To: AirWalk communications, Co., Ltd.
User’s Manual
Model no. All Slim RU series
881, Gwanyang-2dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si,
Gyeonggi 431-804, Republic of Korea
Phone: 031-422-0031 Fax: 031-425-9931
User Manual
Revision 1.3 Page 1 / 25
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
Revision history
Rev. Date Chap. Changes Note
1.0 Apr.25, 2008 First draft
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
1. sector configuration added in 1
1.2 Jul.2, 2008 1
2. port setting added in 3.2.1
1.3 Nov 1 Model no. added
User Manual
Revision 1.3 Page 2 / 25
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 3
2. Installation............................................................................................ 4
3. Program configuration............................................................................. 5
3.1. GUI............................................................................................... 5
3.1.1. Main window...................................................................................... 5
3.1.2. System window .................................................................................. 5 System info ............................................................................... 7 Alarm info ................................................................................. 7 History info................................................................................ 8 Control info................................................................................ 8 DIP switch status........................................................................ 8 Down load................................................................................. 9
3.2. MMI............................................................................................... 9
3.2.1. MMI connection.................................................................................. 9
3.2.2. General commands........................................................................... 10
3.2.3. Test commands................................................................................ 13
3.2.4. Emergency recovery mo de ................................................................. 22 Entering.................................................................................. 22 GUI connection ........................................................................ 22 Download................................................................................ 23
User Manual
Revision 1.3 Page 3 / 25
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
1. Introduction
It is monitor and controls all the functions of Slim-RU series based on graphic user interface (GUI) or Man Machine Interface (MMI).
Slim-RU GUI program offers straight forward user interface under Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system. Therefore it needs only short training course for maintenance technicians.
Also MMI program performs all functions of GUI. But it has extra commands for detail such as test purpose command set.
This manual covers all type of Slim-RU series, e.g. totally independent for the series. All functions described in this document are same. Only operating frequency is different from each model like bellows.
Models Tx Frequency
869~ 894MHz 1930~1950MHz 1945~1970MHz 1965~1990MHz
869~ 894MHz
* NOTE 1: Before run GUI or MMI program, PC or laptop computer should connect to Slim-
RU with RJ-45 cable.
* NOTE 2: When the cable connects Master Slim-RU, you can handle all Slim-RUs such as
master, slave1, and slave2. But if you connect it to slave 1 or slave 2, you can handle only it.
User Manual
Revision 1.3 Page 4 / 25
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
2. Installation
To install Slim-RU GUI program, double click “Setup_SLIM_RU_2008.06.20_V1.4.exe”. Then
InstallSheild Wizard shows like figure 1. Click “Next” button.
Click “Install” button like figure 2.
Figure1. Initial page
Figure2. Installation
InstallShield Wizard shows the last page when it is done like figure 3. Click “finish” button.
Finally, installation is done. Please confirm file on “start-program-AirWalk-Slim-RU”
User Manual
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Figure3. Finish
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
3. Program configuration
3.1. GUI
3.1.1. Main window
It offers monitoring, setting, and downloading firmware to Slim-RU. You can select
whatever you want to handle.
* NOTE : When the cable connects Master Slim-RU, you can handle all Slim-RUs such as
master, slave1, and slave2. But if you connect it to slave 1 or slave 2, you can handle only it
Figure4. Main window
* Configuration for serial port
Click “CONFIG” button and set proper communication port and 57600-8-N-1 in the dialog
User Manual
3.1.2. System window
It offers monitoring and setting in details
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Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2
Figure5. System window
For details, it offers “hidden window” with pressing “ctrl + p”
Figure6. Hidden window
User Manual System info
Items Descriptions
F/W Version Shows Frimware Version
H/W Version Shows H/W Version
Description Shows brief system information
PSU TYPE Shows PSU type and information
HPA Power Shows HPA power in dBm
HPA Temp Shows HPA temperature
Equip Temp Shows Slim-RU temperature
Sys Version Shows system version
Sys Capacity Shows Slim-RU capacity
Sys Freq. Shows sys Frequency
Revision 1.3 Page 7 / 25
Design Document for
Slim RU Version 1.2 Alarm info
Items Descriptions
HPA SHUTDOWN Shows HPA shutdown status
HPA ON Shows HPA enable or disable status
HPA FAN Shows fan operation is normal or not
HPA DC FAIL Shows the status of DC power to HPA
LNA_1. Shows LNA_1 status is normal or not
LNA_2 Shows LNA_2 status is normal or not
HPA OVER TEMP Shows HPA over temperature is normal or not
HPA VSWR Shows HPA VSWR is normal or not
HPA OVER POWER Shows HPA output power is over or not
HPA DELETION. Shows HPA deletion or not
LNA DELETION Shows LNA deletion or not
KEEP ALIVE Shows Slim-RU communicates to AW96 normally or not
PSU OVER HEAT Shows power supply is over heat or not
PSU DC FAIL Shows power supply’s DC is normal or not
PSU FAN FAIL Shows power supply’s fan is normal or not
PSU AC FAIL Shows power supply’s AC is normal or not
RPSU OVER HEAT Shows RPSU is over heat or not
RPSU DC FAIL. Shows RPSU DC is normal or not
RPSU FAN FAIL Shows RPSU’s fan is normal or not
+ 17 hidden pages