Section T wo
Understanding Y our Balance
tare Clears display. Assigns the pan and whatever is currently
being weighed a value of zero.
% Instructs the balance to display percent weight.
conv Converts weighing units (for example, changes from grams to
print Sends to a printer or other peripheral device information
displayed, along with the sample number, if entered.
clear Clears the display and the last number entered or function
requested, and displays weight.
Note: — clear sets the sample number and aggregate percent
weight registers to zero.
sample no. Instructs balance to accept identification number of up to
twenty-five digits for use as desired; e.g., an experiment
number to be printed out with batch weight.
cal Instructs the balance to accept calibration data.
int When filling a container with liquids, use of the key provides a
rapid display update to help prevent overshooting the target
weight. With special programming this key can also improve
stability in the presence of vibration. Pressing the key again
returns to the normal weighing mode. See Set Up Functions,
Appendix I.
X10 Instructs the balance to toggle the display between full reso-
lution and one less digit (decade) of resolution.
— Instructs the balance to change the sign of a number. Also acts
as a second function key for certain commands and may be
used to insert dashes into a sample number.
0-9 Instructs the balance to enter numerical values, such as
percentage or tare weight.