be set and cleared
under program control and it can be used forvarious functions. It is normally used for the control of
externaldevices, the selectionof the Sequencer-Driveroperating mode, or the synchronization of
complex movements.
The EOT End-of-travel inputallows, in combination with the HOME input, the correct mechanical
initialization of the system. For this purpose it must be brought to the ”zero” logic level when the system
reaches the run end position.
The U02 User output 2 is intended for user purposes. See pin 31 description.
The UI1 User input is intended for user purposes. The status of this input can be readby the Host
Computer or tested duringthe program execution, and used to condition the start of a movement,the
execution of a specific portion of a program (GS-C200S only), or any other similar operation.
The UO3 User output 3 is intended for user purposes. See pin 31 description.
The UI2 User input 2 input is intended for user purposes. See pin 34 description.
The UI3 User input 3 input is intended for user purposes. See pin 3 and pin4 description.
See pin 8.
Figure 2. GS-C Timing Diagram
GS-C200/ GS-C200S
S.I.M.P.L.E. Interpreter Command and Functions
(SGS-THOMSONInteractive Stepper Motor Programming Language and Executor)
Activate the specified(x) Useroutput.
Clear the specified (x) User output.
Delay for the specfied number (xxx) of tenth of second.
Startexecutingthe program currently stored into RAM memory.
Feedback the GS-C status (i.e.Ready orBusy).
Preset the position counter to the specifiedabsolute value (C200S).
Go to the specified target position(C200S).
Move the motor indefinitelyin the specified direction.
Move the motor in the specified directionuntil the specified(x) input is brought to zero.
Find Home position moving clockwise (+), or moving counterclockwise (–).
Initialize the position counter (x=1), the user outputs (x=2), or both (x=3).
Jump to memory location (x). Location (x)ranges between 0 and 118(C200S).
Jumpto memorylocation (x) if thebinaryvalue of the user inputs matches (y) value (C200S).
Kill the program inexecution.
Loop for the specified(x) number of times.
Transfer the RAM memory content to EEPROM.
Enter the programming mode (C200).
Enter the programming mode (C200S).
Exit the programming mode (C200S).
List to the host the program currently in RAM memory.
Set the Ramp length to the specified (xxx) value.
Set the start-stopspeed to the specified (xxx) value.
Set the slewrate speedto the specified (xxx) value.
Execute the program until the specified (x) user input isbrought to a low level.
Read back the current position (x=1) or the userI/O status (x=2).
Transferthe programfrom EEPROM to RAM.
Wait until the specified(x) user inputis raised to a logicone level.
Stop through a deceleration ramp.
Move clockwise (+) or counter-clockwise (–) for the specified (xxxxxx) number of steps.
GS-C200/ GS-C200S
The increasing popularity of microprocessors and
theirvery lowcost,havecontributed to afast growth
of stepper motors usage in a large numbers of
application previously covered by more complex,
bulk and expensive DC motors servo loops. The
GS-C200 and the GS-C200S modules have been
conceived to help the industrial designer in designing the stepper motor applications based on microprocessor control.
Thesemodules are programmable intelligentstepper motor controllers that coordinate highly complex movements and sequential operations. This
capability is performed through the integration of
sophisticated hardware and an easy to learn and
very functional and powerful programming language.
Thanks to this high level programming language,
the power of the instruction set and the ability to
condition an d cont r ol the program executi on
throughtheUSERinputsandoutputs,the GS-C200
and GS-C200S drastically reduce the design time
and start-up manufacturing phase of very complex
systems. The GS-C200S offers an advanced and
powerful instruction set that includes also the conditional jump which allows for more efficient program-ming. TheGS-C200,the GS-C200Sand their
companion modules, the GS-D200 and the GSD200S, can be used to drive in chopped mode of
bipolar stepper motor with a 2/2.5A maximum
phase current rating.
The two modules (GS-C and GS-D) are available
also on a single Eurocard board named respectively GS-DC200, GS-DC200S and GS-DC200SS
according to the variousmodules combination (see
the relevant data sheet). In the following the modules will be generically named GS-C. The specific
module part number will be used when the feature
is unique to that module.
A complete motion system controlled by a host
computer is normally configuredas per fig. 3.
The GS-C logical and functional architecture is
shown in fig. 1 and it includes the following basic
– Interface to the Host Computer via an RS232
communication port.
– Addressand baudrate selection.
– Interface to the Sequencer-Driver (in particular
but not exclusively, to the GS-D200 or GS-
D200S)via 5 outputand 3 input lines
– Command Interpreter and Executor.
– Program storage area
– Power Supply.
The above mentioned functions are performed by
the GS-Cwithout the addition of anyexternal component, and the module flexibility is further enhanced by the use of only one unregulated supply
voltage that can be the same used to supply the
Sequencer-Driver (from 12V up to 40V).
Commands are sent to the module bya Host Computer or by a simple video terminal during the
programming/debugging phase through an RS232
serial port. They are interpreted and validated by
the command interpreter and executed through the
Sequencer-Driver interface.
Command execution can be conditioned and controlled by the statusof the USER IN-OUTinterface.
Aprogram storagearea has been added to permanently store a program in an on-board EEPROM;
this is particulary beneficial to obtain a low cost
stand-alone controller that doesnot need any connection to an external computer or to store programs f requ ent ly used in complex motion
sequencies thus reducing the host computer burdenand speeding up the systemprocessing.
