A decrease in pressure moves the diaphragm away
from the electrode, decreasing the capacitance.
The change in capacitance is detected and con-
verted to a linear DC electrical signal by Setra’s
The micro-tig welded tension sensor allows
The 265 Series very low pressure transducers are
The Model 265utilizes an improved all stainless
The tensioned stainless steel
Also Offered with
24 VAC Excitation
w/0-5 or 0-10 VDC Output
Model 265
Pressure Ranges
● Heating, Ventilating and
Air Conditioning (HVAC)
● Energy Management
● Variable Air Volume and
Fan Control (VAV)
● Environmental Pollution
● Static Duct and Clean
Room Pressures
● Oven Pressurization and
Furnace Draft Controls
Benefi ts
■ Up to 10 PSI Proof Pressure
(Range Dependent)
■ 24 VDC or 24 VAC
■ High Level 0-5 VDC ,
0-10 VDC or 2-Wire
4-20 mA Analog Outputs
are Compatible with All
Energy Management
■ Fully Protected Against
Reverse Wiring
■ Internal Regulation
Unregulated DC
Power Supplies
■ 1% Accuracy Improves
Variable Air Volume
System Performance.
■ Optional Accuracies as
High as 0.25% FS
■ Fire Retardent Case
(UL 94 V-0 Approved)
■ Meets CE Conformance
Use with
Visit Setra Online:
(at constant temp.) ±1.0% FS ±0.4% FS ±0.25% FS
Zero/Span Shift %FS/°F(°C) ±0.033 (±0.06)
°F (°C) 0 to +150 (-18 to +65)
Storage °F (°C) -40 to +185 (-40 to +85)
12 to 30 VAC/0 to10 VDC**
pressure: 2.5 VDC (±50 mV)
Span (Full Scale) output factory set to within ±50mV (±25 mV for
Span (Full Scale) output factory set to wtihin ±0.16mA
Model 265 Specifi cations
Toll Free: 800-257-3872; Fax: 978-264-0292; email: sales@setra.com
Terminal Strip Electrical Connection, and ±1% Accuracy.
Application of some available options may impact
2R5WD = 0 to 2.5” WC 001WB = ±1” WC
010WD = 0 to 10” WC 005WB = ±5” WC
025WD = 0 to 25” WC 010WB = ±10” WC
050WD = 0 to 50” WC 025WB = ±25” WC
A1 = 1/2” Conduit
A1 = 1/2” Conduit
Differential Bidirectional
Outline Drawings