Particular attention hasbeen given to the simplicity
of the instruction setto allowan easydesign of the
system to those designers that are notvery familiar
with microprocessor software and programming.
In thefollowing a detailed description ofthe various
functional blocks is given.
Figure 3. A Motion System Block Diagram
GS-C200/ GS-C200S
The interface to the Host Computer is through an
RS232or V24 serial communication port.
Baud Rate Programming
The Baud rate is programmed between 110 and
9600 bit/secby using the BR0,BR1and BR2inputs
according to the following table:
This settingis obtained byconnecting the pins 4,5,
and 6to ground (0 status) or by leaving themopen
(1 status). The communication port does not use
any control line but just the transmit and receive
signals. The host computer must handle the data
excange in the proper way.
Module Address Programming
The communication protocol can be either Point to
Point or Multipoint. In the first case a single communication line is required for each module, while
in the latter more than one module (up to seven)
can share the same communication line.
The Multipoint protocol as well as the peripheral
device address are selected through SEL0, SEL1
and SEL2 inputs. The Point-to-Point protocol is
selectedby connecting all the SELinputs to the 5V
outputpin (pin 20) or by leaving themopen.
The following table defines the protocol and the
address setting:
When the multipoint connection is chosen, the address ofeach module isobtained by connecting the
various SEL pin (1, 2, 3) to ground (0 status)or by
leaving them open (1 status).
The basic difference between the two protocols is
represented by the sytemwiring complexityandthe
data throughput. The Point-to-Point offers the
higher throughput data rate but it requires a connecting cable for each unit, while the Multipoint
minimizes the connecting cables but at reduced
throughput rate.When thislatterprotocolis chosen,
the command must always be preceeded by the
address of the unit.
Data Exchange Protocol
The dialogue is always driven by the Host Computer which sends the string containing the command or the request to be implemented. The GS-C
module stores the instruction sent by the Host and
then it checks if the string has been correctly received by analyzing the parity bit. It then analyzes
the consistencyof the receivedinstructions by verifying the presence and correctness of the argument, andfinally,it checkswhether therequest can
be processed or not (for example, an attempt to
move outside the system limits, etc.) reporting to
the Host the analisysresult. If no error is detected,
the GS-C replies to the Host by a ”Y” message. In
case oferror, the messagewill be ”Error X” requesting the Hostto send themessage again orto modify
some parameters ofthepreviousmessageto fix the
error detected by the GS-C. The actual value of X
(see fig. 4 and error code table) gives the Host the
information on the type of detected error. The procedure implemented for the dialogue with the Host
is shownon the flowchart of fig. 4.
The general format of a command string is the
The Address must be the firsttransmitted characterand it is present only ifthe Multipoint protocol is
used (at least oneof SEL0, SEL1, SEL2 is different
from zero).
The Command is the second character(s) of the
string, inthe Multipoint protocol, but it becomes the
transmission opening character when the Point-toPointprotocol is used (SEL0, SEL1 and SEL2 = 0).
TheArgument, ifrequired,isspecified immediately
after the command and its length depends on the
command type.
The Checksum character verifies the correctness
of the received string; itsvalue isdetermined bythe
sum of the binary values of the preceding characters. Theresultiscut atthe seventhleast significant
bit and ORed with exadecimal 10 (C200S/C200
from V2.2) to make the result compatible with the
transmission system. The last character, the string
endingcharacter, is always aCarriage Return that
will be identified in thefollowing by thesymbol (↓).
By connecting the pin CHS (pin 7) to ground, the
checksum character isnot anymore requested, and
the task of guaranteeing the correctness of the
message is left to the parity bit. It should be noted
that by using thisdialogue mode, the data integrity
confidence level is reduced. Because motion systems normally operate in manufacturing premises
subjected to heavy electro-magnetic noise, and
because any communication problem may have
catastrophic effects on the system actions, it is a
good practice to use the checksumcharacter whenever possible. Thechecksum character is normally
not used (pin CHS connected to ground)when the
GS-C is connected to a video-terminal, i.e. during
the initial programming and debugging phase. In
the following, three examples of command strings
sent to a GS-C module are given.
Computer wants to set the USER output 3 of the
module #2. The command will have the following
Carriage return
Module #2
USERout 3
The checksum character 6 results from the binary
sum of the character 2 (ASCII value = 32) + character A (ASCII value = 41) + character 3 (ASCII
value = 33) truncated at the seventh bit.
The same instructionis given bythe Hostto aPoint
to Point connected module.
The command will have the following format:
The checksum character has an ASCII value t that
derivesfrom the sum ofthe ASCII code A+3=41+33
= 74 in binary weighted code or t inASCIIcode.
For the same instruction, the command format will
The stringconsists ofcommand and argument only.
The GS-Cfeeds backinformation to the Host every
time it receives a command, therefore it has not to
identify itself to the Host when answering in a
Multipoint connection.
The formatof thestring answered backbythe GS-C
is the following:
The first character, which always identifies the answer type,may assume oneof thefollowing values:
YThe command string has been correctly
BThe controller is Busy and cannot process
RThe controller is Ready to process commands.
EAn error has been detected. The type of error
is specifiedby the number following the ”E”.
VA controller status (a position or an USER
input/output status) is sent back and its value
is specifiedby the characters following the ”V”.
The lengthofthe Argument, presentonly for”E” and
”V” answers, can range between 1 and 7 characters, and it is a function of the received command.
The number following the ”E” code, i.e. the error
argument, specifies the detectederror typeaccording to the followingtable:
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